I'd like to pull sensors out of the combat paradigm thread and deal with them independently so as not to muddy the waters too badly.
Sigg's original sensors are here and Robject's summary version is here.
This is my two bits.
These sensor rules were a set I designed some time ago and have yet to be extensively tested. They were designed for Book 2/Mayday and draw heavily from Star Cruiser and Brilliant Lances for inspiration and mechanics. They need work, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sensors come in two types; active and passive, and two classes; civilian and military. Civilian sensors are standard with the purchase of a bridge. Military sensors double the price of a bridge. They require no additional hull volume. Separate rules cover missile sensors and sensor drones.
Sensor Types
Each type of sensor has an auto-spot rating. This is the range at which a given target will be automatically detected.
For active military sensors, the auto-spot range is equal to the tech level in hexes.
For Active civilian sensors, the auto-spot range is equal to tech level-3 hexes.
Homing missiles have a range of tech level-4 hexes.
Sensor drones have the same range as civilian sensors.
Passive sensors of all types have one-half the range of actives, rounded up.
Active sensor Mods (cumulative)
The following modifiers are applied to the auto-spot range for active sensors:
Hull size: 5000,+3; 4000,+2; 3000,+1; 2000,0; 1000,-1
Ships less than 1000, -2
Small craft, -3
Missiles/Drones, -4
Computer Rating, +/- difference between seeker and target
Target shielded by planet or in orbit, -4
Jamming, See Jammer rules below
Passive Sensor Mods (cumulative)
Power Plant letter code: A-F,0; G-M,+1; N-T,+2; U-Z,+3
Small craft -1
Drones/missiles -2
Per G burn of target, +1
Target shielded by planet or in orbit, -4
Computer Rating, +/- difference between seeker and target
Jamming, See Jammer rules below
Targets using active sensors are automatically spotted at any range.
Drones and Missiles
Drones are constructed using the missile design rules from Mayday. They may have one sensor system installed in lieu of a warhead. Drones may also carry jammers which use the jamming rules below. Any drone system costs 5000Cr.Drones have a limited life. Sensor drones function for 4 turns and jammer drones function for 2 turns.
Homing missiles may use either active or passive sensors. There is no additional charge as the sensor cost is included in the guidance system
All ships mounting military sensors and some drones may jam enemy sensors. A jammer is automatically spotted at any range. Sensors attempting to spot through jamming are reduced as follows: if the direct line of sight passes through the jamming hex, -6. If through an adjacent hex, -4. If through a hex 2 hexes away, -2. These are not cumulative with each other, only the highest deduction can be used.
Any target that is within the modified auto-spot range can be engaged. There is no lock-on procedure. Military ships can share spotting, civilian ships cannot. There is no procedure to maintain lock. Each target is checked each turn. There is no limit to the number of acquisitions each ship can make. Any and all targets within auto-spot range can be identified. The auto-spot range is calculated for each target individually.
edit: afterthoughts and clarifications.
Sigg's original sensors are here and Robject's summary version is here.
This is my two bits.
These sensor rules were a set I designed some time ago and have yet to be extensively tested. They were designed for Book 2/Mayday and draw heavily from Star Cruiser and Brilliant Lances for inspiration and mechanics. They need work, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sensors come in two types; active and passive, and two classes; civilian and military. Civilian sensors are standard with the purchase of a bridge. Military sensors double the price of a bridge. They require no additional hull volume. Separate rules cover missile sensors and sensor drones.
Sensor Types
Each type of sensor has an auto-spot rating. This is the range at which a given target will be automatically detected.
For active military sensors, the auto-spot range is equal to the tech level in hexes.
For Active civilian sensors, the auto-spot range is equal to tech level-3 hexes.
Homing missiles have a range of tech level-4 hexes.
Sensor drones have the same range as civilian sensors.
Passive sensors of all types have one-half the range of actives, rounded up.
Active sensor Mods (cumulative)
The following modifiers are applied to the auto-spot range for active sensors:
Hull size: 5000,+3; 4000,+2; 3000,+1; 2000,0; 1000,-1
Ships less than 1000, -2
Small craft, -3
Missiles/Drones, -4
Computer Rating, +/- difference between seeker and target
Target shielded by planet or in orbit, -4
Jamming, See Jammer rules below
Passive Sensor Mods (cumulative)
Power Plant letter code: A-F,0; G-M,+1; N-T,+2; U-Z,+3
Small craft -1
Drones/missiles -2
Per G burn of target, +1
Target shielded by planet or in orbit, -4
Computer Rating, +/- difference between seeker and target
Jamming, See Jammer rules below
Targets using active sensors are automatically spotted at any range.
Drones and Missiles
Drones are constructed using the missile design rules from Mayday. They may have one sensor system installed in lieu of a warhead. Drones may also carry jammers which use the jamming rules below. Any drone system costs 5000Cr.Drones have a limited life. Sensor drones function for 4 turns and jammer drones function for 2 turns.
Homing missiles may use either active or passive sensors. There is no additional charge as the sensor cost is included in the guidance system
All ships mounting military sensors and some drones may jam enemy sensors. A jammer is automatically spotted at any range. Sensors attempting to spot through jamming are reduced as follows: if the direct line of sight passes through the jamming hex, -6. If through an adjacent hex, -4. If through a hex 2 hexes away, -2. These are not cumulative with each other, only the highest deduction can be used.
Any target that is within the modified auto-spot range can be engaged. There is no lock-on procedure. Military ships can share spotting, civilian ships cannot. There is no procedure to maintain lock. Each target is checked each turn. There is no limit to the number of acquisitions each ship can make. Any and all targets within auto-spot range can be identified. The auto-spot range is calculated for each target individually.
edit: afterthoughts and clarifications.