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reprints update

Try e-mailing Avery/Marc, he responded to may e-mail asking about the CT reprints almost as fast as I e-mailed him. (Must have got him when he was online)
I have tried to no avail. I just get an indeterminate..."I am working on and that content is currently very fluid." That was about a month ago, I was hoping for those Great Old Ones (Hunter) might be able to shed greater light...<sigh>
The old cliche about all good things coming to those that wait come to mind here. Granted I would rather have a tenative release date than ambigious details... I get the feeling there is more going on behind the scenes than we know (of course).

In the end we still end up waiting, that's the annoying part.

Until Later

Hunter, I guess that Marc hasn't told you anything new...

Well, it might be just as well...I am looking to make an investment into QKL Gateway to Destiny & hopefully if Canadian distributors can get their act together for Dispora Phoenix...again Hunter/MJD...any new details here...
Originally posted by Wayne:
Try e-mailing Avery/Marc, he responded to may e-mail asking about the CT reprints almost as fast as I e-mailed him. (Must have got him when he was online)
What was the answer?
I'm not sure which reprints you're referring to but I was in my FLGS (Friendly local gaming store) the other day and the T2000 1st ED reprint was there. First ED rules and first four? adventures in one volume. Looked good, was expensive, and I allready have it all.
I have the first re-print. T:2000 1st edition rules, Free city of Krakow, Pirates of the Vistula and The Black Maddonna all in one neatly bound volume.

It also includes some interesting background information on number of sales of each product, and a weighted review score for each scenario.

The only snag I have found so far is the players colour map of poland is printed on two facing pages, which are in the wrong order, and a town is missing from the GM's map for Escape from Kaliz.

Other than that, its all good, nostalgiac fun.

No arguing the production qualities are good, I had done the pre-order before publication. So I ended up with a piece of production artwork as well added to the purchase... an artists rendetion of the L85 LSW.

Quite pleased with it as it gives me a chance to retire the original printed material from GDW.

Until Later

Originally posted by GJD:
I have the first re-print. T:2000 1st edition rules, Free city of Krakow, Pirates of the Vistula and The Black Maddonna all in one neatly bound volume.

It also includes some interesting background information on number of sales of each product, and a weighted review score for each scenario.

The only snag I have found so far is the players colour map of poland is printed on two facing pages, which are in the wrong order, and a town is missing from the GM's map for Escape from Kaliz.

Other than that, its all good, nostalgiac fun.

Oops. It also includes "The Ruins of Warsaw"

Originally posted by GJD:
The only snag I have found so far is the players colour map of poland is printed on two facing pages, which are in the wrong order, [/QB]
So that when you photocopy it to be more useful, your bad areas end up being at the edges rather than in the center where the data is more important. Sheesh ;)
Originally posted by paladin2019:
So that when you photocopy it to be more useful, your bad areas end up being at the edges rather than in the center where the data is more important. Sheesh ;)
Well...if they were that clever, why didn´t they do the same with the map of Krakow? And why don´t the two halves of the poland-map match? (at least it seems to me like that, when I compare the edges)
Also, in my copy, a section of the book has a different paper-quality than the rest (the paper is "whiter"). And no, I don´t mean the glossy paper, that makes up the first pages.
I wouldn´t say, that production-quality of the book is very high. Still, it´s good value and many thanks to FFE for making it available again.
Originally posted by Cryo:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by paladin2019:
So that when you photocopy it to be more useful, your bad areas end up being at the edges rather than in the center where the data is more important. Sheesh ;)
Well...if they were that clever, why didn´t they do the same with the map of Krakow? And why don´t the two halves of the poland-map match? (at least it seems to me like that, when I compare the edges)
Also, in my copy, a section of the book has a different paper-quality than the rest (the paper is "whiter"). And no, I don´t mean the glossy paper, that makes up the first pages.
I wouldn´t say, that production-quality of the book is very high. Still, it´s good value and many thanks to FFE for making it available again.
</font>[/QUOTE]But they do match up, you're just not lining up the pages right. Didn't you know, FFE is infallible. They're perfect. There is no better product than the reprints.

lalalalalalala, not listening, lalalala ;)
