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The Type S Scout Ship


The 100 ton Scout/Courier is, according to rumor on the TML, soon to be subjec of a short writeup. We've already started going off about the air filters. Any other quirks of the ships that you like or like to inflict on players?

Well IMTU the air-filter issue was limited to the Suleiman class of type S (and the variants based on this hull) Other classes would have their own quirks. Noting that the type S specification (Type Spec -S100B-F to be specific) can be filled from TL11 onwards.

For example IMTU the TL13 Sirocco class scout had a chin mounted turret with a propensity for jamming and the lighting on the flight deck constantly flickered. Though as it was used as a PC ship this may have had something to do with it.

Then their was the TL11 Shannon class which came out a little overweight so that its landing gear had a habit of distorting causing retraction problems.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Antony:
Well IMTU the air-filter issue was limited to the Suleiman class of type S (and the variants based on this hull) Other classes would have their own quirks. Noting that the type S specification (Type Spec -S100B-F to be specific) can be filled from TL11 onwards.

For example IMTU the TL13 Sirocco class scout had a chin mounted turret with a propensity for jamming and the lighting on the flight deck constantly flickered. Though as it was used as a PC ship this may have had something to do with it.

Then their was the TL11 Shannon class which came out a little overweight so that its landing gear had a habit of distorting causing retraction problems.

Oh I like. Did you do a Type S for each of the Tech levels?
Peter V.
Yes I did do a version at each tech level. Though these are done with FFS1 which not everyone likes.
The Tech 11 version I posted on my site at www.users.bigpond.com/Skaran in the craft section (Here it is called Sidhe class).

If people are interested I can try and dig out the other versions and post them.

The avionics can't be repaired in-flight without a mirror on a stick and special screwdrivers (consider it a cross between an Mac Classic and a VW engine). Continuing the Macintosh metaphor, the computer does not use the standard OS that runs on navy and civilian ships and civilian software is unavailable or 10% more expensive.

Crew over 5'6" can get nasty head injuries leaving the ship in a hurry. Although the Scout can nominally carry 4 crew, don't expect the fresher to cope with the increased load, it's only really designed for singleships. The autokitchen can support the full crew but the food tends to be bland.

There is a trace chemical required by Droyne which is not made by the autokitchen, if Droyne are on board they should make their own arrangements for food.

The cargo area is always too cold. The bridge is always too hot.

Detatched duty characters who upgrade their ships might get a nasty shock when they next visit a Scout depot - remember that the IISS still owns the ship, and they require standard parts. Addons may be removed, the ship can even be taken away or exchanged for a standard issue. Characters may be fined and are subject to IISS disciplinary procedures. Good contacts with the Bureacracy or maintenance staff can avoid these problems.

..and a neat trick - the Scout/Courier can be landed on its tail, nose up. this is difficult and not recommended.
Several good plot hooks (or things to keep players busy) in this thread. Thanks!

I'm leaning more toward the theory that the detached Scouts get the Type S scouts at the aft end of their service life. That's why that often have so many quirks and minor malfunctions.
Ya, they fly, and jump fairly well. The water recycling system may not work right ("This stuff smells like tree moss!"), or the grav plates in the cargo hold might not be 100% reliable ("What was that bouncing then crashing noise?") or three years of soap opera vids are locked in the main computer memory, requiring a complete wipe and refit to remove.
In the Type S Scout, the Air smells bad, the water tastes like rust, everything is covered in a thin coat of grim, the newest parts are 20 years old, but almost everything works after you kick it, twice. The only sure thing is that if you give anything a good cleaning, it will cease to function.

Thomas ;)
One thing I'd do is have an occasional Type S ship that was utterly devoid of flaws. Perfect air filtration, clean water, fresh paint. It cause suspicion and it was good for bar chatter, because everyone who was a scout or who knew a scout would talk about it.

"Well I don't like it," the old man hadn't moved since we walked into the bar an hour before. We figured he was the town's drunk, but the whole bar stopped as he pushed his glass away and started to speak. "I don't like it at all. When I was a young punk like all of you, I requisited the prettiest Type S ever to touch vacuum. The girls came by so often to see her that I spent my time outside, shinning her up to a mirror finish and never spent five minutes checking the drive coils. The crew of that ship's not to be trusted and if you don't want to spend six weeks in misjump like I did, I'd keep your distance."
IMTU only the LSP produced Suliemans of old have problems with their air filters. The newer ones have THAT problem removed. But as anybody can guess these are not what my detached duty scout PCs can put their greedy fingers on.
And after all, why should I deliberately build a clunky craft for the PCs when they do the job just fine with some fumbled rolls?
Just after a dozen or so jumps and planetfalls their new and shiny Scout had a salvaged, only vaguely fitting forward landing gear and a repainted underbelly. And the best is it wasn't my fault.
I have just done a set of "corrected deck plans" for the Serpent Class Scout. It has no lounge space.
Peter V.
Type S scout...Trader Jim just loves the "older type S".......the older more beat up rust buckets....Never draw attention!!!!.....great for smuggling!!! many a cargo I have moved...right under Customs noses...just because they were tired of inspecting the type s....why once i moved 300 cases of Darrian Wine right through......well you get the picture......but you gotta be careful...they gotta pass Navy inspection....if your too cheap to pay for good maintence....they will KILL YA!!! Why...i had this old "S" once - called her "Sally Ann" well we
were......... ;)
Originally posted by PVernon:
Unfortunatly no web page. :( :eek:
Peter -- I'll post them on my kitsune page if you like. http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/ All I've got there right now are the deckplans for the RV cutter module and for the T20 Scout-Courier (they actually fit in the hull shown in the T20 book).

I've tried to stay reasonably faithful to the deckplan sketch, but I think these work better. I'll post a notice down in the Fleet NG as well. Comments are welcome there.
Everyone loves the type S.

It seems that about half the scouts who leave the service (leave in the lose sense) take a type S with them. There's only 2 ways this can happen:-
1) Scouts are purchased up to 20% above establishment and all the hanger queens are "leant" to exscouts to maintain.
2) There is a constant stream of Scouts being built, in excess of their actual destruction rate. The only reason why a large service would do this would be if a new Scout is much more useful than an old one. This again indicates they are maintainance nightmares.

Either way, Every Scout I've ever given a PC was old, battered and full of quirks (can you be only 1/2 full of quirks?). I don;t tend to have "class" level quirks - every ship is different.

The List has included -
i) Top hatch continually jamming so that when doing ocean refuelling, the only way out is through the air/raft door
ii) The Air-Raft door sometimes doesn't quite seal - Impromptu airlock added.
iii) Turret that will only rotate clockwise (didn't matter in space - but in ground fights it became critical)
iv) Dents on the side of the ship that "whistle" when moving in the atmosphere - nobody can sleep, nobody can concentrate etc etc
v) "Drill" program - will run drills at arbitary intervals to maintain readiness until the scout is reactivated (players went to "boarding stations" while in jump space one time - the actual scout owner wasn't onboard and they ended up wasteing two full snub clips at various doors)
vi) Landing gear that often refused to retract - can't scoop gas giants, leaving a normal atmosphere takes a day. Once in space, manual retraction took a couple of hours with crow bars
vii) An Intercom that can only be turned on or off - when on, it's shipwide rather than just to the intended recipient.
viii) The spine corridoor Grav plates reset after a laser is fired to a random G(betwen 0 and 3) - didn't take long to fix - until next time the laser fired. (There was a low G crew member who ended up stuck in the bridge for 12 hours once - she couldn;t handle a 3G field - and she was the Engineer)

Thinking about it, I've often been a bit of a bastard about it - but it seemed reasonable at the time.
If the detatched duty scouts get older type S ships what about the even older type J seeker conversion variant, talk about a beat up ship.

A problem I liked to impose involved the fuel scoops hatch covers. These like other parts of the ship take a hammering when gas giant skimming. I like to have a fuel skim hatch jammed open following a skim. Report a particularly bumpy skim. Someone has to EVA to fix it as with the hatch open the ship is not streamlined. Then picture what a GM can put there which jammed the hatch open, varying from simple distortion of the hatch to pieces of someone elses craft. Perhaps a damaged recently launched missile. Were they the target. How can they defuse the missile, its jammed in the fuel scoop intake with its laser rods deployed, one false move!!
Originally posted by Antony:
If the detatched duty scouts get older type S ships what about the even older type J seeker conversion variant, talk about a beat up ship.

A problem I liked to impose involved the fuel scoops hatch covers. These like other parts of the ship take a hammering when gas giant skimming. I like to have a fuel skim hatch jammed open following a skim. Report a particularly bumpy skim. Someone has to EVA to fix it as with the hatch open the ship is not streamlined. Then picture what a GM can put there which jammed the hatch open, varying from simple distortion of the hatch to pieces of someone elses craft. Perhaps a damaged recently launched missile. Were they the target. How can they defuse the missile, its jammed in the fuel scoop intake with its laser rods deployed, one false move!!
You can have the ore bays malfunctioning. They can not make a solid seal (bad conversion or combat damage), door jams, or the SJG deckplan's floor mounted doors cannot handle the weight of any cargo. You could be real nasty and just having an average human on a door can make it open. :eek:
Originally posted by The Mink:
Either way, Every Scout I've ever given a PC was old, battered and full of quirks (can you be only 1/2 full of quirks?).
The next time you can be truly evil and give them a brand spanking new ship. An old workhorse may have problems to be sure but they will be known problems with established fixes/workarounds. With a prototype the problems are much less predictable.

you guys just better leave MY Type S alone - its
new and everthing works, i did upgrade power plants, weapons...even the air filters work...
WOW did i get Lucky....won it in a card game from CEO of the Company!!!....ships name is Sling Shot...but i my change it...hhhhhmmmmnnnnn.... ;)