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T20 Pocket Empire (lengthy post)


Hey there.
I'm working on developing a Pocket Empire for my upcoming T20 campaign, and was curious if I could bounce some ideas off of the posters here for feedback's sake.

Mainly, I'm trying to create a plausible explanation for how/why the 5-odd planets in my chosen subsector survived the onslaught of the AI Virus. I've set the subsector up in a similar fashion to the Hubworlds described in the TNE rulebook (the five worlds are roughly a parsec apart from one another). Below is what I've come up with so far. I'd welcome any feedback or recommendations.

Nandunem is the subsector capital within the subsector of Nandunem within the Lishun sector of Known Space. Nandunem has the distinction of possessing one of the most prestigious universities within the Third Imperium. Four habitable planetary systems reside within a parsec's distance to Nandunem (Palansi, Akugad, Mumlur, and Lant) forming a core of Imperial strength within the subsector.

Prior to the release of the AI Virus, scientists and researchers for the Nandunem University had been undergoing testing on major advancements within the realm of computer technology. By good fortune, a number of prototypical spacecraft were installed with this advanced technology, rendering them fairly resistant to anti-security measures.

The AI Virus first struck into the system of Lant and encountered, initially, a Dragon-Class System Defense Boat on patrol. Inhabiting an X-boat, the virus attempted communications and, instead of easily assuming all-control over the Defense Boat, suffered segregation and containment of a portion of it's code. The Defense Boat's computer system quickly determined that the Virus proved an immediate threat to the spacecraft and recommended annihilation of the craft. This instance of Virus exposure was eliminated, but more attempts would follow.

Virus-infected craft continued to invade the Five Worlds and all advances were repelled. After a few brushed with near exposures, the Nandunem University's researchers scrambled to alter their computer advancements to meet the evolving strains of the Virus' coding. It was their efforts combined with the leadership of Count Damasc Uleluke that protected the five worlds while the rest of the Third Imperium was plunged into nightmare.

The rest of the Nandunem subsector fell victim to the carnage of the AI Virus and, as a result, the economies of the Five Worlds suffered. Partially-reliant on imported trade goods, the Five Worlds met with social and economical setbacks.

The Five Worlds today (1179) have gradually rebuilt and now have the resources to change their perspective from internal to external. Together they are strengthing their economic ties to one another and, in recent years, have begun to send scouts into the rubble that is the fall of the Third Imperium.
Why would a world survive? Simple, someone came by first and warned them. They were able to shut down and "re-manualize" vital systems.

The stranger who helped them is unknown but it showed them that there is "humanity" amongst Humaniti

That is a good reason why they are headed out now. There hasn't been any sign of the Vampires for some time. And they remembered the simple decency of some unknown samaritan who stopped to help.

Maybe they want to see if they can ever find who it was. Maybe they feel they owe the universe a favour.

Whatever the reason, they are returning to the stars to reclaim it for humanity (note spelling)

Maybe their culture now venerates stopping to help, their anthem speaking with a lump in their throats of decency and we are now and forever their brothers' keepers.

Or maybe, they found the samaritan's ship on one of their more remote worlds (think PLuto to Earth). And they find that he stopped because their was a good sized population and the time he took cost him his life and his crew.

At least that way, TNE doesn't turn grim. I know many people who hate TNE because they say it is too grim. I never saw it that way. We (humanity) are on the way back up. Per Ardua Ad Astra or die trying.

Keep the Flame
Interesting setup.

The question I have is if there is a prestigous university with alot of advance R&D projects, how did the worlds survived the Rebellion and the Black Wars?
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Interesting setup.

The question I have is if there is a prestigous university with alot of advance R&D projects, how did the worlds survived the Rebellion and the Black Wars?
Lishun is an interesting study of balkanization by faction in the War. the "Vargr Congress of 1116" that lead the bulk of the invasion into Lishun by 1120 holds a major V shaped portion of the sector. Worlds to Spinward owe allegiance to VLAND, and the NZS; Rimwards, allegiances go to Lucan (who did finally send help eventually to stem the tide/ halt the advances); and to Trailing of this Wedge, to Antares, & Duke Brzk. However, once they'd met stiff resistance, and invested their hard won systems, the Vargr balkanized behind this "wedge".

I can offer Three reasons why the system/ subsector survives:
(A)-As among these 4, only Lucan's did Black War Strikes, thus it is probable they were "loyally" tied to the Imperium/Lucan.
(B), the R & D facilities were on a path outside of mainstream Imperial industry, and while perhaps diverse in nature, were also viewed *(at the time) as impractical for the vast industries of the Imperium to sufddenly adopt and use; or were themselves theories/ prototypes, and very few working models.
(C)As the war progressed, IMperial research funds began to wither, and the System's R&D university had to make do with local monies, and this slowed the advances, and kept them off the Imperial Radar.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Lishun is an interesting study of balkanization by faction in the War. the "Vargr Congress of 1116" that lead the bulk of the invasion into Lishun by 1120 holds a major V shaped portion of the sector. Worlds to Spinward owe allegiance to VLAND, and the NZS; Rimwards, allegiances go to Lucan (who did finally send help eventually to stem the tide/ halt the advances); and to Trailing of this Wedge, to Antares, & Duke Brzk. However, once they'd met stiff resistance, and invested their hard won systems, the Vargr balkanized behind this "wedge".

I can offer Three reasons why the system/ subsector survives:
(A)-As among these 4, only Lucan's did Black War Strikes, thus it is probable they were "loyally" tied to the Imperium/Lucan.
Now that I'm more familar with Lishun's location, I can see how it escaped the Black War. IIRC most of the BW happened in the vast region between Core, Ileish, and Solomani sectors.

Though I can't find the mentioned worlds in the maps on www.grandsurvey.com

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
(B), the R & D facilities were on a path outside of mainstream Imperial industry, and while perhaps diverse in nature, were also viewed *(at the time) as impractical for the vast industries of the Imperium to sufddenly adopt and use; or were themselves theories/ prototypes, and very few working models.
You could say that about the various developments of WWII, computers, radar, & atomic bomb. All it takes is one leader or scientist to demostrate that some research can be used. If not the research itself, it can be shown that project A, B, and C can be used together.

Also extracting the researchers for other work can have benefits.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
(C)As the war progressed, IMperial research funds began to wither, and the System's R&D university had to make do with local monies, and this slowed the advances, and kept them off the Imperial Radar.
Good point. KPetersonHe could write up that alot of the university's funding was local (defined as near by worlds, nobles, and corporations). He already posted that the Five Worlds really didn't suffer until the Virus.

My thoughts regarding point B also apply here.

There is always the strategy of "scrotched earth" in denying resources to others.
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Though I can't find the mentioned worlds in the maps on www.grandsurvey.com
That would be because they're figments of my imagination. ;) Honestly, I'm not that fond of many of the naming schemes associated with the OTU and would prefer to generate my own.

The self-imposed problem that I'm likely to face is that I'm merging MTU (my Traveller Universe) with what small portion I know of the OTU. Especially in regards to events like the Rebellion and Black Wars. To some extent I might be trying to fit a round peg in a square hole by conforming my own wishes to fit Traveller canon.

I want to create a plausible back-story, but I doubt that I'll be able to invest the time to commit to memory the history of the OTU from the death of Strephon to the New Era. I'll likely have to just steal the pieces that are the most appealing.

Thanks to everyone for posting their feedback. Special thanks to Liam Devlin for providing some canon-loopholes for me.
Originally posted by Kpeterson:
I want to create a plausible back-story, but I doubt that I'll be able to invest the time to commit to memory the history of the OTU from the death of Strephon to the New Era. I'll likely have to just steal the pieces that are the most appealing.

Thanks to everyone for posting their feedback. Special thanks to Liam Devlin for providing some canon-loopholes for me.
Planets renaming themselves in TNE is a "canon" practice in the "renewal theme", so GO FOR IT! :D

Note, Lishun is "stellar dense", lots of Jump-1 mains, not a lot of "gulfs/ mini refts like other sectors...well over 300 systems!!!

In the collapse, you will undoubtedly have many Vargr refugees as well, making for an additional Racial make-up in the local "gearhead-salvage-technology-for-the-future" mix of adventuerers in this PE. (Vargr are quick to adapt stuff, make mixed TL stuff work, IIRC.), not just make cut-out cardboard villain "corsairs"...

As fer the "loopholes", <bows>
Yer a scholar and a gentleman, sir! Twas no problem at all! ;) :D
Originally posted by George Boyett:
There is always the strategy of "scrotched earth" in denying resources to others.
"Scrotched Earth"?

Thanks, I was feelin' kind of down and one typo made my day!

The image that conjures up, WHOOO-WEEE
Originally posted by MT++:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by George Boyett:
There is always the strategy of "scrotched earth" in denying resources to others.
"Scrotched Earth"?

Thanks, I was feelin' kind of down and one typo made my day!

The image that conjures up, WHOOO-WEEE
</font>[/QUOTE]Also known as "Scorched Earth"
Re your Lishun Pocket Empire.

Lishun fell very rapidly - some idiot removing the sector fleet, so will not have got bombed out in the original vargr advance. I remember TNS reports from survival margin that indicated that a vargr mastermind was running lishun from behine the scenes (a former mentor of ArchDuke Bzzark).

The university would have hardcopy records and archives that would survive the initial viral infection. (these systems offline and usually buried away somewhere).

Don't forget that Lishun is next to the Julian League, they are quite capable of supporting ex-imperial planets (new markets after all, and the Julian League is heavily influenced by the Menderes Corporation).

League forces / trading ships could easily enter the old imperial territories (and the League of Antares next door was part of the JL for a while).

The JL could support a local imperial research facilty to help produce imperial standard equipment for the imperial market - people would be desparate for imperial standard parts regardless of where they came from.

Part Vargr equipment / protocols / standards would also slow the virus whilst it adapted.

Just Remembered

Isn't their a pocket empire in Lishun - Or Zell (the old hiding place of whats left of the league of antares). They were expanding out from their planet with their Voodoo Teams

Originally posted by RichardP:
Re your Lishun Pocket Empire.

Lishun fell very rapidly - some idiot removing the sector fleet, so will not have got bombed out in the original vargr advance. I remember TNS reports from survival margin that indicated that a vargr mastermind was running lishun from behine the scenes (a former mentor of ArchDuke Brzk).

The university would have hardcopy records and archives that would survive the initial viral infection. (these systems offline and usually buried away somewhere).


Some Idiot bein Lucan, IIRC...
And from its Vilani heritage of original settlement (1st Imperium) "traditionally" (all puns intended!), in copious TL-11, TL-10 copies that Virus wouldnae inhabit)
Don't forget that Lishun is next to the Julian League, they are quite capable of supporting ex-imperial planets (new markets after all, and the Julian League is heavily influenced by the Menderes Corporation).

League forces / trading ships could easily enter the old imperial territories (and the League of Antares next door was part of the JL for a while).

The JL could support a local imperial research facilty to help produce imperial standard equipment for the imperial market - people would be desparate for imperial standard parts regardless of where they came from.

Part Vargr equipment / protocols / standards would also slow the virus whilst it adapted.

Originally posted by RabidVargr:
heh, think someones been drinking a little too much scrotch. ;) Like the info though. Good stuff!

Not then when I wrote it, but now is a different story. (See "A First" topic in Random Static)
Originally posted by RichardP:
Just Remembered

Isn't their a pocket empire in Lishun - Or Zell (the old hiding place of whats left of the league of antares). They were expanding out from their planet with their Voodoo Teams

Lishun is also the home sector to the alien race of the Jgd il Jagd race.(HIWG source, Missouri archives on line), IIRC as well.
Their homeworld rests there. One wonders what their technology would have thought of AI-virus.
Of course working crystalline substances for ships hulls, and non silicon like computers, they might have survived, and destroyed vampires coming to thei gas giant home world! They have a large "clade" about 5 parsecs across from jagd, centered on Jagd, in LGG systems. AN alien PE, that is stuck due to jump-space fatal flaws in their genetic makeup(and thus are relegated to STl travel without their special capsules fro Jump-travel).
Or...they may have captured a few "Vampire" ships, cleansed them, an are using them to keep their clade in contact with each other...Hmmmmm?
Thier TL in computers/ ships, and art was TL-16 stuff. energy weapons as well. Missiles were TL-7 on their large but fast in system ships. These wer usually purchased from Imperial sources.(metal poor workers).
Possible Allies fer you out there K_Peterson!
Remember that prestige in Universties is relative to location, maybe prestigious locally, but not much known elsewhere.
Wandering Strangers that do good for the sake of doing just happen. don't explain such a useful plot device.
Whatever background you choose isn't important in the SHORT run, it only needs to remain consistent in the Campign.