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The Old Great Ones


SOC-14 1K
If anyone cares William H. Keith is around and vital.

I always preferred the Keith brothers adventures to the published GDW ones for the most part. THey caught that sense of Daring, adventure and thrill that to me was the very essence of Traveller. The in house GDW adventures, were, well boring for lack of a better word.

Your preferences?
I would not say the CT adventures were boring. A good ref can spice up and make the worst written adventure come to life. Many times they gave a good skeleton for the ref to build and adapt it into their own campaign. It is all in how you look at it.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:
If anyone cares William H. Keith is around and vital.

I always preferred the Keith brothers adventures to the published GDW ones for the most part. THey caught that sense of Daring, adventure and thrill that to me was the very essence of Traveller. The in house GDW adventures, were, well boring for lack of a better word.

Your preferences?

I agree, the FASA adventures always seem to have a lot more substance to them than the GDW adventures.


[This message has been edited by BigLEE (edited 02 June 2001).]
Fasa's adventures maybe better I never used them so cannot comment. I was commenting on the GDW adventures as being boring. The few I have been on were fun and after reading the reprints I have lots of ideas and twist to use with them as a ref.
Don't forget the Traveller Trader at Traveller Downport. He has some FASA stuff as well.

Is there any chance of a FASA reprint for CT?

Look at the sheer volume of work that the Keith Brother brought to Traveller. At one point the WERE the JTAS!

William H. Keith
J. Andrew Keith
Keith Douglas
John Marshal
and there are some others I missed.

I haven't seen it mentioned here yet. Kill me in an jump accident if I've missed it.

FASA, one of the original Traveller licensees is going to lay down and rest awhile.

Perhaps they should have never stopped producing Traveller licensed materials.

mark ayers n2s@qwest.net , philosopher serf, editor of n2s; the journal for an empty mind