mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
Roll to hit using your favourite version of the rules.
If successful roll damage and apply it as per your rules of choice.
Hit location
You need two different colour to hit dice, alternatively you can do this with different coloured damage dice
Nominate one of them as hit location
1 - legs, 2-4 - torso, 5 - arms, 6 - head.
The other can be used to decide left or right or subdivide torso and head.
Any characteristic reduced to zero for any reason - roll END or less on 2D or lose consciousness.
Two characteristics reduced to zero for any reason - roll END of less on 3D or lose consciousness.
At the end of each subsequent turn roll again.
Regain consciousness if END roll succeeds.
Reducing a characteristic to zero through cumulative damage is classed as a light wound, reducing it in one hit is a serious wound.
(One hit refers to all the damage dice from a single attack)
Reducing two characteristics to zero through cumulative damage is a serious wound.
At the beginning of the next turn having made your END throw the zero characteristic(s) is reset to half way between zero and the unwounded level (be careful it is now much easier for you to be seriously wounded).
Every END light wound and every serious wound costs you blood loss - keep track of this.
Once the total blood loss is greater than your END you go into shock. This requires medical treatment or a successful END roll.
Bleeding out - a serious End wound has an additional complication, make an immediate 2D roll to get less than or equal to your END or you start bleeding out, you will lose 1 blood every turn until medical treatment.
You are dead when:
- all characteristics are at 0 and you fail the END roll
- or you get a total blood loss equal to STR+END and fail the END roll.
Critical hit
A roll of a natural 12, an effect number of +6 or more, or a called/aimed shot (DM -4 and double any DM penalties for target and shooter movement)
All the damage is applied to one physical characteristic, if it is reduced to 0 and there is damage remaining transfer to another random physical characteristic (unless it is a called shot which has its own special rule)
Called shot - in addition to a description of where you are aiming the following damage transfer paths can be specified
Str->End (torso)
Str->Dex (limbs/joints)
Dex->End (head)
Any damage is applied to the physical characteristics of the wounded party, with the controlling player deciding how the points are allocated.
Strength - damage to muscle or ligament
Dexterity - damage to sensory and nervous system
Endurance - organ damage, blood loss
An exceptional success cause all damage to a single characteristic, determined randomly. This represents the massive trauma that can occur if something vital is hit:
Strength - bone broken, tendon severed or massive ligament damage at a joint
Dexterity - head/spine hit
Endurance - major organ punctured/nicked artery
Most muscle tissue and bone that is damaged to reduce Strength is found in the arms and legs, or a grazing wound to the torso that rips muscle and cracks ribs but doesn't penetrate to the internal organs.
A blood vessel or organ hit that reduces Endurance represents a strike to a major vein, artery, or penetration of an organ.
A senses or coordination hit to reduce Dexterity is either a hit to a sensory organ - usually indicating a head hit - or minor damage to the spine, or a hit to the hands or feet.
The amount of damage can then be used by the referee or player to describe the severity of the wound.
If successful roll damage and apply it as per your rules of choice.
Hit location
You need two different colour to hit dice, alternatively you can do this with different coloured damage dice
Nominate one of them as hit location
1 - legs, 2-4 - torso, 5 - arms, 6 - head.
The other can be used to decide left or right or subdivide torso and head.
Any characteristic reduced to zero for any reason - roll END or less on 2D or lose consciousness.
Two characteristics reduced to zero for any reason - roll END of less on 3D or lose consciousness.
At the end of each subsequent turn roll again.
Regain consciousness if END roll succeeds.
Reducing a characteristic to zero through cumulative damage is classed as a light wound, reducing it in one hit is a serious wound.
(One hit refers to all the damage dice from a single attack)
Reducing two characteristics to zero through cumulative damage is a serious wound.
At the beginning of the next turn having made your END throw the zero characteristic(s) is reset to half way between zero and the unwounded level (be careful it is now much easier for you to be seriously wounded).
Every END light wound and every serious wound costs you blood loss - keep track of this.
Once the total blood loss is greater than your END you go into shock. This requires medical treatment or a successful END roll.
Bleeding out - a serious End wound has an additional complication, make an immediate 2D roll to get less than or equal to your END or you start bleeding out, you will lose 1 blood every turn until medical treatment.
You are dead when:
- all characteristics are at 0 and you fail the END roll
- or you get a total blood loss equal to STR+END and fail the END roll.
Critical hit
A roll of a natural 12, an effect number of +6 or more, or a called/aimed shot (DM -4 and double any DM penalties for target and shooter movement)
All the damage is applied to one physical characteristic, if it is reduced to 0 and there is damage remaining transfer to another random physical characteristic (unless it is a called shot which has its own special rule)
Called shot - in addition to a description of where you are aiming the following damage transfer paths can be specified
Str->End (torso)
Str->Dex (limbs/joints)
Dex->End (head)
Any damage is applied to the physical characteristics of the wounded party, with the controlling player deciding how the points are allocated.
Strength - damage to muscle or ligament
Dexterity - damage to sensory and nervous system
Endurance - organ damage, blood loss
An exceptional success cause all damage to a single characteristic, determined randomly. This represents the massive trauma that can occur if something vital is hit:
Strength - bone broken, tendon severed or massive ligament damage at a joint
Dexterity - head/spine hit
Endurance - major organ punctured/nicked artery
Most muscle tissue and bone that is damaged to reduce Strength is found in the arms and legs, or a grazing wound to the torso that rips muscle and cracks ribs but doesn't penetrate to the internal organs.
A blood vessel or organ hit that reduces Endurance represents a strike to a major vein, artery, or penetration of an organ.
A senses or coordination hit to reduce Dexterity is either a hit to a sensory organ - usually indicating a head hit - or minor damage to the spine, or a hit to the hands or feet.
The amount of damage can then be used by the referee or player to describe the severity of the wound.