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Travellers Aide #7 problem

I downloaded the Traveller aide #7 Fighting Ships, from the QLI/RPG Realms T20 web site, It's billed as a PDF file, but Acrobat wont open it. How do I open the type .pl files.
Yeah, I unzipped it, and got a .pl file, I expected a .pdf file.
How do I open .pl files? Word opens .pl files but all I get is "gibberish".
Hmm, most odd. I just downloaded both versions on my Mac again to check and it worked fine. I then tried it on my Win98 and that works fine too.

Maybe you have your unzip or some other settings messed up?

Not much fun for you to keep trying with fresh downloads if you don't have high speed access. Maybe you can find access to another system and try there?
Two Questions, I thought it was $5.00 per download,
And what do you mean by both versions?

(Want to send me one, I don't have a Broadband connection}
It's actually $5 per issue which allows you to download that issue as many times as you want or need. Like if you loose the one on your hard drive and backup.

Each issue (except #1) has two versions. One geared for computer screen use and one for printing out. The computer screen version is supposed to be single column to avoid having to scroll up and down for every page if it were in two columns. It also has fancy color graphic borders. The print version is supposed to be two columns like most printed game books and no fancy color graphic borders to save ink and print time. At least that was the plan, it's been less than perfectly implemented and I'm not sure where it stands as a policy right now. The page you download it from has two check boxes under each issue, one for a screen version and one for a print version. You select the one you want and then at the bottom of the page there is a "Download Again" button if it's an issue you have already purchased.

It's probably quicker (and of course more on the up and up) for you to download it from QLI than to get it as an attachment from me. Best deal would be if you know someone with high-speed access. You could log on there and download it then copy it to some portable format (Zip disk, floppy disks, USB stick drive, etc.) and take that home to install on your system.

I use Stuffit from Aladdin on both the Mac and Win98. What configuration are you trying it with? (machine, OS and browser versions)
While trying to get it working use a much smaller download to speed up the trial and error. I'd suggest going to the eLibrary page and under official downloads pick one of the smaller ones like the character sheet.
Originally posted by Theophilus:
I downloaded the Traveller aide #7 Fighting Ships, from the QLI/RPG Realms T20 web site, It's billed as a PDF file, but Acrobat wont open it. How do I open the type .pl files.
Try renaming the file ending to .zip rather than .pl

Originally posted by Theophilus:
Yeah, I unzipped it, and got a .pl file, I expected a .pdf file.
How do I open .pl files? Word opens .pl files but all I get is "gibberish".
How long is your file? It sounds like you may have saved a copy of the final download web page, rather than the file to be downloaded from that web page.

You should have a file several MB long.
"It's actually $5 per issue which allows you to download that issue as many times as you want or need. Like if you loose the one on your hard drive and backup."

Okay, how do I download it again, do I use my confirmation number in place of a credit card Number, or something like that?
Okay, how do I download it again, do I use my confirmation number in place of a credit card Number, or something like that?
Click on eLibrary in the menu bar above and then follew the subscription link on the left hand side. You should have an eLibrary password which you will need to access your account. Once in you can download again.

As an aside I would like to know what's the difference between the screen version and the print version?

Hope this helps.
Okay, I understand it's $5.00 per issue and I can download it as often as I need. So where do I find it
to download it again? If I go to the order page I need a credit card number.

Also, What do you mean by "two versions" I only got the option to download it. Period. No choice on "type" or anything like that.

Also the file is listed as ta0007.zip.zip, and when I opened it with Winzip it became ta0007.zip.pl.
How do I get a usable product with a .pl file?

The E-mail with my confirmation number gives a link to a download, but when I click it, I get a "download complete" type message.
Okay, E library, I need a pass word. Where do I get a password.

Also here is part of the Email from QLI:
Thank you for your ordering Traveller's Aide #7 - Fighting Ships

You can download a copy of this product here:
(You will only be able to download this file once.)

What does it mean, Only able to download it once? Please note it says /download.pl?id

I'll try anything to get the product I payed for.
Originally posted by Theophilus:
What does it mean, Only able to download it once? Please note it says /download.pl?id
download.pl is a Perl script, which now answers what you downloaded. Your browser barfed the download for some reason.

Of course none of this helps you get your copy of TA7.

- Neil.
Originally posted by Theophilus:
Went to E Library, need a subscription and Password, Where do I get these?
The username will most likely be the email address you used on the order. If it's the same one as registered against your CoTI username, then that may work too.

There is a link on the login in page to recover a lost password. You're probably best of using that to get your password.

Those two bits together should get you to the download page.

- Neil.
All right, I figured out how to get to the E library and I've Snail loaded this thing three times tonight.
The file comes up as ta0007.zip.pl every time. I've tried both versions.
I posted on COTI websitte issue's and had someone else say they get the same thing.
Other than going somewhere else and trying another computer for the download are there any suggestions. The file size is correct. I get 3000+ kb.
It's there, Word and Word pad bring up multilple pages of Gibberish. With page breaks.

How do I rename it to a .pdf file.

Also, When I tried to open it with Acrobat4 the file Icon changed to and Adobe Acrobat4 icon even on the new downloads, I removed Acrobat 3, and 4 from my system and am redownloading it for the fourth time tonight.
I downloaded Acrobat 6 on thanksgiving, It wont recognize the file. I changed to Explorer 5, and am snail loading it as I type, but, it says "48% of elibrary.pl completed" theres that pesky .pl file again.

I killed Acrobat3 and 4, Maybe that will help.
Maybe I'll just run naked down the street and scream real loud, at this point it couldn't hurt.