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T20 Psionics


Have just been going through all the info with regards to Psionics in THB, Travellers Aide - Objects of the mind and the older GDW Zhodani Alien module. In the latter, they had another sphere affinity called *Special* which could be allowed by the AGM for those characters who wanted * a special feat/skill not covered elsewhere in the rules *. It was very difficult to obtain, even more so than Teleportation. Is there any specific reason why it has not been retained in the T20 version. Also the DC's for the Teleportation affinity seems rather high, in relation to the others which appear to have been set at (rounded down) 1.5 times the 2d6 version. Reference page 188 THB. Telepathy DC 4 was 3 in 2d6 version. Likewise Clairvoyance and Telekinesis DC 7 were 4 in 2d6, Awareness DC 9 was 6 in 2d6 and teleportation was 7 in 2d6 (coverted would be 11 not 15). The *special* required a 9 roll on 2d6 (equivalent DC13).
I also notice in OotM that it is an in process version to come out in a players handbook. Any idea when one may expect this to surface.
Lots of questions, sorry.
Yes, Special was removed within T20. I plan to add it back in if my group should ever seek out Psi Training. Special was a catch-all category for the Pyrokinetics, Cryokinetics, Cyberempaths, etc., that weren't covered in the five original spheres. As such they require a lot of adjudication on the part of the Referee. This may have been why Special was left out.

Hope this helps,
That's what I kind of thought. Any idea if it will be covered in the upcoming ??? players handbook, or just left out altogether.
Oh yes, and by the way, the 2d6 roll required for Clairvoyance and Telekinesis was 5, not 4 as I stated earlier. Sorry.
It will be left out of the upcoming Player's Handbook, based on the playtest data for that book available to paying COTI supporters.

I also wrote an article on alternate psionics rules for T20, making it skill-based instead of feat-based, which is posted over at Freelance Traveller:

Don't know if it would interest you, but I thought I'd point it out anyway,
An excellent article Flynn, and something I'll be using in my T20 games. Personally I'd go with Psi being an ability, albeit one that cannot be increased.
Thank you very much, Good Sir. I hope that it proves to be of use to your games.

I am currently playtesting the Psionicist prestige class from the above-mentioned sources in my Fourth Imperium campaign, and it actually makes psionics work rather well, for much the same reason that the article I wrote also helps make psionics work more smoothly. Both approaches eliminate the need to spend feat slots on psionic feats. The article I wrote is kinder to non-Psionicists, for that same reason. (Non-Psionicists still have to spend feat slots on psionic feats in the standard T20 rules.)

Feel free to share your experiences with the suggested alternate rules, as I appreciate constructive feedback,