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Vehicle Weapon Mounts

In recently working on some designs for my GM I came across a couple of questions.

1. It states that up to 4 weapons of the same type may be installed in a turret in the already allocated volume with out taking up additional space in the vehicle. Does this mean that if you were to install more of the same type, linked to the 4 in the turret, that the additional weapons would sipmly use volume from the vehicle..or that it is only possible to have 4 of the same weapons linked...Period.

2. Second with regards to installing weapons in Appendages, ie for battledress. is there anykind of str limit that should be associated with the suit itself so that you could not install say 5 heavy pulse lasers in an arm, and does the 4 weapon limit apply to the arms also?
Hi Wade, welcome aboard :D

I'm not sure about the first part, been a while since I looked at the vehicle stuff so I'll keep mum on it for now. As for the BD specific question I was working on that not long ago and the way I decided to interpret it (iirc) was each arm had an added function/lift limit based on its strength as per the rules. The added fuction/lift was in addition to the wearers normal lift/carry limit and did not impact suit speed or performance. However to take advantage of the suits environment, electronics, armor and/or stealth any add ons had to be enclosed in an appropriate vl (which counts against the total allowed per arm) of the same material as the BD suit (i.e. I bumped the armor size up for, in one case a rapid fire laser rifle, think I used 3 linked for autofire bonus or somesuch). Yes, I would think the limit of 4 linked in a single installation would apply. Anyway that's how I handled it, for what its worth.
A1) The wording is a little unclear. You may mount as many weapons in a turret as you would like (and have space for). The limit on four is linking identical weapons, which if fired at a target add 1, 2 or 3 dice of damage to the weapon. Four linked VRF's presents a scary image.

A2) Same answer as above. The appedage weapon limit is based upon both the volume of the appendage and the strenght of the arm motor installled. The limit of four applies only if you want the identical weapons linked.

In either case, if you don't want the weapons linked or don't install identical weapons, you may install as many as you would like. Subject to the limitations above.
The limitation is 4 weapons of the same type within the turret's volume. Any additional weaponry is taken from the volume of the vehicle itself. You can link them all weapons of the same type together, as long as they are all designated as part of the same weapon 'system' such as a turret.

As far as the appendages, there is no actual limit on the number of weapons that can be mounted in a single appendage. The limitation comes from the Strength rating of the appendage. The appendage can have as much volume of weaponry installed as the light load rating for its strength. FOr example, the Battledress (with a Str rating of 20 on the appendages) could carry up to 59.8kg of weaponry mounted in each of them. Technicaly speaking, you could mount 17 Gauss Rifles in each arm of a suit of battledress. You could then link them all together to produce a weapon that does 18d12 of damage per attack. This assumes, of course, that the standard weaponry for the battledress is not nounted.
Originally posted by Wade Grant:
1. It states that up to 4 weapons of the same type may be installed in a turret in the already allocated volume with out taking up additional space in the vehicle. Does this mean that if you were to install more of the same type, linked to the 4 in the turret, that the additional weapons would sipmly use volume from the vehicle..or that it is only possible to have 4 of the same weapons linked...Period.
If I read the question right, yes you could link multiple turrets much like a Weapon Battery on a ship. The drawback being that those linked turrets will only ever be able to fire on a single (same) target.

2. Second with regards to installing weapons in Appendages, ie for battledress. is there anykind of str limit that should be associated with the suit itself so that you could not install say 5 heavy pulse lasers in an arm, and does the 4 weapon limit apply to the arms also?
The amount of weaponry that can be installed on an appendage is directly related to the STR of the appendage. See Weapon Mounts: Appendages (pg. 244)
