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TA Writer Guidance


SOC-14 1K

What are the current copyright restrictions for potential TA and adventure writers.

What previously published material can we use?

Digest Publications?

This is not from the horses mouth, so to speak (and I'm not comparing Hunter with a Horse), but I would say that the only thing you have to worry about is That Which has Come Before ie: Canon.
You can quote from Canon and use Canon if it adds background the depth to your story. Anything that is Trav Canon can be used, but I think some stuff has been de-Canonised. Dont quote me on this - others will know better than me, but Judges Guild stuff has been de-canonised.
What did youwant to use?

Originally posted by Michael Taylor:
This is not from the horses mouth, so to speak (and I'm not comparing Hunter with a Horse), but I would say that the only thing you have to worry about is That Which has Come Before ie: Canon.
Whoa there. Copyright rules still apply, so a TA Writer can't go and blithely copy someone else's work and pass it for their own, particularly for profit.

Far Future Enterprises (aka Marc Miller) has a Fair Use FAQ that seems rather relevant here.

Basing work off another's while referencing that work (with proper citation) seems to be somewhat acceptable. For example, TA 7 has several ships that have appeared in previous supplements. The supplement does indicate that some ships have appeared in previous supplements (and names the supplements).

Hunter will be able to provide a more definitive statement.

But I would never imagine any writer just copying direct from that which has come before. That's breach of copyright. I would have thought that no writer would be stupid enough to simply copy and paste. I thought Richard was asking about referencing background information only, not verbatim transcribing from older Traveller material.
I was hoping to use a rather nice 600tn solomani patrol frigate from FASA (and have to convert it to the new rules - but what the heck)

Also the classic X boat tender.
