Each of the scenarios has a particular bent to it that makes it an obvious match, but most of them can be fiddled with to make them applicable to the other.
ex. The mission with the T-Rex is set in T2K but can easily be modified for MERC by making it something along the lines of "you have been hired to steal the DNA blah-blah-blah-blahbity-blah."
Likewise the one based on Predator (meant for MERC) can be a nasty one if you set up a similar encounter for our brave survivors of the 5th ID.
*as a sidebar, I do have voice the one major complaint I have with MERC in the lack of realisticity in maintining the PCs as MERCs. No mention of law enforcement, transporting firearms (many of these class being C), and other issues related to the life of mercenaries. Granted, it is an RPG, but sheesh...
OK, rant over...