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Virtual Reality Net rules for d20


SOC-14 1K
Don't know how many have already found this, but WotC has posted a free download on their site of VRNet rules that were trimmed from the new d20 Future supplement because of space, or lack thereof. The link

I haven't had a chance to try them out yet, but just in reading over them they seem to work pretty well for anyone interested in giving a more detailed, cyberpunk feel to the computer net in their TU.
The biggest problem, however, is that they are not including in the MSRD, so are not yet OGL. :( i.e. we can use them in our home games, but not as part of a published work.

Greetings and salutations,

You can give Cybernet a try. They are OGL, but I have not finished reading the book yet.
There's at least one d20 cyberpunk supplement online. Don't have the file or link handy at the mo so not sure about open content. Think it was referenced in rpg.net's forums in a discussion about using d20modern + cybernet to run a d20 shadowrun game. Thread also linked to a file of cybernet's cybernetics.

Okay found them again.

OGL Cybernet cybergear open content
mostly cyberlegs and the like but it does have skill chips

d20 cyberpunk
this game seems to have several different versions, more than one development site, and IIRC switched from d20 SRD to using d20 Modern SRD at some point >.< but it does seem to be mostly open content.

As always YMMV & HTH,
Originally posted by Flynn:
The biggest problem, however, is that they are not including in the MSRD, so are not yet OGL. :( i.e. we can use them in our home games, but not as part of a published work.

I wonder: Does any of the free Internet 'extras' publishers put on their websites get added to the OGL?
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
I wonder: Does any of the free Internet 'extras' publishers put on their websites get added to the OGL?
If you mean does any of their open content get added to the d20 SRD or d20 Modern SRD, not as of yet that I'm aware of. However there are at least two WotC products that feature open content from other publishers, Unearthed Arcana (well worth a look) and one of the monster collections (MM II?).

If OTOH you are asking if publishers declare Open Content in their online freebies, I'd say most aside from WotC do as normal practice. Some examples from The Game Mechanics, Green Ronin, Guardians Of Order (the actual GoO site is currently down), Malhavoc Press, and here at QLI's site.

Personally I would like to see more reuse of open content of d20 products than there currently is. No need to reinvent the wheel most times and I think open content is one of d20's strengths.

OGL FAQ at WotC's site (useful faq on various OGL etc. concepts touched upon in this post)
