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T20 Revised?


:D First off, let me say that T20 is very good.


:confused: The inconsistant design rules and numerous annoying errors lead one to believe that it was a little rushed to the finishing line.

A great amount of net time seems to be spent trying to unravel them.

:( So much so that my initial enthusiasm has waned and my copy of T20 has been relegated (hopefully temporarily) back to the bookcase.

Revised Edition required?
I do agree that T20 has the potential for greatness.

A revised edition would be nice...but I doubt most people would shell out the cash for a revised edition if they've already got the first one.

However, if QLI is going to do another print run anyway, they might as well fix the mistakes.

A free "Here's all the changes" book (AEG did one of these for 7th Sea, and I think WOTC might have done something similar for their 2nd->3rd edition switch [though that's a little different anyway]) would be really nice and would substantially improve my opinion of the company.

Of course, all this is worthless if QLI won't actually spend the time to gather the errata and compile them in a document that doesn't require its own errata. I know they've got a pretty small operation, but if they're going to try to be a professional business with a professional product, they'll probably need to hire some help.
Originally posted by Libris:
:D First off, let me say that T20 is very good.


:confused: The inconsistant design rules and numerous annoying errors lead one to believe that it was a little rushed to the finishing line.
I see by the date of your joining the boards that you weren't here when the ship date kept getting pushed back. There was all kinds of crying and carrying on about how QLI needed to keep their scheduals, etc. etc. Then, when it did ship from the printer, it took longer than many expected to get the pre-orders out to those who had taken advantage of that, and there was much more un-rejoicing.

Personally, I think the T20 rules are the best ever. They remind me of my own rules I had basically created from CT when it comes to character generation. Especially in skill levels and weapon training.

Now there are some feats that should be skills and some skills that should be feats, psionics are pretty broken, there are a few typos, and some leftovers from the longer pre edited-for-size pre-press version. But as a whole, it is the best version of Traveller yet.
It's Too Soon.

T20 just debuted late last year. It's better if we continue to spot the errors (both grammar and rules mechanics) and offer solutions. It is also helpful if someone establishes a "sticky" unofficial FAQ compilation thread, perhaps one of the moderators or volunteers to do the task.
Well, I thought they delayed it because of the cover.

I was also under the presumption that they were you know, playtesting the game. And had hired a professional layout person. I imagine most other fans were also under the same silly assumptions.

Silly us!
Originally posted by trancejeremy:
Well, I thought they delayed it because of the cover.

I was also under the presumption that they were you know, playtesting the game. And had hired a professional layout person. I imagine most other fans were also under the same silly assumptions.

Silly us!
Yes. Silly you. The playtesters kept this book back for a *year*. You don't want to see what would have been released in October 2001...

Your gripes are all more properly aimed at the "final polish" stage.

As for layout, I've seen far, far worse from people paid far, far greater sums.