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Stellar Reaches #2 - Submission deadline approaches...


SOC-14 1K
Good afternoon, All,

This is just a gentle reminder that the submission deadline for the second issue of the Stellar Reaches fanzine is the end of April. If you would like to submit something for consideration, and would like it included in Issue #2 of the Stellar Reaches fanzine, please get it to me before the end of April. Otherwise, it may have to wait for Issue #3 this summer.

With Regards,
Good morning, All,

The premiere issue of Stellar Reaches can be found at:

You will find submission guidelines on the website itself. Also there are suggestions of what I'm looking for.

You can send your submissions to my email, which is "jason dot flynn dot kemp at gmail dot com". All submissions will be considered.

With Regards,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Good morning, All!

This is a quick reminder to those still interested in submitting articles and artwork for consideration in Issue #2 of Stellar Reaches that the deadline is THIS WEEKEND!

Looking forward to it,
Flynn, my science article has been sent to your gmail account. If any questions, send to liamdevlin33 at hotmail dot com.

TY for the reminder!

at yer service once again...
Good afternoon, All,

This is just an announcement that Issue #2 of Stellar Reaches will be available next Monday, May 23rd. This weekend didn't prove as profitable on getting the work done that I needed to, so I'm putting a deadline out there to let everyone know when to expect it.

Looking forward to its release,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Editor, Stellar Reacher fanzine
Flynn, I don't see it yet! :( This stuff is incredibly addictive, and I need my hit, man! I need my Stellar Reaches crack, and I need it now!

(Especially since the boards are particularly quiet this week....
Hehehehe, sorry for the delay. I've run into some formating issues as I've been putting together the layout. (I'm also adding artwork this time around, and so this is my first experience with art placement, etc.) As there's still a learning curve here, I have unfortunately missed my own deadline. :(

I am working on it as hard as I can, and I will keep you posted as to when I have it up. I just want to do it right rather than do it fast, preferring quality over speed.

My most sincere apologies,
And I should be able to deliver... ;)

This issue will have:
Cover art by Chuck Shaw;
The Delta Quadrant of Empty Quarter, circa 993;
An adventure set in the Delta Quadrant;
Beautiful artwork contributed by Bryan Gibson;
An article on Deep Space Stations, including stats;
Our first two contributed articles:
One on Task Forces in the Golden Era Spinward Marches;
One expanding on RNA Memory Implants (under T20 rules);
Some more beautiful artwork;
A Patron Encounter; and
A Wildlife Encounter.

Art! Did I mention art?

In Issue #3, we'll hit:
The Beta Quadrant of Empty Quarter sector;
An adventure set in Beta Quadrant;
An article on converting UWPs from the CT/MT Era to the 993 Era (unless it is published on COTI before August);
Several other contributions already in the works... (*hint, hint, robject*);
A surprise or two;
And the usual suspects.

Of course, if there's anything you'd like to see in them, please feel free to contribute an article or make suggestions that others might feel inspired to write about and submit.

All contributions will be considered!

More later,
Umm Flynn, has there been a snag in the 'zine hittin the site? Is everything allright?

Me with pneumonia now wishes to ask..

Thank ye!
The 'zine is done, but due to technical difficulties with my internet access at home, I was unable to post it last night. I will send out word tonight as soon as I can get it on the site. (That's assuming that Time Warner does their deed today, of course.)

More later,
You did inform them that you have a bunch of folks anxiously awaiting this, right? And, that many of us are very familiar with how to drop a near-c rock on their precise location?