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T20 Starship design questions


I just picked up the THB a couple of days ago and am in the middle of doing a star ship design. Here are a couple of questions I have. Page Numbers are fine.

1. What is the cost of bridge space? I am assuming .1 MCr per 20 tons.

2. Concerning Flight Avionics.
2a. Is this system required for all starships, or only ones that enter the atmosphere?
2b. On the Flight Avionics table, what advantage does the higher TL systems have? It looks like they both (TL 14/15) just cost more and are larger. i.e. Why go TL15 instead of TL13?

1) There's a table with this info somewhere in the section [Edit: P 262, bottom of the page]. IIRC, it's Cr 5000 per ton of ship (not per ton of bridge) for ships of 100 tons or more.

2a) For all ships. It includes basic stuff such as transponders and navigational equipment, I believe.

2b) The only reason to go to highter TL (larger) flight avionics is becuase you have a larger hull or improved streamlining.

[Edit: I think I see your point -- why go from Model 7 to /8 or /9? The only reason to go to Model/8 would be if you had a ship larger than 100,000 tons with airframe streamlining or streamlining upgraded from partial to standard. Model/9 would be needed only if you had both upgraded streamlining and the airframe option in a ship larger than 100,000 tons.]
Ok, so the avionics computers are required for all ships, thats ok. Buy why pay a higher fee for a non-streamlined ship if you never enter the atmosphere? Does have a dispersed structure make the that much HARDER to navigate in space????

Because the avionics includes stuff like monitoring equipment for hull stress, which if you have a larger hull, you need more monitoring equipment. It also includes the engineering panels and contol equipment for the drive systems (larger drive, more panels needed). Avionics covers all the little details about what makes the ship go (and stay in one peice).

Some optional rules for the Avionics computer part.

If the avionics computer exceeds the requirements for the ship size, add the difference as a bonus to the following activities:
* Any repair rolls made for jury rigging repairs in combat (easier to find and fix the problems)
* The engineering rolls for shifting power around for overpowering weapons, engines or emergency agility.
Evening all,

The Flight avionics subsytem of the main computer also aids in being able to skim for fuel in a GGs atmosphere. Another reason the subsystem is used would be for manuevering in the constrained areas of a highport.