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Unofficial T20 Robot Design Competition

The Contest:

Design a shipboard service robot using the T20 system, focusing on functionailty and reasonable costs.

The Prize:

Best robot will be praised highly, lesser robots will be shunned and possibly ridiculed...

There will be many such contests and they are intended to act as a forum for people who like to design stuff...

Ooohhh yaaas :cool: count me in, this could be a blast, brilliant idea. I'm so glad I quit waiting for my pre-order and bought a copy (honest, no dig there Hunter, I got the mail from Rose that you're on it so I'm being paitent) and had a month to skim through it. I was just about to work up some robots but needed a little spark and this did it. You'll be seeing stars for starting this ;)

Hmm, maybe Hunter and bunch could judge the winner(s) in categories like most original, most useful, and the one I'm going for, at least with my first thought, best representation of a published sci-fi robot. Prizes might include publication or use in a publication as background.

OK gotta go jot some outlines and get some sleep before heading for work at Skynet

Nahh, not really, my 'bot is already built, in fact here he is now...

"I've been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."

Obviously I'm aiming for the derision prize cause this is going to be a pretty useless and very expensive android

OK now I really have to see if I can build it, design sheet to be appended to this post shortly (I hope).
Originally posted by Strephon XVII:
The Contest:

Design a shipboard service robot using the T20 system, focusing on functionailty and reasonable costs.

The Prize:

Best robot will be praised highly, lesser robots will be shunned and possibly ridiculed...

There will be many such contests and they are intended to act as a forum for people who like to design stuff...

This sounds like a good excuse to practice coding. I picked a Java book book a week ago, and their examples are boring!