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Weapons Errata

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Available Weapons table p.200:
- The "Support Weapons" sub-heading should be bold.
- "VRF Gauss Gun" is missing from this table, but exists on the Vehicle Mounted Weapons table on p.247 as one of the "Mountable Personal Weapons".

Vehicle Sensor Systems table p.250:
- "Base Range" for Sonar should be 1km (according to the text on p.249), and max range is 50km (no max range is given for other sensors).

As a side note it would appear that Lasers are the only weapons worth getting for grav-tanks, as they are the only ones with a decent range, it being dependent on sensor range ... which can give a base range of 100km easily. How do sub-based meson defense cannos work? Surely they can't have a base range of only 6km?

Regular Imperial Marine on p.424:
- His equipment lists his weapon as "either gauss rifle or FGMP-15 with HUDS". Unfortunately the "HUDS" is never described in the THB, so we are left guessing as to what it is, presumably a "Heads Up Display System". But, what is it's game effect?

Thanks for reading!
The "HUDS" appears in TA#1 "Personal Weapons of Charted Space" (available from Quicklink for download $5), and does indeed mean "Heads-Up Display". It gives the weapon a flat +3 to hit bonus at any range.

The NPC's in that appendix were not originally designed for inclusion in the main rulebook, but are part of TA#4 "76 Gunmen" which should be available soon.

When I wrote up the NPC's I used material from TA #1 freely, since they were to be part of the TA series. At the last minute, a selection was taken and added to the Core Book as Appendix 1. Unfortunately, the HUDs (and a few other pieces of equipment in the appendix) doesn't appear in the main rulebook, so there is some possibility for confusion.
Originally posted by DrSkull:
The "HUDS" appears in TA#1 "Personal Weapons of Charted Space" (available from Quicklink for download $5), and does indeed mean "Heads-Up Display". It gives the weapon a flat +3 to hit bonus at any range.
Thanks, that explains a lot! So these missing pieces of equipment should be added to the errata list?
Originally posted by Falkayn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DrSkull:
The "HUDS" appears in TA#1 "Personal Weapons of Charted Space" (available from Quicklink for download $5), and does indeed mean "Heads-Up Display". It gives the weapon a flat +3 to hit bonus at any range.
Thanks, that explains a lot! So these missing pieces of equipment should be added to the errata list?</font>[/QUOTE]Morning (WA PST) Falkayn,

That is one method another might be adding a note to refer to TA#1.
Not to mention the fact that the VRF Gauss Gun has a volume of 2000. Don't think that's man portable. Huh.

We want our companion volume to TA1- MILITARY Weapons of Charted Space. Right? Right!??! :D
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