Originally posted by lightsenshi:
Anyone figured out how to add to this stat (as I can't recall what the rules were in CT). If so, please advise.
Hello lightsenshi,
First, let me say that I have not worked on character generation so I may be out to lunch with my post. With that said, going to THB Chapter 2: Characters/Vargr pp23-24 2nd Column 3rd bullet here is what I think is being said and how Prestige is used:
1. Prestige is based on the Vargr's Charisma and is used only when interacting with other Vargr.
2. Base Presitge is determined by Charisma/3 (rounded down to the nearest whole number) with a minimum score of 1.
3. Prestige may or may not change and is determined at each new level the character achieves. Presitge is gained or lost by 1 point as determined by the GM .
4. Prestige is gained by being successful and flamboyant at a task. examples from p23: Defeating a notorious foe, Avoiding defeat and diminishing the Prestige of your opponent, etc.
5. Prestige is lost by failing to accomplish a task, getting your tail kicked by an opponent, or having a pack member of lesser Prestige succeed at the same or different task, etc. High-Prestige Vargr can lose points by not gaining points through the appearances of playing it safe."
Now for an example:
Faeozin has Cha: 15 and Prestige: 05
Faeozin is the leader of a cosair boarding party that successfully reallocates the cargo of a merchant. He also gains a new level which also means the GM must decide how the other pack members reacted to his leadership. Being successful is one requirement for increasing his Prestige.
If this is his first time leading the action then the GM might raise his Prestige to 1.
If this is his second time leading the pack and he did nothing spectacular then the GM may not raise or lower his Prestige.
If Faeozin has led several successful actions without being spectacular or another pack member does something notworthy the GM may lower his Prestige.
Okay, the above is how I think Prestige works and I hope this answers the question that was asked.