Hey there.
I'm working on developing a Pocket Empire for my upcoming T20 campaign, and was curious if I could bounce some ideas off of the posters here for feedback's sake.
Mainly, I'm trying to create a plausible explanation for how/why the 5-odd planets in my chosen subsector survived the onslaught of the AI Virus. I've set the subsector up in a similar fashion to the Hubworlds described in the TNE rulebook (the five worlds are roughly a parsec apart from one another). Below is what I've come up with so far. I'd welcome any feedback or recommendations.
Nandunem is the subsector capital within the subsector of Nandunem within the Lishun sector of Known Space. Nandunem has the distinction of possessing one of the most prestigious universities within the Third Imperium. Four habitable planetary systems reside within a parsec's distance to Nandunem (Palansi, Akugad, Mumlur, and Lant) forming a core of Imperial strength within the subsector.
Prior to the release of the AI Virus, scientists and researchers for the Nandunem University had been undergoing testing on major advancements within the realm of computer technology. By good fortune, a number of prototypical spacecraft were installed with this advanced technology, rendering them fairly resistant to anti-security measures.
The AI Virus first struck into the system of Lant and encountered, initially, a Dragon-Class System Defense Boat on patrol. Inhabiting an X-boat, the virus attempted communications and, instead of easily assuming all-control over the Defense Boat, suffered segregation and containment of a portion of it's code. The Defense Boat's computer system quickly determined that the Virus proved an immediate threat to the spacecraft and recommended annihilation of the craft. This instance of Virus exposure was eliminated, but more attempts would follow.
Virus-infected craft continued to invade the Five Worlds and all advances were repelled. After a few brushed with near exposures, the Nandunem University's researchers scrambled to alter their computer advancements to meet the evolving strains of the Virus' coding. It was their efforts combined with the leadership of Count Damasc Uleluke that protected the five worlds while the rest of the Third Imperium was plunged into nightmare.
The rest of the Nandunem subsector fell victim to the carnage of the AI Virus and, as a result, the economies of the Five Worlds suffered. Partially-reliant on imported trade goods, the Five Worlds met with social and economical setbacks.
The Five Worlds today (1179) have gradually rebuilt and now have the resources to change their perspective from internal to external. Together they are strengthing their economic ties to one another and, in recent years, have begun to send scouts into the rubble that is the fall of the Third Imperium.
I'm working on developing a Pocket Empire for my upcoming T20 campaign, and was curious if I could bounce some ideas off of the posters here for feedback's sake.
Mainly, I'm trying to create a plausible explanation for how/why the 5-odd planets in my chosen subsector survived the onslaught of the AI Virus. I've set the subsector up in a similar fashion to the Hubworlds described in the TNE rulebook (the five worlds are roughly a parsec apart from one another). Below is what I've come up with so far. I'd welcome any feedback or recommendations.
Nandunem is the subsector capital within the subsector of Nandunem within the Lishun sector of Known Space. Nandunem has the distinction of possessing one of the most prestigious universities within the Third Imperium. Four habitable planetary systems reside within a parsec's distance to Nandunem (Palansi, Akugad, Mumlur, and Lant) forming a core of Imperial strength within the subsector.
Prior to the release of the AI Virus, scientists and researchers for the Nandunem University had been undergoing testing on major advancements within the realm of computer technology. By good fortune, a number of prototypical spacecraft were installed with this advanced technology, rendering them fairly resistant to anti-security measures.
The AI Virus first struck into the system of Lant and encountered, initially, a Dragon-Class System Defense Boat on patrol. Inhabiting an X-boat, the virus attempted communications and, instead of easily assuming all-control over the Defense Boat, suffered segregation and containment of a portion of it's code. The Defense Boat's computer system quickly determined that the Virus proved an immediate threat to the spacecraft and recommended annihilation of the craft. This instance of Virus exposure was eliminated, but more attempts would follow.
Virus-infected craft continued to invade the Five Worlds and all advances were repelled. After a few brushed with near exposures, the Nandunem University's researchers scrambled to alter their computer advancements to meet the evolving strains of the Virus' coding. It was their efforts combined with the leadership of Count Damasc Uleluke that protected the five worlds while the rest of the Third Imperium was plunged into nightmare.
The rest of the Nandunem subsector fell victim to the carnage of the AI Virus and, as a result, the economies of the Five Worlds suffered. Partially-reliant on imported trade goods, the Five Worlds met with social and economical setbacks.
The Five Worlds today (1179) have gradually rebuilt and now have the resources to change their perspective from internal to external. Together they are strengthing their economic ties to one another and, in recent years, have begun to send scouts into the rubble that is the fall of the Third Imperium.