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Toys 4


PMT port hole
An interesting application to the Personal Matter Transport system. A hockey puck sized device is placed on the wall. Four antenna like arms extend to a meters length and attach. The port hole will then half transport a two meter wide section of the wall. I say half transport because the wall doesn`t really go any where, it`s stored inside the puck. After your teem has stepped through simply replace the puck on the other side and the round section of wall will reappear leaving no trace of forced entry. The extender arms will just barely reach the rim of the hole you`ve just made. Notes, this is a highly illegal piece of equipment since it`s only logical use is for breaking and entering. Earlier versions have been known to replace the wall backwards.

TL 16 cost Cr 5,000 weight 10 kg
TL 17 cost Cr 10,000 weight 1kg

Psionic inhibiter
Basically a psi shield helmet turned inside out.

TL 8 cost Cr 4500 weight 1kg

Gyro grav board
For all of you die hard street surfers, wave riders and snow borders, here is the tech level 12 version of everyone's favorite alternate transportation. The high speed grav surf board is certainly one of the more stylish ways to get around, however life threatening. Complete with gyro stabilizers for balance, a variable speed acceleration unit and very sensitive active response controls for extremely good handling. The idiot...er pilot (also called a Wind Surfer) is attached to the board with magnetic boots, so he can change his riding position at any time. All the controls for speed and maneuvering are in the boots themselves, this makes controlling the board rather difficult. The gyro stabilizers only make flying possible. Rookies are better off with a grav belt. However the difficulty involved is only applied when learning. Once mastered there is nothing on this scale that can out fly a grav broad. A good Wind Surfer can turn on a dime at near top speed, navigate the interior of an unfinished building and come to a stop with the boards nose balanced on the head of a pin.

By the way, I`m thinking of makeing the Wind Surfer into a prestige class. What do you think?

class Grav Vehicle TL 12 cost Cr 10,000 size Large (300vl) drive train Grav range 4 Weeks agility 5 initiative +5 AC 14 (+5 agility -1 size) SI 5 speeds Acceleration=5/10/15/20kph Offroad=n/a Very Slow=5-20kph (I think. That setting`s never been used.) Slow=35kph Cruising=70kph Fast=100kph maximum=150kph

Inspired by a device used in X2, X-Menn United. This device uses high levels of sonic vibration to remove stubborn obstacles like doors. The shaker has three armor piercing spikes that must be driven into the target barrier in order to be affective. Note, with out being driven into a target the shaker will shake itself apart. The effects of the shaker are dependent on the substance of the barrier. Ice, glass crystal and ceramic will shatter, though industrial ceramic will last a considerable amount longer. Except at very high frequencies wood and rock will remain unharmed. Metal is completely immune. A wooden stone or metal structure will lose all screws, nuts and bolts, and come apart where ever two pieces are joined.

TL 7 cost Cr 800 weight 0.5kg damage 1D6 per round + 1D6 every two rounds.

Grav pack
A back pack or duful bag with a gravitic field generator. Treat anything carried as 20 percent it`s actual weight.

TL 9 cost Cr 120 weight n/a

PSR psi reader
A neural activity sensor that has been adapted to detect the specific brain waves attributed to the use of psionics. This technology begins to appear at tech level 10. Artificial Psionics are unreliable at best but at tech level 14 the Psi reader becomes an exemption. The PSR-14 can not only detect psionic activity with out fail, it can also tell you exactly what sphere of influence is being used. This is a god send for casino owners who don`t want a telepathy to come in and take the house. Note, a very skilled psionicist can bypass the reader by using the hide mind technique. (D20 Skills-n-Feats Psionics System)

TL 8 cost KC 1 size 0.1 power 0.2 base range close 10m

Fan shield
A large ballistic shield that collapses like an old fashion hand fan. The shield has ten points of armor and 15 points structural integrity. It adds +2 to AC and has a -1 armor check penalty. Note, the armor penalty and AC bonus are inactive when the shield is collapsed. As an accessory the device can be given a razor edge and therefore be used as a weapon, this can be added to any round shield. Note, if the shield has taken to much punishment it might not be able to collapse. There is a tower version available but it cannot collapse all the way. It will collapse to about the size of a large shield, but still square shaped. Open it provides cover with a -8 armor check penalty. Collapsed, it gives +2 to AC with a -3 armor check penalty. Tower shields cannot be equipped with a razor edge.

Round TL 7 cost Cr 50 AC bonus +2/0 armor check penalty -1/0
Razor edge TL 2 cost Cr 50 dmg 1D10 (19)
Tower TL 7 cost Cr 85 provides cover/ +2 to AC armor check penalty -8/-3

As always I enjoy the feed back so feel free to voice your opinions.
Originally posted by Zanrain:
[Gyro grav board
For all of you die hard street surfers, wave riders and snow borders, here is the tech level 12 version of everyone's favorite alternate transportation. The high speed grav surf board is certainly one of the more stylish ways to get around, however life threatening. Complete with gyro stabilizers for balance, a variable speed acceleration unit and very sensitive active response controls for extremely good handling. The idiot...er pilot (also called a Wind Surfer) is attached to the board with magnetic boots, so he can change his riding position at any time. All the controls for speed and maneuvering are in the boots themselves, this makes controlling the board rather difficult. The gyro stabilizers only make flying possible. Rookies are better off with a grav belt. However the difficulty involved is only applied when learning. Once mastered there is nothing on this scale that can out fly a grav broad. A good Wind Surfer can turn on a dime at near top speed, navigate the interior of an unfinished building and come to a stop with the boards nose balanced on the head of a pin.

By the way, I`m thinking of makeing the Wind Surfer into a prestige class. What do you think?

class Grav Vehicle TL 12 cost Cr 10,000 size Large (300vl) drive train Grav range 4 Weeks agility 5 initiative +5 AC 14 (+5 agility -1 size) SI 5 speeds Acceleration=5/10/15/20kph Offroad=n/a Very Slow=5-20kph (I think. That setting`s never been used.) Slow=35kph Cruising=70kph Fast=100kph maximum=150kph
Adding a gyro-stabilizer takes all the challenge out of grav-surfing, man! :cool: Disk Surfers Rule!! :cool:

I suspect a rivalry between the Gyro Grav Board users and the Cargo Disk Surfers, perhaps like the Longboard / Shortboard war that erupted on Terra in 2078 (pre-stellar).
Hey now, I never said that the gyro stabilizers made surfing easy. They make it possible. I`ve already mentioned how sensitive the controls are. If a character try`s to fly one of these with out gyros he WILL die in a blazing ball of flame, or plaster him self to a skyscraper. With out gyros even the best Wind Surfers can`t do much more than 35kph with out loosing control.
I suspect a rivalry between the Gyro Grav Board users and the Cargo Disk Surfers, perhaps like the Longboard / Shortboard war that erupted on Terra in 2078 (pre-stellar).
Oh! definitely. Most grav boarders are classic rebels, competing in illegal urban racing and harassing the clumsy cop speeders.
A rivalry for air space is practically a given.