Originally posted by TimNewman:
Hi Liam,
What I was thinking was that without trained psionic characters of it’s own, the RC would usually be fighting against hostile Psions – there is an adventure describing this somewhere. IMTU the RC is concerned with public opinion and with keeping public support for it’s activities.
**Because of this they provide opportunities for journalists to cover the operations of the RCES/RCN and to report on missions. Now the journalists will regularly be reporting clashes with TEDs, and will probably also report the Guilds activities in supporting TEDs with technology. This won’t turn people against technology though because they are using or benefiting from it themselves.
However, there are a number of Psionic/Mystic groups that the RCES is going to clash with.
As on Suudo/Khulam; humans on Yontez/Shenk; droyne & humans on Shenk/Shenk, & Tinyid/Thoezennt; droyne on Daaliisa/promise (operation Cosmic Fire-also covered by a Journbalist!And exposed)...so noted<nods>.
Note that psionics is probably going to be more effective against RCES operations than a TEDs troops – the earliest Psi-shield is TL12, and psi-shields are not built in to RC battle dress (according to the Equipment Guide).
in the OTU of RC space, this can have an impact, yes. Psionics/Mysticism is hinted at on Spires/Aubaine in PoT, but left undeveloped in a gray area for GMs to use or ignore. Frankly, a society at TL-2 ythat has joined an interstellar polity like the RC would be perfect for such skills..as well as the Schalli..(with intendant anti-Aubani prejudices from centrist planets of the league/federation, coalition).
If psionics is effective, used by the RC’s enemies, and not used by the RC I think people are going to be hostile. Why I brought up Imperial attitudes was that Imperial prejudice could still linger despite the end of the Imperium. 300 years of prejudice isn’t something likely to be forgotten easily and psionic enemies could easily become a RC bugbear.
Yes, that MIGHT be plausible save for the heavy DN-anti Imperial feelings the RC has!!! This is after all a "NEW era"..

Agreed the 300 year prejudices are harder to remove than may be presumed by Hand wavium*(a forbidden element of the peridoic charts IMTU, along with unobtanium & Bolonium!

BUT..the use of psionics VERSUS virus paves the way for its acceptance.
**The Schalli virus busters are a great way to show how the RC can use psionics for itself, so it isn’t assumed that only the bad guys use psionics. Psionics then just becomes a tool, not evil in itself but like technology capable of evil use.
Tim Newman