Originally posted by carrothead:
I guess some organization tips. I've been checking out some others and think I will lurk a little and see how its done. I also just ran across the Ursala one in the Random Static forum so I think I'm on my way. With a little more effort I could have avoided this needless thread, thanks anyway.
First and foremost-welcome to CoTI, where there is no such thing as a silly (or too silly) question. Second, My howdy's to the land of Armored cavalry and armor! HOOAH Black Horse!(my unit was there two summers ago as Opfor supplement troops (again).
As co-manager of
ISS Ursula, and rat bastiid gm #1 (R-BGM #2 is Bryan Gibson, Ancient here on CoTI, and artist of traveller stuff from JTAS dayz), we are learning as we go.
As A GM, and a player of FTF experience, this is many of our players first e-type game. MSN allows you 30MB of space, and you can set up yer "site" fer gaming from there. Instructions are user friendly.
We established the site, 04 january, and it has exploded from there, after gaming online on Sundays & mondays on THE LONESTAR CHAT site, our darlin ladies& patron saints LisaGB and Erin Kinser set up, back in Late september 2002. Due to the way that site is set up, anyone can waltz in there, and this caused diruptions, so we moved, and set up an Invitation only" site. No more spam attacks, or e-cruisers and losers, just the gamers, and the GM.
I commend you on your choice of group to study, and our method. ANything else I can help you with?
There are online game products (software ye can buy, (like GRiP) but as we all live in the RW, and the abilities such systems might offer us, there was the drawback if the one with the software (GM) wasnae in/ his comp was on the blink, etc, what would the rest of us do?
Hence, we went to MSN...
Another blessing, and I am first to crow it, unashamedly, were experienced roleplaying gamers:
CPT Blacklight,(MN)
EaK (OH)
Ellros (NE)
Shane McLean (UK/Ger)
Mark Siefert (WI)
Bryan Gibson (when I'm Gm-ing)GA
Zinzan (who has 'guest starred')-UK
Far Trader (who has guest starred)-Saketchewan/CAN
Rodina who has also "guest starred"(CA)
Rabid Vargr (Hawaii)
Father fletch (WA)
Myself (AR)
all were found on CoTI, and we met, and left lonestar chat to seek this out. Others have joined merely to watch. some are making PC's up for next week (Rabid Vargr! in Hawaii). Without the talent, and efforts in play of the above, this would have been a tedious exercise in futility. (Applause to the players!!!)
Another thing, we chose a campaign area we were all familiar with, and a region well documented:
Spinward marches, 1105-onwards. There is a ton of stuff in print/ reprinted, and online to access, so that everyone can bring a wee something to the table.
And we're using T20 to do the following
1. All be on the same sheet of music
2. Get used to it, so when the timeline 1000 stuff comes out, our own individual FTF campaigns are enhanced.
lemme know if ye need anything else!
Stay tuned...
SSG DW Hammersley
US Army, Infantry (AASLT)