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TNE Aquatic Beasties

I was wondering if anyone has some Aquatic Beasties that they have created for TNE. I have an idea for a couple but was wondering what was out there before I start fleshing them out. . .

Apologies if this is obvious but I assume you are aware of the existing aquatic races (TNE specific Schalli, Uplifted Dolphins) and others in other systems?

If not let us know and I'm sure someone will fill you in on the basics of them.
Originally posted by Zinzan:
Apologies if this is obvious but I assume you are aware of the existing aquatic races (TNE specific Schalli, Uplifted Dolphins) and others in other systems?

If not let us know and I'm sure someone will fill you in on the basics of them.
It's been many many moons (decades) since I've sat down and "Travelled" :confused: - so my knowledge of aquatic races is more than a bit rusty. However, I was thinking more of the garden variety idiot laying in the muck or cruising the waves for some tasty meal to pop by.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Mike
There's a race in one of the GT books that are like octopuses, that get around using sonar. I dunno if that's the Schalli, can't rememeber what they're called now. It might have been in the Tobibak book?
Fishalamode-there is also in the Traveller Chronicles fanzine an adventure underwater to Phaedrus (lies in A-subsector just rimwards of Aubaine (M subsector Old Expanses):
there were some UW critters there, as well as the Mermani-Genassist humans (geneered for Water worlds)-not a sub species of humaniti like the Luriani (that the Ancients dabbled with eons ago)..

Others have mention the Schalli (Schall/ Aubaine homeworld; & found on Aubaine/ Aubaine as well);
the Dolphins and Orcas of Sufren have been done as well (Challenge magazine on Sufren PE issue number escapes me here at work)..

the cephalopod (octopi/squid) mentioned might be the Githiaskoi..some of which are found in the regency Space..

For bulk critters- try 101 Aliens by BITS (shop online here on FFE-I got a copy for dirt cheap here. translating GT into TNE or T20 isn't hard.

Worse come to worse, use some AdnD3e UW critters..!some are quite alien themselves.. ;)
Slainte! and well met :cool:
There is an aquatic race in the GT Aslan book. I cannot remember their name but they are electrovores, own genetically modified slaves. These may be useable.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

the cephalopod (octopi/squid) mentioned might be the Githiaskoi..some of which are found in the regency Space..
Nope, I found them - the race I was thinking of was the Gurungan, from GT: Rim of Fire (page 35).
What about crossing over with Fading Suns, they could be a race communing with the long dead ancients** that have not high technological base but have preserved a history from a time before humaniti (including the Vilani) ventured to the Stars. This oral history tells of a time of destruction and renewal that seems to pattern and configure the large collapse of the Droyne, Humaniti and eventual return of the rightful masters of Chartered Space. One could have this race on one world but exciting would be across many worlds only emerging from the depths in the TNE mkII times unsulled by all events over the last 300,000+ years...

**note the small "a", remember I postulate Ancients refers to a myriad of civilizations not just the Droyne.
Try traveller adventure 9 Nomads of the Ocean world. There are some huge aquatic beasties. They are not in TNE stats, but since they are the size of a carrier damage is sort of a vague term.

There was also the Ojehshodu which lived on Neghu Oug/The Narrows (2804 C63A641-9). These were discussed briefly in TD18. "The Ojehshodu are a race of large, aquatic mammals, unsuited for life on dry land - very little of which exists on ocean-swathed Neghu Oug."

There's a little more which I can send you if you're interested.
Originally posted by DED:
There was also the Ojehshodu which lived on Neghu Oug/The Narrows (2804 C63A641-9). These were discussed briefly in TD18. "The Ojehshodu are a race of large, aquatic mammals, unsuited for life on dry land - very little of which exists on ocean-swathed Neghu Oug."

There's a little more which I can send you if you're interested.
Yes, still interested. You can take it off list if you would like and write directly to me: mnoorman@triton.net

Thanks, Mike