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Ship Catalog: XBoat Route Transports


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Ship Catalog: Xboat Route Transports

This is a list of large freighters, mainly from The Traveller Adventure and The Spinward Marches Campaign, converted to T5's draft "Adventure-Class Ships" format. In the case of the SMC, which listed bogus stats for its ship(s), extra creative license was required. In all cases, a little flexibility was needed to adapt them to T5.

  • All ships are assumed to have J-4, M-1.</font>
  • All ships are assumed to have enough stewards to handle 2/3 of the staterooms with high passengers.</font>
Translation Notes:
  • T5's Drive-Stacking rule requires a one-ton coupler for each stacked drive.</font>
  • Hangar size is double the volume of its vehicles.</font>
  • Standard "transport" sensor suite is no extra volume or cost.</font>
  • Standard computer is no extra volume or cost.</font>

Al Morai F-K41u Freighter
 (1000t)    Hull-K
    20      Bridge
    75      J-drive-P
     9      M-drive-E
    43      P-plant-P
   410      Fuel
    48      Crew states/12
    60      Pass states/15
    40      Hangar (Launch)
   295      Cargo

Arean Lines R-K41u Transport
 (1000t)    Hull-K
    20      Bridge
    75      J-drive-P
     9      M-drive-E
    43      P-plant-P
   410      Fuel
    44      Crew states/11
    48      Pass states/12*
    80      Hangar (Pinnace)
   221      Cargo
* High passengers only.  Additional 50t allocated for passenger luxury.

Tukera L-K41u Liner
 (1000t)    Hull-K
    20      Bridge
    75      J-drive-P
     9      M-drive-E
    43      P-plant-P
   410      Fuel
    56      Crew states/14
   144      Pass states/36
    40      Hangar (Launch)
   203      Cargo

Baraccai Technum F-T41u Freighter
 (1800t)    Hull-T
    36      Bridge
    95      J-drive-T
    17      M-drive-J
    55      P-plant-T
   738      Fuel
    52      Crew states/13
    96      Pass states/24
    68      Hangar (Ship's Boat + Air/Raft)
   643      Cargo
* A civilized, non-exploratory version of the Leviathan-class Merchant Cruiser, 
  with most of the contingency equipment and ship's boats removed to accomodate 
  a more reasonable amount of cargo space. 

McClellan Factors L-V41u Liner
 (2000t)    Hull-V
    40      Bridge
   105      J-drive-V
    19      M-drive-K
    61      P-plant-V
   820      Fuel
    64      Crew states/16
   144      Pass states/36
    80      Hangar (Pinnace)
   667      Cargo
Al Morai R-Q241u Transport
 (3000t)    Hull-Q2
    60      Bridge
   161      J-drive-Q2
    27      M-drive-P
    93      P-plant-Q2
  1230      Fuel
    80      Crew states/20
   144      Pass states/36
   240      Hangar (3x40t shuttles)
   965      Cargo
Tukera F-Q241u Freighter
 (3000t)    Hull-Q2
    60      Bridge
   161      J-drive-Q2
    27      M-drive-P
    93      P-plant-Q2 
  1230      Fuel
    68      Crew states/17
    40      Pass states/10    
   190      Hangar (2x95t shuttles) 
  1131      Cargo
* Variants of this model are used by Makhidkarun, Sharurshid, and Ling Standard Products.
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If I were to do deckplans for these ships, I think I'd try to take a modular approach: I'd build standard blocks of staterooms (4, 8, and 12, perhaps). The engine room, hangar, and bridges might just be great cavernous things. And, I'd not show fuel and cargo.

Maybe sort of like these:
