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Ship Questions


I have two questions regarding star ships.

First, what is the game effect of using unpurified fuel? I see a mention of it being bad / less reliable, but how does that translate to the game?

Second, are diameters measured by a moon or a planet's diameter? What I mean is: let's say a Highport orbits a gas giant's moon. Liar's Oath (a moon) in the Linkworlds is a good example of this. Does one have to travel 100 MOON diameter or 100 GAS GIANT diameters to jump safely? I'd logically presume the latter but the rules make no mention.

Thanks -- and sorry if I missed these in the rules.

Originally posted by Sage:
I have two questions regarding star ships.

First, what is the game effect of using unpurified fuel? I see a mention of it being bad / less reliable, but how does that translate to the game?
p. 354 Normal misjump probability DC 21 but unrefined fuel is a +2 on the die roll. So if you roll a 19 or 20 you misjump. There are other modifiers to misjump that might make it even more likely. This is the only game mechanic (to my knowledge) that relates. There is no penalty for using unrefined fuel for powering the fusion plant.

Originally posted by Sage:
Second, are diameters measured by a moon or a planet's diameter? What I mean is: let's say a Highport orbits a gas giant's moon. Liar's Oath (a moon) in the Linkworlds is a good example of this. Does one have to travel 100 MOON diameter or 100 GAS GIANT diameters to jump safely? I'd logically presume the latter but the rules make no mention.
You apply the greatest diameter in cases of overlap. So in the example if the 100d jump range for Liar's Oath lies within the 100d jump range of the gas giant the jump becomes more dangerous (+5 to the roll for misjump) unless you go far enough to cross the 100d jump range for the gas giant.

Originally posted by Sage:
Thanks -- and sorry if I missed these in the rules.

You're quite welcome, no apology necessary, they are both good questions.