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Scandinavia in 2300

My first post in the 2300 section (although I've been "skulking" around quite a few times...)

I remember there were some site about the scandinavian union in 2300, but now I can't find it anymore (maybe my Google-Fu isn't strong enough..:-D).

Anyone knows where I can find that info?
Have you also seen the Twilight 2000 stuff that was produced in Finnish? It might be archived on the Penepod site and then use the web archive/wayback machine to "steal" the contents. Those have lots of details on how Scandinavian Union evolved. But, the site, I haven't seen. So, if you do find it. Please share it with the rest of us.
Scandinavian Union Starship Names for 2300AD
Copyright © 1998 by Jens Alm ( med97jal AT student2 DOT lu DOT se) and Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com) - All Rights Reserved
I've taken the liberty of mixing different sizes of Swedish ships, and as I am not a navy guy ( just summarizing some info I found on the swedish navy's homepages and some other places I found). I'll just classify them as large or small. Now, remember, large isn't huge, the Swedish Navy is competent ( or so I've heard) but not in possession of any battleships or their like. - Jens

I've added the Danish Navy names. In general, I figure that some of the names of modern ships that guard these nations offshore economic resources ( fisheries, and oil platforms) as well as their nations, may be seen again on SU Space Navy's ships in 2300. After all, the Scandinavian Union will want to guard their economic resources in space ( orbital factories, power-sats, and asteroid mining facilities) - KevinC

Can anyone help by providing modern Finnish or Norwegian Navy vessel names? If so, please contact Kevin ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com).

Surface Combatants
Thetis-class fisheries patrol frigates
F357 - Thetis F359 - Vaedderen
F358 - Triton F360 - Hvidbjornen

Beskyterren-class patrol frigate
F340 - Beskyterren

Nils Juel-class large corvettes
F354 - Nils Juel F355 - Olfert Fischer F356 - Peter Tordenskjold

Minelaying warfare
Various classes
HMS Carlskrona (minelayer, large) HMS Kullen (minesweeper, small)
HMS Visborg (minelayer, large) HMS Galten (minesweeper, small)
HMS Utö (tactical center, mine-laying, large) HMS Blackan (minesweeper, small)
HMS Ven (minesweeper, small)

Falster-class minelayers
N80 - Falster N82 - Moen
N81 - Fyen N83 - Sjaelland

Lindormen-class coastal mineplanters
N43 - Lindormen N44 - Lossen

Stockholm-class coastal corvette, large
K 11 - HMS Stockholm K 12 - HMS Malmö

Göteborg-class coastal corvette, large
K 21 - HMS Göteborg K 23 - HMS Kalmar
K 22 - HMS Gävle K 24 - HMS Sundsvall

R 131 - Norrköping R 138 - Piteå
R 132 - Nynäshamn R 139 - Luleå
R 133 - Norrtälje R 140 - Halmstad
R 134 - Varberg R 141 - Strömstad
R 136 - Västervik R 142 - Ystad

Bille-class missile & torpedo boats
P540 - Bille P545 - Norby
P541 - Bredal P546 - Rodsteen
P542 - Hammer P547 - Sehested
P543 - Huitfeldt P548 - Suenson
P544 - Krieger P549 - Willemoes

Patrolboats ( small)
P 151 - Hugin P 155 - Vale
P 152 - Munin P 156 - Vidar
P 153 - Magne P 157 - Mjolner
P 154 - Mode P 158 - Mysing

P 159 - Kaparen P 163 - Styrbjörn
P 160 - Väktaren P 164 - Starkodder
P 161 - Snapphanen P 165 - Tordön
P 162 - Spejaren P 166 - Tirfing

Flyvefisken-class multi-role ( modular equipment loadout) patrol boats
P550 - Flyvefiskhen P555 - Storen P560 - Raven
P551 - Hajen P556 - Svaerdfisken P561 - Skaden
P552 - Havkatten P557 - Glenten P562 - Viben
P553 - Laxen P558 - Gribben P563 - Soloven
P554 - Makrelen P559 - Lommen

Agdlek-class fisheries patrol boats
Y386 - Agdlek Y387 - Agpa Y388 - Tulugaq

Barso-class fisheries patrol boats
Y300 - Barso Y303 - Samso Y306 - Faro
Y301 - Drejo Y304 - Thuro Y307 - Laeso
Y302 - Romso Y305 - Vejro Y308 - Romo

Gotland +2 more

A 17 Västergötland A ?? Södermanland
A ?? Hälsingland A ?? Östergötland

Näcken +2 more

Kobben-class small coastal submarines
Utvaer Uthaug Kya

Tumleren-class small coastal submarines
S322 - Tumleren S323 - Saelen S324 - Springeren

Narhvalen-class small coastal submarines
S320 - Narhvalen S321 - Nordkaperen

Danbjorn-class coastal icebreakers
( in 2300 icebreakers may be specialized interface craft for landing on "frozen" worlds or moons)
Danbjorn Isbjorn

Thorbjorn-class coastal icebreaker

Elbjorn-coastal icebreaker

Rimfaxe-class coastal tankers
A568 - Rimfaxe A569 - Skinfaxe

Dannebrog-class royal yacht
(A540) - Dannebrog

Go back to: [ "Name Lists ..." Menu ]
Last Update: 1998 Mar 08
First Online: 1998 Mar 08
Pentapod's World of 2300AD - http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/2303/
Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com)


Here is an email that might be useful... sverre.sorum@trondheim.online.no for Sverre Sørum who maintained the SU in 2300AD site.
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Have you also seen the Twilight 2000 stuff that was produced in Finnish? It might be archived on the Penepod site and then use the web archive/wayback machine to "steal" the contents. Those have lots of details on how Scandinavian Union evolved. But, the site, I haven't seen. So, if you do find it. Please share it with the rest of us.

It is in the Internet Archive. Follow the links from Bryn Monnery's page and you'll find the URL.
The site makes sense, although I cannot shake the feeling it is present (or even recent past) Sweden painted into the future. But then again, many of the 2300 nations were surprisingly unchanged.

I must say I like the suggested flag. For my own map I came up with a version of the Scandinavian cross with all the colors represented, but this is a nice clean design that might fit the not very religious countries if they make a clean break from the old flags. The old ones would be retained on the country level.
The site makes sense, although I cannot shake the feeling it is present (or even recent past) Sweden painted into the future. But then again, many of the 2300 nations were surprisingly unchanged.

The big changes between 2300 AD and 2320 AD (page 62) seems to be that Iceland finally joined the Scandinavian Union, the founding of the Eriksson colony, that it is specified that there is no "Scandinavian" language (the trend in our present is that the Scandinavian languages are becoming more diverse) and Scandinavia finally being described as a republic instead of a monarchy ::)

But otherwise I ditto your opinion. An impression of 1970's Scandinavia seems to have become standard in the RPG industry. One interesting aspect is the Oslo Metroplex with a three-folded number of inhabitants than present day Norway :D
Ah, finally rid of the monarchy! It took a while. The fun question is whether it happened because the line died out, lack of interest, some form of scandal or as a condition for Iceland joining.

While I could imagine Swedish, Danish and Norwegian blending, it is simply not possible with Finnish and highly unlikely with Icelandic.

And clearly the reason for the big Oslo metroplex is the lively nightlife.
Ah, finally rid of the monarchy! It took a while. The fun question is whether it happened because the line died out, lack of interest, some form of scandal or as a condition for Iceland joining.

While I could imagine Swedish, Danish and Norwegian blending, it is simply not possible with Finnish and highly unlikely with Icelandic.

And clearly the reason for the big Oslo metroplex is the lively nightlife.

Nope, the SU is a United Kingdom, and just to make things interesting, is (or was) in personal union with the UK of GB and I.
There isn't much about the Scandinavian Union in the two canon 2300 AD sources that mention it (the AG and the ECS). The AG actually mentions Lapland as one of the nations that formed the SU in 2205. The ECS briefly mentions Iceland as independent, with the compulsory viking reference.

Actually the 2320 AD book fleshes out the Scandinavian Union quite a bit by stating it as a republic, and in the canon sources I cannot find any references to monarchies.
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There isn't much about the Scandinavian Union in the two canon 2300 AD sources that mentions it (the AG and the ECS). The AG actually mentions Lapland as one of the nations that formed the SU in 2205.

Lapland? Oh dear. Perhaps the book is referrign to some kind of semi-sovereign Sami council?

Actually the 2320 AD book fleshes out the Scandinavian Union quite a bit by stating it as a republic, and in the canon sources I cannot find any references to monarchies.

I'm a bit confused. Are we talking about the Scandinavian Union as a whole having a monarchy, or about the possibility of the member-states having monarchies or not?
While there formally exists a Sami council today, it seems relatively unlikely that any autonomous Lapland would be formed in the Twilight years - modern reindeer herding is quite dependent on vehicle fuel, and most of the population in the region is not sami anyway. But maybe it emerged briefly just before the union was created? As conditions got better, the people of the north had a brief fling with independence like Scotland today before joining into the union (perhaps even as a deliberate move to get a better deal). It is not so much a sami nation as a convenient fiction when calculating agricultural subsidies.

As for royal families, they tend to marry together all the time. Both a joint monarchy for Sweden, Norway and Denmark and separate monarchies seem possible. Maybe the SU as a whole is a republic, but the three member countries are still monarchies.

From a Scandinavian perspective the important question is after all just who determines taxation and regulates liquor sales.
I'm a bit confused. Are we talking about the Scandinavian Union as a whole having a monarchy, or about the possibility of the member-states having monarchies or not?

The SU (or rather "Greater Sweden") in the Game had a long standing rivalry with Britain (and their Canadian allies) over the exploitation of Greenland and Antarctica, which they lost. Things take a rather different turn in 2267 when Frederick of Scandinavia ascends to the British throne. There has been some speculation that Christian abdictated from Britain in 2301 in order to separate the thrones of the UK and SU, and broke the personal union.
From a Scandinavian perspective the important question is after all just who determines taxation and regulates liquor sales.

Competition via ferrygoing to Russian-associated Estonia and independent Latvia doubtless enters into the equation.