I've been looking though my new T20 and D20 Modern books and I'm finding a lot I like in both. So naturally, I'm looking to use the best of each. I don't want to have a T20 rules/D20 sucks conversation (or vice-versa). Rather, I'm looking to see how the two rulesets can interact, and what the implications are. Here are my preliminary thoughts.
Character creation: T20 here. "Occupation", while simple just isn't as much fun as T20 Prior History. Having both is redundant.
Character classes: Not sure. What I'm thinking about doing is using T20 rules to create the characters, but allow players to take levels of "Fast Hero", "Charismatic Hero" as they go along, since they help define a character more cinematically. I'd probably drop the D20 "Advanced Classes" though. I need to check the balance between the two rulesets though.
Feats: probably allow feats from both, when not redundant or unbalanced.
Firearms Rules: Either set of rules would be ok - haven't studied this in depth yet. Covnetional (20-21st century) firearms do approximately the same damage in both games, but T20 has incredibly powerful energy weapons.
Damage Rules: I like the D20 massive damage rules better than the stamina/life blood rules in T20 (I also hate the term "life blood" in a hard sci-fi game. But I have to figure how to scale HP damage with the high-powered energy weapons.
Armor Rules: I don't really like either set of Armor rules, but T20 has the edge since even good armor is at least partially vunerable to low damage weapons.
Wealth: T20. I like the Wealth rules from D20 Modern, but in a Traveller-style game that spans worlds with no ftl communication, dealing with exact amounts of hard currency just seems better.
Psionics: Not sure yet.
Universe: Probably my own Firefly-style sector, with Earth in the center. Low steller tech. I want more of a connection with our world than exists in the far future of Traveller (i.e., worlds settled by Mormons, Canadians, etc). But I'm also going to throw some trans-humanisms in there as well.
Anyways, what do you think?
Character creation: T20 here. "Occupation", while simple just isn't as much fun as T20 Prior History. Having both is redundant.
Character classes: Not sure. What I'm thinking about doing is using T20 rules to create the characters, but allow players to take levels of "Fast Hero", "Charismatic Hero" as they go along, since they help define a character more cinematically. I'd probably drop the D20 "Advanced Classes" though. I need to check the balance between the two rulesets though.
Feats: probably allow feats from both, when not redundant or unbalanced.
Firearms Rules: Either set of rules would be ok - haven't studied this in depth yet. Covnetional (20-21st century) firearms do approximately the same damage in both games, but T20 has incredibly powerful energy weapons.
Damage Rules: I like the D20 massive damage rules better than the stamina/life blood rules in T20 (I also hate the term "life blood" in a hard sci-fi game. But I have to figure how to scale HP damage with the high-powered energy weapons.
Armor Rules: I don't really like either set of Armor rules, but T20 has the edge since even good armor is at least partially vunerable to low damage weapons.
Wealth: T20. I like the Wealth rules from D20 Modern, but in a Traveller-style game that spans worlds with no ftl communication, dealing with exact amounts of hard currency just seems better.
Psionics: Not sure yet.
Universe: Probably my own Firefly-style sector, with Earth in the center. Low steller tech. I want more of a connection with our world than exists in the far future of Traveller (i.e., worlds settled by Mormons, Canadians, etc). But I'm also going to throw some trans-humanisms in there as well.
Anyways, what do you think?