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The Dominate


Making the asumption that the Dominate are the Valkyrie from GT Aliens 4, which seems to be the case and based on the location they do not break existing TNE canon.

It is obvious that when virus went through the region they were less damaged than anyone else. In gurps terms they were around GT6-10 which equates to up to about TNE TL11/12. This is a range of tech levels where virus damage has a minimal impact (1 or 2 TL drop). Especially compared to drops from say TL14.

This does not bode well. They no longer need to be as secretive being now a dominant player in the rimward sectors.

Incidently anyone know if there would be any "Valkyrie" in the Banners sector. I found a use for the Inyx in my TNE game and I'm sure I can find a home for the Valkyrie. ;)
I got the impression from MJD's hints that they were supposed to be an even more violent K'Kree culture. Or do you know that, and are just assuming that they're not here?
Did you mean my assumptions, or the assumption that they are a type of K'Kree?

If mine well the entry in GT Aliens 4 places the Valykrie rimward of the Solomani with the majority of their "Dominion" worlds (why I wrote Dominate I'll never know!) at GT6 through 10. Converting back to TNE Tech levels this is 6 though 9.

The TNE collapse procedure could drop the TL9 world back to TL8, the lower tech worlds may not have the TLs fall at all. This means that the Dominion would recover a lot faster than worlds that were of higher tech. A TL14 world for example can fall to TL0 which would be something of a shock to those affected!

All that is really slowing the Dominions expansion is the higher rate of parasitical failure which kills both the host and the parasite (Valkyire). Increase the rate of success and you have something like Stargates Goa'uld.

In any case given the small moderate tech pocket empires in the regions rimward of the Solomani Sphere, some of which may already have been infiltrated by the Valkyrie, the Rimward sectors are in for interesting times indeed.
Now I'm wholly confused. You weren't talking about the Dominate after all... or were you?

No idea what this Dominion thing is; the Dominate is a shortened form of a long name in a foreign language, in much the same manner as Lords of Thunder is. Very much the same way...

I've never even throught about the Valkyrie in TNE or Traveller of any other type. They're in a GURPS TRaveller supplemnent, I believe...?
Indeed the Valkyrie are in a GT supplement, Aliens book 4 to be precise. I don't believe they are mentioned in TNE, but then TNE did not really mention anything about the Rimward sectors.

Since GT is a variant timeline, though basically the same universe I figure that if it does not contradict existing TNE background then it is fair game to use in a TNE setting.

From what the description says regarding the Valkyries attitudes to life forms thay they cannot parasitise they will be implacable enemies of virus (a silicon based life form). They also believe they are destined to rule the galaxy and that their parasitism is a gift to the lesser races.
Aren't the Valkyrie one of those old Spacemaster races that got ported to Traveller by David Pulver (like the Inyx, Sheol, Tezcat and other 'extra races' from the first three AR books)?
The Dominate operates from the 2000 Worlds, which is trailing of the Imperium.

The Valkyrie are Rimward of the Solomani Confederation, which is itself rimward of the Imperium.

How do the Valkyrie go trailing, then coreward, completely skirting the Hivers (since they obviously have not bothered them), to finally get to the K'kree?

I fail to see any linkage here.
Gaak! You mean the meanies that are behind the curtain are a genetically modified form of K'Kree that would have been augmented by cybernetics under the control of the virus? Or is it an unholy alliance which creates a biological form to the virus unlike anything we have seen, yet?

A question, in 1248 is the Black Curtain expanding or contracting through the repeated attacks of the Grand Alliance. What is at the core of the curtain?
I thought the Dominate were just a particularly psychopathic bunch of K'Kree (and that's saying something, considering it's the K'Kree we're talking about) going on a rampage across Imperial space. I'll be interested to find out what they really are
Originally posted by kafka47:
Gaak! You mean the meanies that are behind the curtain are a genetically modified form of K'Kree that would have been augmented by cybernetics under the control of the virus? Or is it an unholy alliance which creates a biological form to the virus unlike anything we have seen, yet?

A question, in 1248 is the Black Curtain expanding or contracting through the repeated attacks of the Grand Alliance. What is at the core of the curtain?
I think The Dominate and The Thing At The Center Of The Black Curtain are two different entites.

With The Thing At The Center Of The Black Curtain being 'The Black Imperium', or what remains of Lucan's faction.

I think.

No one knows for sure, but I aim to find out.

Originally posted by Erik Boielle:
No one knows for sure, but I aim to find out.
On, or about, the release date of the 1248 supplement, just like the rest of us. Unless we can tie MJD down and ply him with powerful exotic liquors, truth drugs, or bamboo shoots under the fingernails, or unless someone has a half Zho brother in law....
The Dominate and the contents of the Black Curtain are different things.

"A question, in 1248 is the Black Curtain expanding or contracting through the repeated attacks of the Grand Alliance. What is at the core of the curtain?"

In 1248, the Curtain is gone. At its core is Capital.
Originally posted by MJD:
Glen livet is a fine truth serum.
Ah, Uisge Beatha!

I prefer an 18 year old MacAllan or a Mortlach slightly cut from cask strength. My current stash is about 12 bottles of various single malt, but I'm sure Glen Livet is represented.

Now, does it have to arrive by the bottle or case? :D

Seriously, if we ever happen to be coincident at a con or other event, the first round (if we can find someplace that has a worthile bar) is on me. Any man who likes a single malt can't be all bad.... even if he is keeping secrets.

Lagavullin and Talisker....introduced to me by a girl form Scotland no less. I now mostly drink wine but this stuff is not too hard to drink.
Heretic! Speysides are the One True Way. Anything that tastes like the back of a fireplace should be used to thin paint, not given to guests...
Originally posted by MJD:
Heretic! Speysides are the One True Way. Anything that tastes like the back of a fireplace should be used to thin paint, not given to guests...
Spoken like a Quaicher, strong of opinion and unabashed! I'm raising a dram to ye, from a fine Speyside, this day. Slante Va!

But any single malt still beats a blend... I won't even touch some of the stuff that resturaunts call whisky.... Of course, in those kinds of places I'm lucky if I can even get a reasonable lager, let alone my usual drink, Guiness.

ObTrav: I'd hate to think of the ImpCr value of a dTon of nicely aged Terran Scotch (redundant, I know, but now Suntory and others think they're making Scotch...) by the time it got out to the Spinward Marches....