pi++ Piracy exists and is rampant. Anyone may commit piracy. Ship tracking and ID are uncommon.
pi+ Piracy exists. Antipiracy is mostly political or economic, and is inadequate. Transponders may be changed or masked, or are not widespread or sufficient.
pi Piracy only exists in the vacuum of government or corporate morals.
pi- Piracy is not sustainable.
pi-- Piracy is impossible.
Drop Tanks
ta++ Starships only really need fuel for maneuver.
ta+ "Tankless" systems are often used by large corporations.
ta Drop tank-assisted jumps are usable at TL14+.
ta- Drop tank-assisted jumps are expensive and dangerous.
ta-- Drop tank-assisted jumps should be banned.
Other Great IMTU Polls: I, II, III, IV
pi++ Piracy exists and is rampant. Anyone may commit piracy. Ship tracking and ID are uncommon.
pi+ Piracy exists. Antipiracy is mostly political or economic, and is inadequate. Transponders may be changed or masked, or are not widespread or sufficient.
pi Piracy only exists in the vacuum of government or corporate morals.
pi- Piracy is not sustainable.
pi-- Piracy is impossible.
Drop Tanks
ta++ Starships only really need fuel for maneuver.
ta+ "Tankless" systems are often used by large corporations.
ta Drop tank-assisted jumps are usable at TL14+.
ta- Drop tank-assisted jumps are expensive and dangerous.
ta-- Drop tank-assisted jumps should be banned.
Other Great IMTU Polls: I, II, III, IV