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Stellar Reaches #3 Submission Deadline Approaches...


SOC-14 1K
Good morning, All,

The following is a public service announcement of sorts:

The deadline for submissions for Stellar Reaches Issue #3, Summer 2005, approaches. Articles and the like are due by midnight, July 31st, Central Time.

We already have a growing number of articles submitted, making my job both easier and more difficult in putting together the next issue. Indeed, selecting which articles to include will be difficult, based on the high quality of what has been submitted, but I am pleased to have those choices. We are still open to your submissions, though, so please feel free to submit something if you are interested.

With Warm Regards,
I know you're always looking for art so...

Can I submit a view I made from an exotic planet surface? Not sure what you could use it for but what the heck
It's jpg and not sure how to go about it...

I'm always open to art contributions!
Just send me the image file (preferably at 300dpi) via:
jason.flynn.kemp ~AT~ gmail.com

Make sure to include your name, and perhaps a brief two-three sentence blurb about yourself for the 'zine.

Thanks in advance,
Good morning, All,

I am no longer accepting submissions for Stellar Reaches #3. Instead, I am now accepting submissions for Stellar Reaches #4.

Due to Gen Con Indianapolis this month, I will have Stellar Reaches #3 posted by September 1st. If I get it out earlier, I'll let everyone know. However, for now, I think it best to set the expectations for a reasonable release date.

In Service To The Dream,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp