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Heres a small thing that has always puzzled me in traveller. SMG's fire 4 bullets/round. They 30 rounds in a cartridge. So, eventually you will be down to 2 odd rounds.
Whats that all about!???
Anyone?? :cool:
I was unaware that it fired 4/rd bursts. I've used the three rd bursts, mayhap a "house rule", but that allows for a 10 combat rd load fired till empty. (10x 3=30). Try that. reduce damage dice by 1 rd, and ye should be squared away.

heretically yours,
Yeah. its mad though, innit? It was the same in Classic Traveller I think. You'd think they'd sell 32 or 28 bullets per ammo pack, wouldn't ya?

I was just wondering in case I had completely misunderstood the ROF rules....
Originally posted by pftmadness:
Yeah. its made though, innit? It was the same in Classic Traveller I think. You'd think they'd sell 32 or 28 bullets per ammo pack, wouldn't ya?

I was just wondering in case I had completely misunderstood the ROF rules....
Hmmm. My memory of CT dayz, we had 32 rd mags, fer our 56th century Ingram(TL-7)/ UZI SMG's(TL-7)/Schmeisser(TL-5) (9mm). But that was OurTU.
If they went with rounded numbers then they overlooked history a wee bit.
No harm done!

heretically yours,
Doing hard math while holding an SMG can be difficult. That's why I go with the 56th century version of the FN P-90 (TL 7-8?). 50 rnd magazine. Lots of room for estimating remaining load.
Plus if ya can't kill want you need to with 50/5.7x28mm rounds. You are probably somewhere you shouldn't be and you are hopefully packing a comm-link.

"Uh, LT. Markov, this is Baron Wetshispants, I need my arse pulled from the fire, ASAP." ;)
Originally posted by Jame:
How do Personal Defense Weapons (e.g. P90) compare to SMGs?
For al intents and purposes they are SMGs. The PDW catagory is a hazy one.

My take on weapons in Traveller is that I can alter any or all of the stats on occasion to represent different weapons in the range. The ones inthe book are just the average.

Originally posted by Jame:
PDWs as a form of SMG does make sense. Perhaps they're the next-gen SMG.
PDW is a concept, rather than a design. It is easy to use, small, automatic, modern. SMGs and machine pistols fit the most readily within that.

Uh, hmm... I'll take your word for that for now. I think I need to retool my knowledge/definitions of personal automatic firearms.
In good ole CT, the Uzi and the Sterling are mentioned as the chief equivalents to the Trav SMG. Looking at the SMG's in D20 Modern, especially as it concerns weight and price, the Tec-9 would seem to be a more appropriate equivalent. Any thoughts folks?
Originally posted by plop101:
In good ole CT, the Uzi and the Sterling are mentioned as the chief equivalents to the Trav SMG. Looking at the SMG's in D20 Modern, especially as it concerns weight and price, the Tec-9 would seem to be a more appropriate equivalent. Any thoughts folks?
The Tec-9 if you don't like the players. The factory model is a POS, well known for inaccuracy and frequent jamming. Looks cool though.

I prefer the MP-5. The Scorpion if looks are important.
Right, back to the original question for a sec...

Originally posted by pftmadness:
Heres a small thing that has always puzzled me in traveller. SMG's fire 4 bullets/round. They 30 rounds in a cartridge. So, eventually you will be down to 2 odd rounds.
Whats that all about!???
Anyone?? :cool:
This never stopped me from loading an odd (or is that even?) number, or firing the occasional snap shot or two when not full auto or burst. I also often had my PC seek out a gunsmith (or take some skill) to tweek a favored weapon to fire 3 round bursts or build a larger magazine. Anyway that was wayyy back in CT. I think it was MT that introduced a rule that on burst you still got the effect even if the remaining rounds were less than the number per burst. Besides its always been my practice to take the first oppourtunity in a firefight to swap in a full magazine before its empty
and depending on the circumstances if I'm gonna need to use my third mag its time to look for an exit

Say, isn't this about where somebody pops in and says "get outta here ya gunbunnies" and we all drift back to the TML Guntech list to make rude comments about the pacifists ;)

"Peace through superior firepower!"
You could always just load 28 in the magazine to help conserve the spring....

Otherwise, I'd adjudicate the burst on the actual number of rounds to come out of the barrel. My player might tell me that they are firing a burst, then factor it on a 2-round burst rather than the normal 4-round.