• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Wednesday evening regular game

OK. I have a few openings in my T20 campaign. We are starting a new thread and it is the perfect chance to join. We play every Wednesday evening, (and have missed 9 times in the past year) at 7PM EDT, EST in the winter. We play online, in real time, using kLoOge.werks. Normal licensing for Klooge is not required as I have several licenses to spare. (In otherwords if you want to play it is free to you!)

We are looking for several players that will show up on a regular basis, help advance the story line and role play their characters well.

The campaign is set in the 993 era but it is taking place a little closer to the front, than Gateway Domain.

I will be updating my website within the week with new details as to current campaign status, but contact information is on the front page of the website.

Thanks. The link is fixed, so now they both work.
I've been to the website Bruce, it'd be cool I think if you posted maybe a journal or even a synopsis of the adventures of your group. I, and I think others enjoy reading that kind of Traveller adventuring... maybe even get/steal some ideas ;)

Edit: Found the Mission Log... I know you refs have lots to do...

Love the pics
Certainly. Take a look at the campaign website (second link in my sig) which I need to update, and will probably update tomorrow, and let me know if you are interested. If so we can get you all set up, probably for the Wednesday after this one.