First Wound
I have since discovered that "first wound" isn't speaking to the Critical Hit rule at all (the First Blood rule).
It's not speaking to the first time a character is injured.
It's not speaking to the first time a character is injured in a combat round, either.
What is is speaking to is the first die rolled in a throw of damage dice.
It's talking about the first die of
EVERY damage applied to the character.
The actual paragraph says...
The first wound received by any character, however, can be sufficient to stun or daze him or her, and is handled differently. This first wound is applied to one of the three physical characteristics (strength, dexterity, or endurance) determined randomly. If that characteristic is reduced to zero,then any remaining hits are then distributed to the other physical characteristics on a random basis. As a result, first blood may immediately incapacitate or even kill.
What that is saying, it this...
Jarm has stats 478A56
He is hit with damage of 3D: 6, 5, 4.
The first die rolled is applied randomly to the character's physicals.
Randomly roll STR. Jarm becomes 078.
But, there are still 2 points of damage from that first die to apply randomly. Roll END next, and Jarm becomes 076.
Now, the 5 and 4 dice are left. The player can take that damage however he sees fit as long as he applies the damage in whole dice.
Look at page 47, where it says, under
Wounding And Death:
Bold is my emphasis.
Wounds are applied to the physical characteristics, temporarily reducing them for the duration of combat.
Each die rolled for wounds is treated as a group of hits that should not be divided; for example a 1D result of 5 should be treated as 5 hits to be applied as one group to one of the physical characteristics. Select the first physical characteristic to receive wounds randomly; the wounded player character may select all subsequent physical characteristics to receive wounds.
So, it is clear that all normal damage, except Critical Hits, are applied like this:
1. First die of damage is applied randomly.
2. If any points of that die are left over after zeroing a random stat, then apply just the left over part to the other two attributes randomly.
3. The player may pick and choose where to apply any remaining damage dice as long as he applies the damage in whole dice.
Page 47 also describes Critical Hits (First Blood).
For a critical hit, the entire amount of damaged is totaled into one sum, and that is applied to one of the physical stats randomly.
If any damage is left over, the points are used to reduce the damage dice left, and each die is applied randomly.
Like this...
Jarm has stats 478A56.
He takes damage of 3D: 6, 5, 4.
The total amount of 15 points is applied randomly to one of the physical attributes.
We roll for STR. Which is zeroed. 078A56.
Remaining damage is 3, 4 (5 was reduced to 3 due to the extra 2 points).
Then, these dice are applied randomly to the remaining two stats.
3 points is rolled for randomly.
4 points is rolled for separately, and randomly.
This is a slightly different procedure than for regular, non-Critical Wounds, described above.
The proof for this is in the page 36 example, clearly written.
There is random application of damage every time a character is damaged. With normal hits, the first die of damage is applied randomly. With Critical Hits, the total damage is applied randomly first (instead of just the first die), and then the remaining dice are also applied randomly (instead of allowing the player to choose).