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TAS News for Shanape Cluster Campaign

Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 021-993

The Marquis of Hallentine announced today that the Imperial Navy has issued a request for designs to be followed by orders for 50-1000 ton SDBs.
Local firms and shipyards in the Sentry system are gearing up for the much needed work. Prime Minister Kigar in a separate press conference thanked the Marquis for his efforts on the behalf of Sentry and the Cluster.
These boats would replace losses in the war against the Solomani Confederation, as well as allowing jump capable ships on picket and interdiction duties to be freed up for the war.
Kisha OdhourRang, Vice President of Venturion Insurance, expressed his hope that some of the ships would remain in cluster to help deter “Corsairs, pirates and privateers who are taking advantage of the disruptions in regular safety patrols caused by the war.”
Shipfitters and Welders Local 8796 president Imashkhelur Gur said, “I’m glad to see the men and women of my union getting a chance to get back to work. This war has been hell on the common citizen.”
Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 089-993

A consortium of providers and finance companies has raised insurance rates for starships not mounting defensive hardware. This statement comes out one day prior to 1st quarter earnings reports for the year.
In a much anticipated press release signed by the Chairman of the Shanape Insurance Board, Kisha OdhourRang, President of Venturion Insurance, the rates increased by 10%-50% depending on the Board Security Rank an individual ship carries.
Ships with the highest Board Security Rank, such as the Marquis own Hallentine Lines, only had rate raised by 10%, 7.5% if the ships mount at least one defensive turret or pod. Ships that certify as Imperial Mail Auxiliary Starships receive a 2% credit on rates issued in the Cluster.
While Zariinkariush representatives only stated that this action was a cluster based initiative, and would not influence rates from the MegaCorp, an independent audit of rates in the Subsector showed increases across the board.
Insurance industry analyst Yosyehta Eyos of IYH associates stated that the incidence of “accidental loss” is down, but the number of “unknown cause” or “loss to piracy” claims has risen in the past year. “There is something or someone out there, preying on the shipping of this cluster, and there are not enough naval craft to be an effective deterrent.” Claimed Eyos.
When asked for a comment the office of Naval Reserves for Ley Sector dismissed Eyos’ statements.
Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 099-993

Eusema Student Union members and other student groups rallied at the central plaza of The University of Dukh at Sentry earlier today, to protest the current war against the Solomani Confederation. The rally was first announced only yesterday, and the crowd of protestors and counter-protestors quickly grew as classrooms and labs around campus emptied for lunch. Groups of protestors clashed with Sentry Riot Command troops and counter-protestors that often would enter melees soon after they formed.
22 arrests were made, and local medical clinics and autodocs treated 84 injury and riot gas patients from the campus protests.
Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 107-993

The University of Dukh at Sentry announced that the Marquis of Hallentine has endowed a chair of Jumpspace Topography in the college physics. This chair will oversee both theoretical and practical applications of Jumpspace technology. Local shipyards, which have been trying to get more jump capable ship designs to work on, have applauded this endowment. Currently any jump ship work performed in the yards here has been imported or surplus models.
Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 115-993

The University of Dukh at Sentry announced that the college of Jovian sciences has discovered a new compound that occurs naturally in the atmosphere of Adukgin VI. It is speculated that the compound can be used in high temperature super conducting, given its unusual properties. Survey teams from the university have been studying the gas giant for 5 years, since these unusual compounds were discovered in the fuel tanks of ships refueling at Adukgin VI.
The leader of the study, Professor Sir Ushshuakziish, told how he first came across the unusual compound.
“I was on sabbatical with a friend of mine who is on detached duty from the scouts. His ship was refueling at Adukgin VI and I was aboard when we noticed the problems. The fuel tanks began to register heat spikes and the fuel processors were experiencing power spikes that threatened to short out the whole ships grid. When we began to investigate we discovered these clumps in the fuel that were the cause of the problem. When I returned from sabbatical I had the clumps studied, and ever since it has been the focus of my work here at the university.”
Hi Fletch.

Here's what my party received upon jumping into Sentry...

How come your entries are dated so far apart?


TAS News Bulletin - Sentry/Matarishan/Ley, 22-993
[Received by the Grendelsbane as it Jumped in to the Sentry system]

TAS News Bulletin
Sentry/Matarishan/Ley, 22-993

Sentry 21-993
Marquis Hallentine has announced that, following discussion with the Planetary Council, he is to forward an application to Emperor Gavin to have Sentry designated as the subsector hub for the Second Grand Survey. Emperor Gavin announced the commencement of the SGS on 7-990. The ambitious project will involve the charting and surveying of the entirety of Imperial space.

If Sentry’s bid is successful, it will involve the construction of a major IISS base in the system. It is likely that this would involve the upgrade of the existing small Scout radio base on the outer planet, Orrlaine. Other bids are likely to be put in by the worlds Daggar’s Edge, Griik Maeii and Shanape. Shanape, of course, has a Class A starport and is currently an Imperial Waystation.

Sentry 22-993
Tukera Lines LIC, the shipping megacorporation with a regional base here on Sentry, has announced that it is to construct two new bulk freighters to service the Shanape Linkworlds. One existing freighter will be mothballed.

Sentry 22-993
Anaran Fentuur, reigning champion powersled racer, has announced his retirement after the current season. “There’s only so many times I’m willing to be dunked at 300kph,” he said.

Liar’s Oath/Matarishan/Ley 14-993
The Office for Communications on Liar’s Oath has announced the deaths of two officials from the Planetary Customs Service, in suspicious circumstances. The deaths occurred on 14-993 when their cutter exploded on takeoff from the Downport. The cutter had only recently passed a spaceworthiness test. The Communications Office stated “Although a full investigation has yet to begin, early evidence suggests that this was sabotage, probably perpetrated to prevent an ongoing Customs investigation. This act of assassination will not be tolerated.” The names of the dead have not been released. An Imperial Ministry of Justice investigator, Marca Fonteine, is in-system and is expected to take over the investigation. She has previously been involved in the hunt for the assassin known as Cerberus and is known for her ruthless efficiency.

Sentry 20-993
A flotilla of six Imperial Navy destroyers embarked today on their way to the front. They will be travelling via Depot, then onwards to reinforce the fleet at areas undisclosed. The TAS News Service would like to take this opportunity to wish our sophonts the best!
The reason I posted the news stories so far apart was because the day I wrote them (May 1, 2003) works out to 121-993. I also wanted to build some back-story to events in the system. The characters were grounded on Sentry due to a hijacking/piracy event that occurred in J-Space and then ended in 068-526 system.
The stories were placed to set some “Plot Harpoons” as one of my players calls them. He is a member of this board so I won’t go into detail as to which ones are significant and which ones are filler/fluff (Maybe both?
So I felt that having stories that fill in background would help me later in building both a rich and detailed world and give me “Harpoons” to fire at the PCs.
May I borrow your news posts for the cluster? I like what some of them have to say, and I can always borrow a harpoon or three!

Ah, right, backstory makes sense :) I'd assumed that like mine your campaign began on 1-993.

Yes, feel free to use mine, that's why I posted them. Some of mine are filler, too, but it's always interesting to see player/character reactions... mine all jumped on one as being a plot hook when I'd intended it to be filler :) One of them also relates to a PC's prior history - it should be fairly obvious which one ;)


I will continue to post here, perhaps between the two of us we can create a common background of news and events and personalities. If you come up with interesting names for NPCs, slip them into your stories. Please feel free to steal mine as you need them.
TAS News Bulletin
Kerin’s Tyr/Spearhead/Ley, 35-993

Kerin’s Tyr 35-993
In another piracy atrocity, a ship attacked the Far Trader Mara’s Heart today. All hands were lost. The attack occurred as the ship Jumped in-system from 069-526, arriving close to the outer asteroid belt. A pirate corsair left the belt at high-G acceleration and attacked immediately. No survivors were found by the time a System Defence Boat arrived, but an outsystem Jump was detected from the area. Dispatches have been sent to the Navy. This is the second such attack this year.

Kerin’s Tyr 35-993
Bishop Lar Nuliimm (Church of Stellar Divinity) of the Threbon Diocese, in the Grand Theocratic Republic, has commissioned a mission to the nomadic tribes of the Liberty Alliance. The missionaries will be leaving next week for a year-long trek around the tribal regions. His Grace was adamant that this mission would succeed. “The nomads are as deserving of the Face of God as any other sophont. While the previous mission remains unaccounted for, I have faith that they are safe and well. Notwithstanding that, our new missionaries will be better protected by specially recruited guardians.”

Kerin’s Tyr 35-993
Four hundred citizens of the Grand Theocratic Republic have so far this year taken out loans from the Theocracy under its “Pilgrimage Financing” programme, it was announced today. Most have already taken the Pilgrimage, on a specially chartered liner, the Kerin’s Star, which made an in-system microJump.

Sentry/Matarishan/Ley 29-993
Eusema Student Union members and other student groups rallied at the central plaza of The University of Dukh at Sentry earlier today, to protest the current war against the Solomani Confederation. The rally was first announced only yesterday, and the crowd of protestors and counter-protestors quickly grew as classrooms and labs around campus emptied for lunch. Groups of protestors clashed with Sentry Riot Command troops and counter-protestors that often would enter melees soon after they formed. 22 arrests were made, and local medical clinics and autodocs treated 84 injury and riot gas patients from the campus protests.

Liar’s Oath/Matarishan/Ley 21-993
Imperial Ministry of Justice investigator, Marca Fonteine, has released preliminary data on her investigation into the destruction of a Planetary Customs Service cutter. “It was definitely sabotage,” she said. “The manoeuvre drive was rigged to explode when the exhaust nacelles reached operating temperature.” An extensive DNA analysis has confirmed that at least one Vargr was involved. “It wasn’t the felon known as Cerberus,” said Fonteine, “but he can’t yet be ruled out from the investigation.”

Liar’s Oath/Matarishan/Ley 14-993
The Type-S Scoutship (detached duty) Malfeasant was lost today when it apparently suffered manoeuvre drive failure while attempting to refuel at the system’s gas giant. The crew were saved in a daring rescue by the crew of the merchant ship Grendelsbane, who Jumped out shortly after transferring the crew to an inbound Tukera Lines ship. The Malfeasant’s crew are in a serious but stable condition. They are expected to be able to leave hospital in about a month.
Sentry/Matarishan/Ley 39-993
A string of recent fires in the Vargr district of Startown have been blamed on Eusema terrorist activity. Eusema Equality Front spokesperson Shiru Shara Dirshem denied any connection to the recent series of arsons in the Vargr Town section of Sentry Downport. Occurring Mostly in the warehouse district, one fire resulted in the death of two stevedores working late at the Gangdhaethkfaez Imports and Exports LIC bonded warehouse. Graffiti found at the site said ‘EEF’, ‘Ziru Sirka Lives!’ and ‘Rum She Kishan’, which translated means ‘The path of order,’ a reference to a Vilani philosophical movement popular during the last century of the 1st Imperium. Dirshem said that the graffiti was an attempt to discredit his organization, and was likely added after the fires. When asked to name who would do so he said, “Solomani sympathizers trying to sow confusion.”
Environmental Safety officer Khaeun-feghd-Hallulan issued a terse briefing the morning after the fire stating that arson was the cause of the deadly fire. “We have not ruled out terrorism as a factor in this arson.”
To date no party has come forward claiming responsibility for the fires. When questioned about possible terrorist links Hallulan refused to give specific details, saying only, “I have reliable information, from good sources, that this was not just a random fire-bug at work.” He refused to comment further and ended the briefing on that note.

Whoops - hadn't meant to post this in a new topic...

TAS News Bulletin
069-526(Fonnein)/Highlord/Ley, 60-993

069-526 60-993
Fonnein security forces last night swooped on a seafood processing ship operating in polar waters. Incredibly, the reason given for the ship seizure and arrest of all hands was that a SolSec cell had been operating aboard! Commander Misaan Dikiimshu of the Maritime Security Force, speaking at the scene, said “We had been suspicious of this ship for some time and monitoring communications. Intercepted comms included known Solomani Security codewords. All crew will be interrogated and those implicated as SolSec agents will face the full rigours of Imperial law.”

The reason for SolSec’s presence on Fonnein is currently unknown, but sabotage and terrorism are likely motives. Fonnein’s seabed arcologies are extremely vulnerable and during this period of war, all citizens are asked to maintain vigilance.

069-526 60-993
The Maritime Security Force’s latest acquisition, the nuclear submarine Guardian Streala today began its first mission – a combined patrol and test of a new intelligent weapon system. Since the recent expansion of the MSF, instances of illegal water harvesting have decreased by 6%.

069-526 58-993
Residents of Amalar today enjoyed the opening of a new addition to the arcology. The domed extension contains living quarters for 8,500, a shopping mall, leisure and entertainment units, two hotels and a small light-industrial area. The opening of the new suburb had been delayed by over three months due to concerns over the effectiveness of the dome in the event of a serious tectonic incident. However, the developer, Manor Maritime Developments LIC, has met required improvements and the pressurisation of the dome went ahead without incident.

Sentry/Matarishan/Ley 48-993
The Marquis Hallentine, has announced that, in co-operation with a diplomatic team due to arrive from Sector Capital Dukh, he is to lead peace talks on the planet Aleif. The current conflicts on the planet resulted in the imposition of an Imperial red-zone edict and a Navy blockade has been in place for some time now, allowing through only sanctioned medical/relief shipments and removal of Merc combatants.

The Imperial noble, speaking yesterday, said “The loss of life and imposition of hardship on Aleif’s citizens has been devastating. This is never acceptable, especially when the Imperium currently faces the threat of invasion from the Solomani Confederation.”

069-526 57-993
Speaking at Fonnein Prime’s spaceport this morning, High Counsel Dilandra Merrimani-Driscoll IV announced that Fonnein Orbital had failed to secure a tender for part-construction of new starships being constructed by Tukera LIC. Shares in Fonnein Orbital fell Cr2.40 at the news.
Sentry/ Shanape Link Worlds/Ley/Gateway 065-993
The Church of Stellar Divinity Archdiocese here has announced the formation of a Refugee Relief Mission to Alief. This mission will be funded jointly by donations from parishioners and the University of Dukh at Sentry. The University’s School of Engineering will be field-testing water vapor harvesting plants as well as AlgeSoy fabrication food units. The Brokerage firm of Swapbalalbagpub LIC has donated the charter service to deliver the mission and supplies to Alief. IN Office of Public Affairs has gained clearance for the mission to pass through interdiction lines to set up the camp.
Archbishop Mu Ar Amikagargm offered his thanks and blessings to all those who helped prepare and fund the mission. “The blessings of the Stellar Divinities will help bring comfort, succor and peace to the poor people of Alief.”
The initial base will be established to provide immediate relief to the Dio Velasquez tribe, a nomadic group native to Alief since the 2nd Imperium, recently displaced by renewed fighting over the Oasis town of El Camarón de la Isla.