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The Full Rules

Well, I've just downloaded and read the T20 Lite PDF. Not bad, but not enough.

The PDF mentions "THE FULL T20 SYSTEM", but doesn't provide a single clue as to where you can purchase this 400-page wonder.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


M.T. Gideon

P.S.- If someone who has the book could send me the ISBN, that would be a great help! MTG
Well done!!

You're aptly named, Hunter. I appreciate the assistance.

Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go shoot myself in the foot for not looking there in the first place! :rolleyes:


M.T. Gideon

P.S. - Just got back from checking Amazon.com. Someone has the wrong ISBN listed. RPGRealm.com has it listed as 1-55878-221-4, but Amazon.com says it's 1-55878-217-6.

Unfortunately, in either case, the book is currently unavailable. Like my ol' pappy used ta say, "I can't win fer losin'!"


Originally posted by BluWolf:
Second printing should be available any dat now. Right Hunter???

PS. what part of West Central Florida?
See my rant on the front page for details...

Hey, Hunter!

I feel for ya, man. Delays are a royal pain. My wife's birthday was 8/12 and my gift to her STILL hasn't arrived.

Couches aren't comfortable when you HAVE to sleep on 'em.

Howdy, Bluwolf!

My little slice of heaven is in Bradenton, just a bit north of Sarasota. Are you close? My current group seems to be locked into DnD3, and I need some Traveller, before I get too rusty.



Does anyone knows when the second printing of T20 will be available ? I was told it would be on August 15, but what then ?

Originally posted by Anduirnal:

Does anyone knows when the second printing of T20 will be available ? I was told it would be on August 15, but what then ?

If I'm not mistaken, Hunter's latest rant mentioned September 15 due to the printer problems.
