Reading about Pearl Harbour, and thinking about such a thing in a Traveller context, it occurs to me that the conversation we've had here about the building of transfer stations at 100D near the 'Jump Percipitation Threshold' were strictly economic, having no security (or a minimal one) considerations.
Consider this:
The Highport, at the world, 100D from the JPT, gets at least 100D with of warning of an enemy jump emergence. They get some time to get people to battle/emergency stations, bring dampers and point defence online, launch screening craft, mobilize interceptors, etc. Now, put the port (or a transfer station) at 100D. Suddenly it has little or no warning of hostile emergence! If the hostile nav-O is good at his job, they arrive on top of you and blammo! Pearl Harbour and then some.
That may be one good non-economic reason for locating your Highports deeper into the 100D field or having to have them constantly at a high alert status (problematic for many reasons). Of course, one could argue that deeper towards Core regions, this is less necessary and that's where we'd see these kinds of 'trucking'. But even there, planetary conflicts loom and if one pirate/raider can appear and pop big holes into your starport with a few missiles then jump out.... (because he isn't inside 100D, he can just go 'blip' and be gone again).... then you have a big security issue.
Just another thought on this interesting thread.
Consider this:
The Highport, at the world, 100D from the JPT, gets at least 100D with of warning of an enemy jump emergence. They get some time to get people to battle/emergency stations, bring dampers and point defence online, launch screening craft, mobilize interceptors, etc. Now, put the port (or a transfer station) at 100D. Suddenly it has little or no warning of hostile emergence! If the hostile nav-O is good at his job, they arrive on top of you and blammo! Pearl Harbour and then some.
That may be one good non-economic reason for locating your Highports deeper into the 100D field or having to have them constantly at a high alert status (problematic for many reasons). Of course, one could argue that deeper towards Core regions, this is less necessary and that's where we'd see these kinds of 'trucking'. But even there, planetary conflicts loom and if one pirate/raider can appear and pop big holes into your starport with a few missiles then jump out.... (because he isn't inside 100D, he can just go 'blip' and be gone again).... then you have a big security issue.
Just another thought on this interesting thread.