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Jumpspace Institue


I remember a long time ago, stumbling across some adventure seeds online concerning the Jumpspace Institute and the shenanigans they get up to. My Google-Fu has failed me, so I come to the Forums, hat in hand, to ask if anyone is familiar with the adventure ideas i seek. I think it was structured like a Patron encounter.

Alternatively, if anyone has an interesting idea to use the Jumpspace Institute, or has had an interesting scenario in their game involving them, is live to hear about it!
I can't say that I've used the Jumpspace Institute, but I have used the Ancients Foundation pretty regularly. The thing you're talking about was, IIRC, written in the MT era and was published in Challenge - though I may also just be remembering a TNS entry.

I can't say that I've used the Jumpspace Institute, but I have used the Ancients Foundation pretty regularly. The thing you're talking about was, IIRC, written in the MT era and was published in Challenge - though I may also just be remembering a TNS entry.

Maybe it was the Ancients Foundation? I'm also wondering if it was on the old Traveller Mailing List...
Traveller Wiki (Imperial Encyclopedia) to the rescue …

Jumpspace Institute
Yeah, it mentions three sources. The Megatraveller Player's Manual and Megatraveller Journal article have the same information as the very first sentence of the wiki page, as a bullet-point Library Data entry. The HRD listing is still on archive.org, has the rest of the information in the wiki listing. I was hoping for more info. Even the Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine has more information, from a single article in JTAS #22!
I'm a little perturbed they did a while article about jump drive research and didn't even mention the Jumpspace Institute even once!
And because of MegaTraveller this little plotline vanished into jumpspace...

"REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 102 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69 F) dated 121-1111 reads: "The first known victim to survive direct exposure to hyperspace arrived at Terra today, suffering from what medical experts are calling 'Hyperspace sickness'.
Naval commander Ansel Churner, an engineering officer on his way to retirement on Prometheus, is being held in strict quarantine until specialists can determine the specific effects the exposure will have. Doctors working on the case are quoted as saying that preliminary tests indicate that Cdr. Churner is in good condition, but is not mobile".
¶ "Three members of the engineering department on the Tyrol, a Rome, Inc. luxury liner were killed. Circumstances of their deaths have not been released at this time".
¶ Admiralty spokesmen at Regina refused to comment on the dispatch.

REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 140 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69-F) dated 130-1111 reads: "The Starship Accident Inspection Team (SAIT) of Australia Down Starport has been officially relieved of its duties in the inspection of the Tyrol, a Rome Inc. luxury liner which suffered mysterious damage while in hyperspace en route to this world. The Naval Attache to Terra, Captain Winston of Duncanhood, Earl of Lardher, officially relieved the SAIT and replaced them with his own team of specialists, including a number of civilian representatives from the Beta Draconis Industries. Heavy security measures, including marine guards, have been implemented, and all access to the Tyrol has been cut off to observers.
¶ Meanwhile medical specialists at the Demosthenes Naval Hospital have confirmed the gradual recovery of Commander Churner from the almost total loss of equilibrium he suffered as a result of exposure to hyperspace."

REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899 A) Date: 142 1112
¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207 A867A69-F) dated 132-1111 reads: "The remains of the three engineering crew who were killed in the mysterious mishap on board the Tyrol were identified today as First Mate Jerrance Willan of Hell/Sol, Second Mate Elizabeth Maeer of Prometheus, and Cargo Specialist Albaret Michaelsson of Terra/Sol. Their remains are being held pending the conclusion of medical investigation, after which they will be released to their families." "

Remains, not bodies...
spooks replacing legitimate accident investigators...
civilian representatives from the Beta Draconis Industries, who the dickens are these people...
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I'm a little perturbed they did a while article about jump drive research and didn't even mention the Jumpspace Institute even once!

That's because the Jumpspace Institute is a Deneb thing IIRC, and that event happens in the Solomani Rim. Honestly, I'd probably rewrite them into being something akin to the Ancients Foundation (aka a quasi-official independent organization funded by the Imperial Throne) or come up with a competing, more Imperium-wide organization.

Hmm, the Jumpspace Institute having a special circumstance team that investigates... irregularities.

Wasn't there an article in JTAS or Challenge about odd happenings?
Hmm, the Jumpspace Institute having a special circumstance team that investigates... irregularities.

Wasn't there an article in JTAS or Challenge about odd happenings?
See, that's the Challenge #33 article. Several patrons asking for work involving jump drive research, in different ways. The only thing I'm less fond of is when they don't come up with 6 different variations for each patron, but it's tough to write those.
Was it Project Farstar in Challenge 33?
I had my players come across the remnants of this in a TNE game, including a possibly functional attempt at a 'multi-drive' ship. In this case I had it as a 'jump within a jump' - a multi-stage ship that was intended to jump, and then jump again using a separate drive (hopefully leaving the original drive and massive fuel tanks behind).

For a bunch of usually quite risk averse players they were remarkably keen to try it.
I had my players come across the remnants of this in a TNE game, including a possibly functional attempt at a 'multi-drive' ship. In this case I had it as a 'jump within a jump' - a multi-stage ship that was intended to jump, and then jump again using a separate drive (hopefully leaving the original drive and massive fuel tanks behind).

For a bunch of usually quite risk averse players they were remarkably keen to try it.
The "Appendix A" section of the article with possible plot elements in case your player characters get stuck in interstellar space is hilarious!
Looks like I am remembering something from the MT era of Challenge 44 and 46

Challenge article Lost Treasure Ships of the Abyss Rift (challenge 44, page 30) depicts the zone akin of a Bermuda Trinagle in the zone, with ships disappearing in the area at higher rates than usual. Fated Voyage (Challenge 46, page 26) is an adventure realted to this.

See that the article in JTAS #2 Victoria, while making no reference to the Abyss oddities, is on it too...
That's because the Jumpspace Institute is a Deneb thing IIRC, and that event happens in the Solomani Rim.
Rereading the articles, while it's mentioned the Jumpspace Institute was "originally financed by the Duke of Deneb to research and refine jump drive technology (emphasis mine)," it doesn't specify that it was Archduke Norris, Duke of the Domain of Deneb (post-1114), leaving open the possibility that it was the Duke of Deneb Sector earlier than that. That leaves open the possibility that it has expanded to activities scattered throughout the Imperium, especially if it's part of the Imperium-wide Imperial Science Union. I could see them dispatching researchers if a few ships coincidentally (or was it?) misjump to the same region of space. I'm just saying, I love crazy researchers as a plot element, and messing with the poorly-understood jumpspace technology seems like an excellent science gimmick; I'd hate to limit it to the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim.
Rereading the articles, while it's mentioned the Jumpspace Institute was "originally financed by the Duke of Deneb to research and refine jump drive technology (emphasis mine)," it doesn't specify that it was Archduke Norris, Duke of the Domain of Deneb (post-1114), leaving open the possibility that it was the Duke of Deneb Sector earlier than that. That leaves open the possibility that it has expanded to activities scattered throughout the Imperium, especially if it's part of the Imperium-wide Imperial Science Union. I could see them dispatching researchers if a few ships coincidentally (or was it?) misjump to the same region of space. I'm just saying, I love crazy researchers as a plot element, and messing with the poorly-understood jumpspace technology seems like an excellent science gimmick; I'd hate to limit it to the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim.
As of 1105, I don't think there is a Sector Duke in Deneb (and I doubt one was appointed before Norris became Archduke), so it would have to be the Duke of Deneb subsector.