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Revised CT?


Whilst ploughing through the "Why don't new people play Traveller?" thread I noticed a comment from Hunter,
"We are looking seriously at reintroducing a slightly revised version of CT as a lighter rules system to complement T20."

I know I've not been keeping up with things over here, but has this been mentioned before? If so is there any more news about it? Any open discussions already on-going about it?
Nope, haven't mentioned it before, probably shouldn't have then. ;)

If it happens what you'd see is an updated version of the CT rules with a slightly modified MT task system that is compatible with the T20 task system on 'terms of difficulty' (ie: Easy, Hard, Average, etc.).

The personal combat system would be changed over to be compatible with the task system. Armor and Damage would likely be very similar to T20's system.

Characters would not change much as far as background goes, but the randomness would be optional meaning you could randomly generate your character pretty much like original CT or you can pick and choose everything instead. Adding optional rules like Advantages and Disadvantages is something I would also consider.

Vehicles, Starships, etc. would use the T20 systems which are already CT compatible, though these systems might get updated slightly.

New techs would also probably be added, but noted that some campaign settings may only use some of the technological concepts detailed in the rulebook. This would allow us to specify for example in the OTU, nanobots, cybernetic enhancements, FTL communications and such are not used. If a referee wanted to use them, they of course could but the referee would know that the published material for the OTU will not be written with these technologies in mind.

The main idea would be to update the more 'dated' game mechanics and streamline things a bit more, but keep it 100% compatible with the original CT and make it easy to dual stat supplementary for both the updated CT rules and T20.

I'm not looking to dump T20, but I do see a potential market for a more streamlined set of mechanics like what the original CT had to offer.

"The main idea would be to update the more 'dated' game mechanics and streamline things a bit more, but keep it 100% compatible with the original CT and make it easy to dual stat supplementary for both the updated CT rules and T20."

What sort of mechanics would be updated?

Err...I think I just pretty much detailed most of the changes I could see in my previous post. Do you have a question about a specific part?

How about "CT Plus"? (or " CT+ ")

Though to be honest, It doesn't really sound like CT with a few tweaks (what with all the potential for adding stuff like nanotech etc), it sounds more like a whole new game...! And does Traveller really need yet another system?

I'm guessing that the market you're looking at are those who want "CT done right"? (and so far that lot have been hanging on for T5, hence my pun). I'm not sure I get the logic of doing all this with CT rather than T20 though. What's the advantage of one company having two different (albeit vaguely compatible?) systems to support the same game at the same time?
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Though to be honest, It doesn't really sound like CT with a few tweaks (what with all the potential for adding stuff like nanotech etc), it sounds more like a whole new game...! And does Traveller really need yet another system?
I don't really consider it as YAS, but I guess you could. I see the 'system' as characters, combat, and skills. And there, it would be 100% compatible with CT. The other stuff is basically the T20 material (ships, vehicles, worlds, technology, etc.) which is CT compatible anyway.

As for the 'additional' stuff like new techs, those would probably only seriously covered in a seperate supplement.

I'm guessing that the market you're looking at are those who want "CT done right"? (and so far that lot have been hanging on for T5, hence my pun). I'm not sure I get the logic of doing all this with CT rather than T20 though. What's the advantage of one company having two different (albeit vaguely compatible?) systems to support the same game at the same time?
T5 really isn't even a factor in my thinking. I'm looking at a market of players would don't like d20 system games and a larger niche market of CT/MT/T4 players who might like it.

I'm also looking for a set of lite rules that can be used to core out future setting books to let them be able to stand alone OR be used with T20.

Any additions like nano-tech, etc., those systems and rules would be written to be used with both CT and T20.

We already dual-stat the adventures and such, this just takes it one step further. The risk is minimal I believe and the potential is pretty good.

Originally posted by spank:
what game mechanics do you mean are dated?
The skills system and personal combat system are seriously dated and clunky. Each skill has a different way of handling modifiers and the application of skill levels, and the combat system is reliant on tables for determinine range modifiers and armor modifiers.

I woudl like to see a combination way of generation. 1/2 random 1/2 chosen. This way you might get a cool skill you did not think about before but still have the core skills you were looking for. Maybe change the geneeration to make the forst few terms have more skills and after that they have more mustering out benefits. This way you can have a good character that is nto over 40. If you want to stay for the duration then you will be the one most likely to get the trader or scout.
T5 really isn't even a factor in my thinking. I'm looking at a market of players would don't like d20 system games and a larger niche market of CT/MT/T4 players who might like it.
Don't the latter already have their favourite systems with which to play Traveller though?

I can see the "don't like d20 system" angle though.

On a vaguely related front, I'm pondering trying to do a d20Modern/Future conversion of T20. If it gets done and it's decent and you're up for it, would that be able to go on the QLI website somewhere as a free download? I figure that sort of conversion might lure in a few more people who are into those d20 games...
Originally posted by Madarin Dude:
I woudl liek to see a combination way of generation. 1/2 random 1/2 chosen. This way you might get a cool skill you did not think about before but still have the core skills you were looking for. Maybe change the geneeration to make the forst few terms have more skills and after that they have more mustering out benefits. Thsi way you can have a good character that is nto over 40. If you want to stay for the duration then you will be the one most likely to get the trader or scout.
Gaining skills would be automatic rather than random, at a rate of 1 skill per year. Additional skills could also be picked up after a commission, promotion, etc.

Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
T5 really isn't even a factor in my thinking. I'm looking at a market of players would don't like d20 system games and a larger niche market of CT/MT/T4 players who might like it.
Don't the latter already have their favourite systems with which to play Traveller though? </font>[/QUOTE]Sure they do, but they might find it easier to find new players with a ruleset that is in print and presents a more 'modern' appearance.

I can see the "don't like d20 system" angle though.
d20 might hold the market share, but there are still a LOT of other people out their who might be willing to player Traveller if they had a ruleset other than d20 (not knocking GT btw!).

On a vaguely related front, I'm pondering trying to do a d20Modern/Future conversion of T20. If it gets done and it's decent and you're up for it, would that be able to go on the QLI website somewhere as a free download? I figure that sort of conversion might lure in a few more people who are into those d20 games...
Sure, I'll post it up for everyone. Not a problem. Just remember that only the stuff from the d20 Modern SRD is legal to use. If it is in the book and it is not in the SRD you CAN'T use it.

By random I ment rolling on a table for some skills like CT. Then choosing some. 1 per year is a better rate than before. Will yo ukeep the 2D6 mechanic. I liked that everyone has D6 aroudn the house. That makes it easier to bring in non gamers. (open the monopoly box and get me the dice)
Originally posted by Madarin Dude:
By random I ment rolling on a table for some skills like CT. Then choosing some. 1 per year is a better rate than before. Will yo ukeep the 2D6 mechanic. I liked that everyone has D6 aroudn the house. That makes it easier to bring in non gamers. (open the monopoly box and get me the dice)
The options would be to pick from the list or roll randomly. I'd leave it to the Referee to decide how they wanted to do it. For PCs I personally would let the players pick their skills, and use the random rolls for NPCs.

As for 2d6, yes that would not change. Everything would be 2D except for damage rolls just like CT.

Originally posted by hunter:
Sure they do, but they might find it easier to find new players with a ruleset that is in print and presents a more 'modern' appearance.
Good point
. Well, I watch and wait with interest then ;) .

Sure, I'll post it up for everyone. Not a problem. Just remember that only the stuff from the d20 Modern SRD is legal to use. If it is in the book and it is not in the SRD you CAN'T use it.
Cool. Yeah, I'm aware of all those legalities, don't worry ;) . It'd basically be aimed at anyone who had d20Modern anyway so I could skip the XP tables and stat rolling.
To quote from Adventure 6, "Interesting".

I dunno about 'tweaking' vehicles, starships, and personal combat; I think that would be alot more like an extensive redo. However, it would be very easy to lift the Trade and Commerce and Starship Economics sections out of T20; there just tweaked versions of the ones in CT.

A MT task system: Check. I could go along with that.

What one could do is go back into the skills section. The original CT skill descriptions are, by todays standards, pretty bare bones. A full description of the skill, along with several examples of how the skill is to be used, would be nice. This is one thing that I have a grudging respect for T20; they have extensive explanations of how each skill is supposed to work.

A question for Mr Hunter: How far along is this? Are you in the idea and conception phase, or is this at the drawing board, or are you constructing the new version?
One question: Would this be stand alone, or would you need T20 to use it. In other words, you talk about making ship/vehicle construction and world generation the same between CT Modern and T20. Would those sections be duplicated in both books, or would CT Modern require T20.

If CT Modern was the THB with the d20 stuff ripped out and replaced with updated CT rules, but the rest left completely alone, I would buy the preorder now.

(Actually, I would be willing to help write it, but I doubt there is any way for me to directly help like that.)