Yes, good logical next question. Hey wait a minute
I thought you were off on another vacation
Oh well, as long as you're still waiting for the launch
In addition to any ground facilities I think the Lagrangian points of any mainworld will be dedicated to (in order and subject to the number of mainworld-mainstar and mainworld-satellite Lagrange points available):
Mainworld-Mainstar L1 (between the mainworld and the mainstar) - Starport type A, B, or C - The main HighPort (for big traffic, generally the unstreamlined kilo-Ton ships) is placed here, with a smaller subsidiary HighPort(s) closer in for the smaller typically streamlined ships and small craft.
Mainworld-Mainstar L2 (opposite L1) - This is where the Starport A or B High Shipyard is placed. Here unstreamlined ships and/or craft are maintained, repaired and built.
Mainworld-Mainstar L4 (on the mainworld's orbit but 60° counterclockwise off the Mainworld-Mainstar line) - Navy HighGuard Base or Scout HighLook Base. In the case of both a Navy and Scout Base in the same system this is the HighGuard Base. If only one base exists in the system it is placed here with a smaller subsidiary base of the same service at the Mainworld-Mainstar L5 point.
Mainworld-Mainstar L5 (on the mainworld's orbit but 60° clockwise off the Mainworld-Mainstar line) - Navy HighGuard Base or Scout HighLook Base. In the case of both a Navy and Scout Base in the same system this is the HighLook Base.
Mainworld-Satellite Lagrange points (if any) are used for (in no particular order):
Space colony habitats in systems with high populations (code Hi) and Starport A, B or C.
Space industry/research bases in industrial systems (code In) with Starport A, B or C.
Private estate habitats in rich systems (code Ri) with Starport A, B or C.
Imperial Administrative centers in capital systems.
Finally a couple good links if you need to brush up on some basics.
Astronomy Introduction
Orbits and Lagrange Points