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trader jim

SOC-14 1K
do all entrys of vargr or all references to vargr belong in this form because there not human and still be considered beasts???
Originally posted by trader jim:
do all entrys of vargr or all references to vargr belong in this form because there not human and still be considered beasts???
I say yes. Thier just geneticaly modified canines because the original stupid form was not good enough for the Ancients. The mods humans needed was geared towards adapting to alien worlds.
It could be argued that vargr are people because they can be PCs. It can also be argued that they are beasts when you ssee them in action. It comes down to personnal preference, or personnal bias.
Right. Obviously, it's time to set up a pansophonist organisation in Ley Sector. These Solomani have obviously been too successful in spreading their poison...

Hmm. The previous pansophontist groups in my TU have been associated with the Ine Givar. I think a freestanding one might be more appropriate for this setting.

Hopefully, I might even draft one up by tomorrow...

Alan Bradley
So, the PCs are hired by the Free Thinkers League (FTL). They believe that all creatures are capable of sophont thinking. The job is to interfere with a hunting expedition. Make it interesting like a barons tree kracken hunt. Well, everyone knows tree krackens are thinking creatures, so killing them is murder, or so says the cute leader of the FTL.

Make her a barons daughter, someone a PC will get attracted to. Give her a bottle of phermone attractant to get the dupes, PCs intrest going. :eek:
Time to have fun tormenting the poor defensless PCs again.
I'd say if it can communicate a reason to bite you other than hunger, it's a sophont. And than you can do justice to it.
Otherwise you just killed a mad dog
Yes, we've many reasons to bite trader jim other than hunger...

maintaining law and order...

you name it,
we'll bite him

it ran up to RabidVarger and pulled his tail!!
then just ran off!!!.....i don know guys...but it kinda looked like Trader Jim carrying 3 Traveller LBBs...moving so darn fast...just a blurr.... :D :D
well... i guess its time to admit that Vargr are not Beasts.....i just havent figgered out exactly WHAT they are!!!???
Originally posted by trader jim:
well... i guess its time to admit that Vargr are not Beasts.....i just havent figgered out exactly WHAT they are!!!???
Bioengineered toys and laser fodder. :eek:

As I said before TJ check that load of Ancient literature and holotapes you have in the warehouse. That should anwser all you questions.
you know george....ive read and studied ALL the litature....seen ALL the old tapes.....but i just know theres something else there.....still puzzeled....it ill come to me.....hhhhmmmmmmmm......study, study, think, think,study some more.....ill get back to you!!! :confused: :confused: :confused:
You're just lucky I've been given 2 more jobs (in addition to my own) here at work and don't have much time to kick yer butt. Geez, can you imagine the chaos if I get transferred to San Fran? Every weekend, TJ'd go silent as we did the all night havacola and joltacola game nights. Of course, then he'd be back grouchin cause some vargr just blew all his plans askew and his profit marjin dropped to about 5%. But ohhhhh the posts we'd make during the week telling everyone of all the crap we pulled... Hey TJ, ever hear of a pirate king? Lets take a sector, you can be my little duke-like toady. I might even give you a world or two to mismanage..

;) RV
Secret,Secret,up comlink 14d - Gracious and most high - Grand Marshal of Wolfpacks, Warrior and Leader of all Ground, Air, Sea, Space, Military,
Mercs, pirates,scum, cut throats... hi RV how ya doin??? look buddy im puttin on a little operation and was wonderin if you wanted a piece of the action???....no no...no one knows a THING....Yeah just like you suggested....a whole
freeking SYSTEM......Piece of Cake no one knows a
thing....no no.....no mistakes this time...i didnt leave ANY clues around.....email me if your interested - OK trader jim

destroy after transmition!!!! :eek: :eek: