We were working with the robot construction rules this weekend. The crew has more money than sense now so the pilot (a lonely man who has been spurned by the female captain and the female medic aboard) decided to take advantage of the stop over at the TL15 world and buy a... companion.
Does this look right to you guys who have much more familiarity than I with the vehicle/robot construction rules?
TL 15 Humaniform Robot 509.368kCr + 98kCr in software
STR - 8
DEX - ?
CON - ?
INT - 10
WIS - ?
CHA - 10
EDU - 2
SOC - ?
Medium Chassis 100cr
M2 Robotic Brain - 2.16 EP 32.4vl 30kCr
Legs - 1 EP 42vl 4500cr
Arms - 8 Strength 15 Dex 1.6 EP 4vl 1600cr
Holovisual - .08 EP 1.2vl 2000cr
Voder - .03 EP .5vl 1200cr
2 Way Radio - .2EP .1vl 7500cr
Auditory Sensor - .01 EP .2vl 200cr
Olfactory Sensor - .05 EP .5vl 1500cr
Tactile Sensor x5 - 1 EP 5vl 15000cr (5 as our best guess for tactile sensors in each limb plus torso?)
EP/Hour usage - 6.13
Energy - Advanced Battery x141 141 EP 1.41vl 71cr
90.08vl total (-10% of nominal human size)
Operates 23 hours before needing a 14 minute recharge
M2 Robotic Brain 35/12
High Autonomous Logic - 15PP 25kCr
Full Verbal Command - 10PP 5kCr
Valet - 2PP 3kCr
Personality Interface - +6 Charisma 3PP 30kCr
Normal Skills - Can run one at a time
Entertain Dance 5 5kCr
Entertain Sing 5 5kCr
Entertain Courtesan 5 5kCr
Entertain (pick a musical instrument) 5 5kCr
Liason 5 5kCr
Ride Horse 5 5kCr
Swim 5 5kCr
Does this look right to you guys who have much more familiarity than I with the vehicle/robot construction rules?
TL 15 Humaniform Robot 509.368kCr + 98kCr in software
STR - 8
DEX - ?
CON - ?
INT - 10
WIS - ?
CHA - 10
EDU - 2
SOC - ?
Medium Chassis 100cr
M2 Robotic Brain - 2.16 EP 32.4vl 30kCr
Legs - 1 EP 42vl 4500cr
Arms - 8 Strength 15 Dex 1.6 EP 4vl 1600cr
Holovisual - .08 EP 1.2vl 2000cr
Voder - .03 EP .5vl 1200cr
2 Way Radio - .2EP .1vl 7500cr
Auditory Sensor - .01 EP .2vl 200cr
Olfactory Sensor - .05 EP .5vl 1500cr
Tactile Sensor x5 - 1 EP 5vl 15000cr (5 as our best guess for tactile sensors in each limb plus torso?)
EP/Hour usage - 6.13
Energy - Advanced Battery x141 141 EP 1.41vl 71cr
90.08vl total (-10% of nominal human size)
Operates 23 hours before needing a 14 minute recharge
M2 Robotic Brain 35/12
High Autonomous Logic - 15PP 25kCr
Full Verbal Command - 10PP 5kCr
Valet - 2PP 3kCr
Personality Interface - +6 Charisma 3PP 30kCr
Normal Skills - Can run one at a time
Entertain Dance 5 5kCr
Entertain Sing 5 5kCr
Entertain Courtesan 5 5kCr
Entertain (pick a musical instrument) 5 5kCr
Liason 5 5kCr
Ride Horse 5 5kCr
Swim 5 5kCr