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Treasure Tables for Classic Traveller



Just to add a little spice to a more space opera style Traveller campaign. Sure, you can say that the Fat Trader your corsair just plundered was carrying "electronic parts", but where's the fun in that.

The following tables will add in a little more flavor. Also, I have included the table I use for generating random super-tech devices. A few of these I made up myself, but most refer to out of print publications, but, if you are a Classic Traveller fan, you probably have at least some of them, and this will provide a decent guide if you are looking for more.

Treasure (Roll 1d100)
There will be a maximum of 1d6-2 treasures in any ruin, minimum 0.

1: Random Valuables worth 1d6 x 10,000,000 CR.
2-3: Random Valuables worth 1d6 x 1,000,000 CR.
4-8: Random Valuables worth 1d6 x 100,000 CR.
9-23: Random Valuables worth 1d6 x 10,000 CR.
24-50: Random Valuables worth 1d6 x 1,000 CR.
51-90: Bulky items roll again on this table for value (subtract 50 from any result above 50) but bulky items mass 4d6 tons.
91-97: Ancient Schematics (roll a random TL16+ item, you don't find it, but the schematics give you a chance to build one, as per reverse engineering).
98-00 Random TL 16+ item.

Random Valuables (1d20)
Roll once on each table below:

First Descriptive
1 Predecessor
2 Forerunner
3 First Empire
4 Denebian
5 Algolan
6 Cloud Nebulan
7 Dark Nebulan
8 Andromedan
9 Opalescent
10 Arcturan
11 Psychic
12 Empathic
13 Luminescent
14 Monopolar
15 Trilithium
16 Allotropic
17 Eridanian
18 Crysospine
19 Vegan
20 Jovian

Second Descriptive
1 Heliotrope
2 Slime
3 Spark
4 Glow
5 Fire
6 Life
7 Blood
8 Bio
9 Rainbow
10 Lattice
11 Helix
12 Garnet
13 Azure
14 Starshine
15 Flame
16 Beetle
17 Tube
18 Dream
19 Brain
20 Tesseract

1 Ingots
2 Grubs
3 Gel
4 Caviar
5 Silk
6 Gems
7 Wine
8 Jewels
9 Crystals
10 Fur
11 Circuits
12 Brandy
13 Snuff
14 Microbes
15 Fungus
16 Berries
17 Globes
18 Stimms
19 Weed
20 Nodes

Thus, rolls of 6, 5 and 12 would indicate "Cloud Nebulan Fire Brandy." This could be contained in any manner the referee sees fit, and might or might not be immediately recognizable to the PCs as valuables (2d6 Intelligence save, 1 point bonus for Merchants and Others).

Random Super-Tech Devices Table (Roll d100)

1-4 Stasis Box: Impenetrable but for stasis key, roll again to see what it contains.
5-8 Stasis Key: Opens stasis boxes, and can lead you to them within 1 light year.
9-10 Psi-Focus: Glowing crystal. Gives psionic holder a Special Talent, while in contact.
11-13 Psi-Augment: Glowing crystal. Gives psionic holder +3 Psionic Strength Rating, while in contact.
14 T-Matt: "An Alien Werewolf in London", White Dwarf #62.
15-16 Matter Transporter: "High Tech and Beyond: Technological Improvement in Traveller Gaming", Dragon #108.
17-20 Gene Seeker: Program that can be installed in any medical robot. Gives 1d6-2 positive mutations from The Double Helix Connection: Mutants in Traveller Gaming", Dragon, #109 Can be attempted only once per character.
21-24 Laser Rifle TL 1d6+15: "High Tech and Beyond: Technological Improvement in Traveller Gaming", Dragon #108.
25-28 Battledress TL 1d6+15: "High Tech and Beyond: Technological Improvement in Traveller Gaming", Dragon #108.
29-32 Hand Computer TL 1d6+15: "High Tech and Beyond: Technological Improvement in Traveller Gaming", Dragon #108.
33-35 Holo-Map to Black Zone World: "Powers of the Past", White Wolf #39.
36-37 Warbot Mk III: "Robotics For Traveller".
38-39 Variable Sword: Space Gamer #18, +5 to hit vs. battledress, +7 vs. anything else. Can cut through any physical substance (except stasis fields) given time.
40 Robot Body: "To Live Forever, Immortality in Traveller", White Dwarf #52.
41-44 Robot Antibodies: "To Live Forever, Immortality in Traveller", White Dwarf #52.
45-47 Plasma Pistol: "Weapons for Traveller", White Dwarf #33.
48-50 Wiper: "Weapons for Traveller", White Dwarf #33.
51-52 Warper: "Weapons for Traveller", White Dwarf #33.
53 Fan: Spacefarers Guide to Alien Races
54-56 Neuronic Interferers: Spacefarers Guide to Alien Monsters, this and all other First Empire Biological Combat Machinery are utterly deadly and virtually uncontrollable. Think of these as "cursed" treasures, if you want a D&D equivalent. There's a reason why right thinking people use robots to open those stasis boxes, and preferably on uninhabited planets.
57-59 Field Bore: As "Neuronic Interferers" above.
60-62 Spider: As "Neuronic Interferers" above.
63-65 Cutter Fleet: As "Neuronic Interferers" above.
66-68 Hammett's Replicator: As "Neuronic Interferers" above.
69-71 Solar Sponge: As "Neuronic Interferers" above.
72-73 Wave Gun: More Thrust (I use Full Thrust as my starship system, but each of these systems can be easily converted to Traveller).
74-75 Reflex Field: More Thrust.
76-78 Cloaking Field: More Thrust.
79-81 Dra'k'ne Anti-Matter Weapon: Dra'k'ne Station.
82-83 Dra'k'ne Ramscoop: Dra'k'ne Station.
84 Project: Hero of the Galaxy: Traveller Supplement 1: 1,001 Characters. This and the following four devices, having actually been described by GDW, I guess count as official traveller stuff, though I'm sure Miller and Wiseman would blanch to hear me say it. You put 'em in there guys, don't blame me. :devil: I assume that they are secret government projects, and probably each is a prototype.
85-87 Project: Rapscallion Gambler: Traveller Supplement 1: 1,001 Characters.
88-90 Project: Homeless Wanderer: Traveller Supplement 1: 1,001 Characters.
91-92 Project: Avenger: Traveller Supplement 1: 1,001 Characters.
93-94 Project: The Tiger: Traveller Supplement 1: 1,001 Characters.
95-99 Anti-Matter Battery: Grafts into any man-portable device permanently, and provides enough power to last thousands of years.
00 Roll twice on this table.

Reverse Engineering

Hey, it's a science fiction game. Sooner or later, somebody is going to want to try to take apart a super-tech device to figure out how it works, in the hopes of building others. This requires an investment equal to 10x the value of the item, a fully equipped lab, and 2d6 months. Then roll 2d6, DM+ electronics, mechanical, engineering, computers. If you roll equal to or greater than the TL of the device, you successfully figure out how to make more, which you can do for half the price of the original device. Time required is up to the referee.

If you fail the reverse engineering roll, roll 1d6: 1-3=original device okay, but no further reverse engineering attempts on it are possible, 4-5=device is destroyed, 6=device explodes, causing the researchers 1d6 per TL damage.

Higher and Lower Powered Ruins

All ruins are not created equal. What is given above should generate a tough "sci fi dungeon" that moderately powered characters can handle.

For beginning or weak characters (limited equipment, no psionics, etc.) Roll twice each time a roll is called for on the main Treasure Table, taking only the lower powered roll to generate treasures.

For very powerful characters (high powered or super tech equipment, lots of psionics, SORAG or IBIS agents, etc.) Roll twice each time a roll is called for on the Monsters or Treasure Tables, taking only the higher powered roll to generate treasures.

Of course, ruins with better treasures should also have better guardians...
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Not enough love

This post has not received near enough love. I'm currently tracking down some of these sources. Personally, I'd make these things more rare and build stories on them, but this list is a great resource. Thanks.
This post has not received near enough love. I'm currently tracking down some of these sources. Personally, I'd make these things more rare and build stories on them, but this list is a great resource. Thanks.

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. In fact, it is something of an attempt to "D&Dify" Traveller, on my part, but even in a part of the universe that was just chock full of Ancients, the artifacts should be very rare.

In a situation where a modern super-tech culture just blew itself up (imagine that the Darrians and Sword Worlders finally had it out), while there would be comparatively more artifacts lying around, most would be broken or otherwise unusable, arms lockers would tend to have already been raided, etc.
Those tables are great. I love the "old school" feel to them. What character wouldn't want a Psychic Lattice Fungus or Luminescent Tube Circuits?
Those tables are great. I love the "old school" feel to them. What character wouldn't want a Psychic Lattice Fungus or Luminescent Tube Circuits?

Sounds kinda like the stuff Quark regularly deald in. (-;