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TNE Sourcebook


SOC-14 1K
I've not said much about the sourcebook for a while, and smiled wryly at some of the specualtion. Bottom line is, we'll do it when we can. We have to get the T20 product line established and viable before we can support anything outside the main line. That means at least 6 books, to my simple reckoning.

Gateway, Starfall and the Players' book are 3, and all well underway. But it is going to take a little time.

All I can say is, we are goingf to do it, but we can't do it until we can afford to...
Fair enough.

Do you have the rights to all the old GDW stuff, so that it can be built upon?

What sort of things do people want in the sourcebook.

I suggest RC details, UWPs, ships subsector maps for 10 year periods from 1200 to 1248, adventures, the overall timeline, similar details as for the RC but for other major players - Vland, Regency, Black curtain, other PEs.

Plus any specific TNE character classes, equipment - anti viral weapons etc. A few NPCs, and TNE specific rules additions.

Hows That

Originally posted by RichardP:
What sort of things do people want in the sourcebook?
The real story behind the Empress Wave! I'll be exploring this IMTU, but would really like to know the OTU explanation/ramifications, etc...
The Wave causes some effects in human space, but will not smash everything flat, nor rip the setting apart.

It does, however, trigger one of the greatest human endeavors of all time, made all the more incredible by the fact that humaniti is still clawing its way out of the wreckage. Because this is something that isn't necessary for survival.
Originally posted by RichardP:
Fair enough.

Do you have the rights to all the old GDW stuff, so that it can be built upon?

No we have a license and approval from Marc to do the advancement of the TNE timeline.

Which is all good news for those of us "frozen in time". We thank the the almighty Ancients hunter & MJD (and spare another sacrificial NPC!)..

heretically yours,
What, two books, five Traveller's Aides and a precarious economic position aren't spur enough?
What sort of things do people want in the sourcebook....

What I would like to see is the crystalization of a new campaign. One that would borrow heavily from the darkness of TNE but also incorporate elements of the light fighting against an unknown enemy. Whether, this enemy would have a physical manifestation or is something that is that is intrinisic part of human nature, I will leave it up to MJD.

Therefore, I think that TNE Mk II, could go far if it would incorporate the elements of SF that have been poking their head up since 1977. A more cyberpunkish and military SF are possibilities but also are works that deal with the inability of humans to solve numerous crises on Earth therefore dealing with issues such as plague, war and inhumanity. I guess that I have to accept that the 4th Imperium is going represent justice but, it would be nice to also see the rivals of the 4i have a strong enough base to be challengers.
Originally posted by hunter:
No we have a license and approval from Marc to do the advancement of the TNE timeline.
Can I ask a possible stupid question. At what exact point will you pick up the story/timeline?
The declaration of the New Era will be the first day of the new period - the day that (deleted) ascends the Vacant Throne to lead the Fourth Imperium. This is 1248.

The storyline will be spelled out from 1200 but left somewhat loose to allow folks to play in that period, and becoming more detailed as 12478 approaches. IN fact, the last pre-New Era years will be the setting for a bunch of adventures that lead into the New Era -1248 setting.
I really hope that the whole history will be scetched out starting with the assassination of "Strephon" in 1116.

Obviously the bulk of the story should focus on 1200-1248, but I think that the "beginning" of the story should still be 1116.
Originally posted by MJD:
The declaration of the New Era will be the first day of the new period - the day that (deleted) ascends the Vacant Throne to lead the Fourth Imperium. This is 1248.

All Hail his Imperial majesty Deleted the first
Originally posted by RichardP:
What sort of things do people want in the sourcebook.
A canonical timeline from -300,000 to 1248+.

A set of 'Standard' deckplans, one for each ship class (100 to 10000 tons).

Expansion of 'Intelligence Agent' and 'Thief' skill lists and progressions.

Thank you.
Just to give a counter point, I want NO RULES at all in the TNE sourcebook. I just want "story". I want "history". I want "situation".

I want to know the situation in 1248. Not just the Fourth Imperium, but other states we care about, like the Zhodani, Solomani, Regency, Sword Worlds, Darrians, etc. (I guess I should include the RC here, but I did say "care about".)

I want to know what happened between 1200 and 1248 to get things to this point. Why did the Regency die? What took its place? What happened to Terra? What happened behind the Black Curtain? What the hell IS the Empress Wave? For real. What did it really do to people as it passed?

I want to know what really happened from 1130 to 1200. You (MJD) have implied that you were "recasting" Virus, at least somewhat. So what actually happened, as opposed to what everyone THINKS happened?

So please, no rules, no ships, no deckplans, no "classes", no professions, no skills, no equipment, no weapons, no races. Just give us the straight dope on the situation in 1248 and what REALLY happened to get us there.
why can we not have rules, gear, deckplans and plot??? :confused:

i for one would not buy something that was just full of fluff :rolleyes: ........give me some of the crunchy stuff too. :D

Originally posted by daryen:
Just to give a counter point, I want NO RULES at all in the TNE sourcebook. I just want "story". I want "history". I want "situation".

I want to know the situation in 1248. Not just the Fourth Imperium, but other states we care about, like the Zhodani, Solomani, Regency, Sword Worlds, Darrians, etc. (I guess I should include the RC here, but I did say "care about".)

I want to know what happened between 1200 and 1248 to get things to this point. Why did the Regency die? What took its place? What happened to Terra? What happened behind the Black Curtain? What the hell IS the Empress Wave? For real. What did it really do to people as it passed?

I want to know what really happened from 1130 to 1200. You (MJD) have implied that you were "recasting" Virus, at least somewhat. So what actually happened, as opposed to what everyone THINKS happened?

So please, no rules, no ships, no deckplans, no "classes", no professions, no skills, no equipment, no weapons, no races. Just give us the straight dope on the situation in 1248 and what REALLY happened to get us there.
This is a fine line to draw. From what MJD and Hunter have previously said, I infer that the 1248 supplement will be nearly systemless; so it will NOT contain anything that would tie it to use with any one rule set. This strikes me as Good Thing, although I doubt anyone would protest furiously if QLI stuck to their previous approach and included T20 and CT information.

However, if ALL that is in the 1248 book is history, political profiles of the major players and such, then I think it will be a Bad Thing. To appeal to the mass of gamers (Traveller or otherwise), a product must have some utility (percieved or actual...) so some inclusion of deck plans, adventure hooks, plot is essential. To that end, some rule system material is I think required, although the bulk of crunchy material should definetly be held for a rules supplement book.

Personally I have always rated Chaosium's approach of combining scenarios with source material, and packs such as Griffin Mountain, Thieves World, Return to Dunwhich are an excellent combination of source material and scenarios. Closer to home as it were, Milieu 0 for T4 isn't a bad model (whatever one thinks of the execution...)- lots of background but also lots of ideas for ways to actually play Traveller in the setting.

If the 1248 supplement is to succeed, then it must get people playing (or at least wanting to play) in that era, and I don't think we should be too prescriptive about how it's achieved.