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Wanted: Arms Merchant Patron


Absent Friend
As the subject states, I need some detail on a Arms Merchant Patron. What I've put together so far:

Arms Merchant
Locality: Regina/Spinward Marches
Required Skills: Shipboard Skills
Required Equipment: Starship

Generic players info:
Patron wishes pc's to pick up crates of certain arms and deliver them to x world. PC's will be paid upon completion of task.


Thats about all I got so far. Anyone want to help me flush it out abit.
Originally posted by plop101:
As the subject states, I need some detail on a Arms Merchant Patron. What I've put together so far:

Arms Merchant
Locality: Regina/Spinward Marches
Required Skills: Shipboard Skills
Required Equipment: Starship

Generic players info:
Patron wishes pc's to pick up crates of certain arms and deliver them to x world. PC's will be paid upon completion of task.


Thats about all I got so far. Anyone want to help me flush it out abit.
Shure lad, lemme put me wee thinkin cap on (takes 1 percoset for imbalance)

*1. All is as stated. the weapons are what he/She sez they are/ and the client is waiting.
*2. As in one, but the client was ripped off last time, and is in really bad mood.
*3 Even simpler, the delivery is a warehouse where they will be stored. this is a test by the patron to see if the PC's are trustworthy (but the weapons have firing pins/ parts missing and will not fire/ are inoperable).
*4 All is not quite right- the weapons are crated beneath actual humanitarian medical supplies. the PC's could get busted at destination for smuggling, as in Patron owes a favor to IMOJ, and offers the PC's up as patsy's.
*5. the Patron's cargo is totally bogus, and some space riff raff have been hitting his wares up- the PC's are a dodge for these thieves/ corsairs/ what have you.
*6. For the truly challenged elite...
Patron is legit;
cargo is hidden as in #4;
the Weapons are deliberately rendered inoperable (parts are mising and will arrive with the bag man to seal the deal)
Client is on destination world, but he ripped off patron before.
The destination World Starport CustomsPolice are corrupt-- if they find the weapons and bust the PC's let em sweat- they'll be released because the weapons legally are not weapons without their essential parts!
If the Customs guys ask fer bribes and the PC's pay, they will asked atlater date by patron (and reimbursed-IMOJ comes down on the cops later/ publicly, and arrests the lot!-Pc's are material witnesses then..)
When Client gets the "inop weapons" and gets enraged at PC's, they hand deliver patron's message, and sez he "paid good money", NPC IMOJ guy busts the client for counterfeiting.
(again, PC's become witnesses)..

How's that Plop101, and I ain't even warmed up yet!?
I actually wrote up a detail on this sort of scenario. It took place on a balkanized water world; the deal was broken up by sub-borne commandos of another state. After the combat, the goal is to escape on a crippled sub from the platform where the deal was taking place. If you're interested I can post it on my website for you.
Oh Grand Master Liam, you just pulled this of the top of your head. What a marvelous brain you have. I MUST HAVE YOUR BRAIN.
You can keep the appendix though :eek: :rolleyes:

As you may have surmised, this will be for that solo game I've started. So, to move from generic to specific:

Player information:

The PC is approached by a Joe Kashkar, who claims to be a reputable arms merchant [referee chortles, "Gee, Aren't they all."]. ahem. Anyway, he needs the Scout to take 6 cases of assorted arms [mostly TL7-9 stuff, light arms, MGs, Morters, RPGs, etc] from Regina and deposit them at a specified location in the Forboldn system. Naturally, the patron wishes "to avoid any Imperial Entanglements".

Yes, once again I'm digging up Adventure one for yet more fun. In the middle of dicing up my PC's game week I came up with Patron: Arms Merchant and drew a complete blank. Oh well. Now I gotta go over to Irony Games site and dice up what happens. BWAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA!

Thanks Liam!
Hah! Rolled a one. Still, doesn't provide much fun for the PC. I think I'll throw a company ship at him just for fun. Or maybe a couple revenue cutters, like the smuggling scenario from Mayday. Yeah, that out to work. As for payment, lets say something like the hazerdous cargo pay from T20. 3 small cargo modules, 1.5 dt, say somewhere between Cr15000-Cr20000[?]

Forbodln Company has got to have some equipment it can play with. If nothing else, a merc scout ship, at least 1bn of TL4 troops [up to 11bn, depending on what system you use] and a armed water patrol craft [at TL4, maybe a Ironclad] Hmmm.. scoutship vs Ironclad. Nah, but maybe something like the "Foodrunner" scenario, PC ship shows up to drop the goods off to the rebels, and Company troops attack.

Yeah, the wheels are starting to turn now.
Originally posted by plop101:
Oh Grand Master Liam, you just pulled this of the top of your head. What a marvelous brain you have. I MUST HAVE YOUR BRAIN.
You can keep the appendix though :eek: :rolleyes:

Oh shure, let me keep some hair too, while yer at it lad?!LOL

As you may have surmised, this will be for that solo game I've started. So, to move from generic to specific:

Player information:

The PC is approached by a Joe Kashkar, who claims to be a reputable arms merchant [referee chortles, "Gee, Aren't they all."]. ahem. Anyway, he needs the Scout to take 6 cases of assorted arms [mostly TL7-9 stuff, light arms, MGs, Morters, RPGs, etc] from Regina and deposit them at a specified location in the Forboldn system. Naturally, the patron wishes "to avoid any Imperial Entanglements".

Yes, once again I'm digging up Adventure one for yet more fun. In the middle of dicing up my PC's game week I came up with Patron: Arms Merchant and drew a complete blank. Oh well. Now I gotta go over to Irony Games site and dice up what happens. BWAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA!

Thanks Liam!
yer welcome bud, whats a heretic for anyway if ye can't pick his brain every now an again?
<OUT OUT! Out of my brain!>
Originally posted by plop101:
Hah! Rolled a one. Still, doesn't provide much fun for the PC. I think I'll throw a company ship at him just for fun. Or maybe a couple revenue cutters, like the smuggling scenario from Mayday. Yeah, that out to work. As for payment, lets say something like the hazerdous cargo pay from T20. 3 small cargo modules, 1.5 dt, say somewhere between Cr15000-Cr20000[?]

Forbodln Company has got to have some equipment it can play with. If nothing else, a merc scout ship, at least 1bn of TL4 troops [up to 11bn, depending on what system you use] and a armed water patrol craft [at TL4, maybe a Ironclad] Hmmm.. scoutship vs Ironclad. Nah, but maybe something like the "Foodrunner" scenario, PC ship shows up to drop the goods off to the rebels, and Company troops attack.

Yeah, the wheels are starting to turn now.
I was gonna say, the machine guns of TL-7-9 alone make any TL-4 armies infantry firepower like the Poles chargin Panzers with horses--a slaughter waiting to happen!

The mortars will end primitive trench warfare obsolete in minutes!(although they'd have to have a lot of em to punch a big hole somewheres).

wonder when th merc TA comes out????
I'm thinking mostly TL7 equipment exactly because that is high tech on Forboldn and secondly, I'm thinking the stuff could be coming from Nebelthorn {spelling?}, the anti-Imperial nation on Ruie. The thought; send a Nebelthornian agent into the 3I with MCR1. Have him pick a system and tell him to foment as much trouble as possible. MCR 1 ought to be more than sufficient to equip a TL7 light infantry battalion. Of course that will lead to some of the locals wanting nothing to do with either side needing a merc cadre, and the Forboldn Company calling for their own merc group. Pretty soon, you got a nice little war going on. Joy!

Also, one or two tiny starships could make a big difference in this little war. More Joy!

Send in the Suliemans!
Ellros writes:
The Sydite arms merchant in the Linkworlds pdf might work well also.
You know, I looked through that and couldn't find any arms merchant patrons [course I was skimming through pretty fast, just hitting the next page button]. Do you recall what page number thats on? I know I saw one thing on there that I'll transport to my game, that Seven Starfarers merc cadre ticket. That would fit nicely into my dirty little Forboldn war.
Ha! ha! ha!!!!!!!
The Sydite arms merchant in the Linkworlds pdf might work well also.
I know this is random but come on. Sydite Arms merchant? :D How can you not laugh at that.

ha...ha...ha. . . . .oh. . ok mabey not.