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Uh.... What happened to the Ley Sector?


Okay, I'm a total newby to the T20 system. In fact, my handbook just arrived on my doorstep last week after almost two months on backorder from Amazon.

But am I missing something? I've been using the Judges Guild Ley Sector map for years. But I just looked at the new sector map on this site and I don't recognize anything. My fears were confirmed when I started reading over the Linkworlds pdf. Was all that old stuff scrapped? Was it really ever a part of the OTU? This is my first post, so I'm not very familiar with the CotI board. Has this been answered before?
Originally posted by jtmcbr:
Okay, I'm a total newby to the T20 system. In fact, my handbook just arrived on my doorstep last week after almost two months on backorder from Amazon.

But am I missing something? I've been using the Judges Guild Ley Sector map for years. But I just looked at the new sector map on this site and I don't recognize anything. My fears were confirmed when I started reading over the Linkworlds pdf. Was all that old stuff scrapped? Was it really ever a part of the OTU? This is my first post, so I'm not very familiar with the CotI board. Has this been answered before?
From what I understand, the Judges Guild Sector map hasn't been canon for a while now, just guessing since Atlas of the Imperium came out, which was a CT product. Only real vestige I can find is that the Sydite homeworld is called "Sopator", which is also a homeworld for a minor human race on the Judges Guild map, but with a completly different UPP.

Hope that helps, I presume that the other Judges Guild sector maps are also not canon.
Originally posted by Cleon the Mad:
From what I understand, the Judges Guild Sector map hasn't been canon for a while now, just guessing since Atlas of the Imperium came out, which was a CT product.
Boy do I feel like I just woke up from a loooonnngg nap! I must admit, when I read the words "Atlas of the Imperium," I thought: Oh goodie, a new product! I suppose next you're going to tell me the Beatles broke up or something equally crazy. Guess I need to update my library--in a big, big way.

I feel like I've been living a lie.
Originally posted by jtmcbr:
I must admit, when I read the words "Atlas of the Imperium," I thought: Oh goodie, a new product! I suppose next you're going to tell me the Beatles broke up or something equally crazy. Guess I need to update my library--in a big, big way.
AotI can be found from time to time on eBay, but you might want to wait for this:


Originally posted by Valerian:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jtmcbr:
I must admit, when I read the words "Atlas of the Imperium," I thought: Oh goodie, a new product! I suppose next you're going to tell me the Beatles broke up or something equally crazy. Guess I need to update my library--in a big, big way.
AotI can be found from time to time on eBay, but you might want to wait for this:


</font>[/QUOTE]OOO...I should check the reprint scedule more often...I hope they do put that one out next year like they promise. :D
Originally posted by jtmcbr:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cleon the Mad:
From what I understand, the Judges Guild Sector map hasn't been canon for a while now, just guessing since Atlas of the Imperium came out, which was a CT product.
Boy do I feel like I just woke up from a loooonnngg nap! I must admit, when I read the words "Atlas of the Imperium," I thought: Oh goodie, a new product! I suppose next you're going to tell me the Beatles broke up or something equally crazy. Guess I need to update my library--in a big, big way.

I feel like I've been living a lie.
</font>[/QUOTE]LOL...don't feel bad.

Oh, and did you know that man has walked on the moon? No, I mean us, Solomani, not some Vilani Scouts trying to stake a mining claim. (Sorry, had to)

My understanding is that GDW striped canon status from all Judges Guild products way back in 1981 or '82. This was confirmed when DPG released their version of the Gateway Sector in the MegaTraveller Journal #4 in 1993 which completely overwrote the same space formerly occupied by the JG's Maranantha-Alkhahest Sector.

More recently, SJG's "Planetary Survey #3: Granicus" for GT includes a map of the systems within Jump-6 of Granicus and it matches the system positions for the Glimmerdrift Sector given on this very site (though the UWP's don't match). (In fact, I just confirmed this for my own reference only 2 days ago.)

Apparently the NAMES Ley, Glimmerdrift & Crucis Margin have been retained for those sectors as canon, but the stellar data has been completely redone. And the Gateway Sector stands as the replacement for Maranantha-Alkhahest.

Hopes this clears it up.
Martin D's Jan. 14 article at the top of the site confirms all I've said here. So there you are...

Bye bye Judges Guild material.
Originally posted by Hornmoy_from_Earth:

Bye bye Judges Guild material.
Nothing says you can't use it if you want to. Just rename the sector to somehing far away from Imperial space and have at it.
