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Hey, my players have a 300ton close escort. Recently they were in an altercation and suffered some damage to thier starboard triple beam laser turret. They didn't have the money for full replacements so they opted for repair and a changeout of the weapon load. They repaired one laser, sold off the other two and moved an undamaged beam from the other turret. In the now open space in each triple turret they cut some costs and put in missile racks.

Here's my question: I can't seem to find data on how many missiles are in the magazine for a missile rack and the cost of invidual missile reloads. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
IIRC it is 3. Reloads are by hand
unless some sort of auto-loader has been fited.
My thoughts on missile racks:

CT says three missiles per rack; does not say how they are configured.


1 missile on the launcher, with 2 missiles in a magazine/autoloader.
Thus, by my reckoning, an autoloader already exists; if one wants
extra missiles, simply expand the magazine. Otherwise, yes, after you've
fired 3 missiles you have to load by hand.

The alternative...

all 3 missiles are on a rack. I'm don't like this idea much, because it allows
one to fire all 3 off at the same time.
er... are we talking t20 here?

if so.. this is what the THB says:

page 270 under Ship's Ordnance and storage

"Missile Magasine: ...installed alongside the turret...can hold up to 20 missiles... usually armoured (ar 1)...."

Hope this helps.
Sorry for not giving enough info. I'm running CT. Three missiles per magazine is fine, but how much do missiles cost for reloads in an existing launcher?
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:
Sorry for not giving enough info. I'm running CT. Three missiles per magazine is fine, but how much do missiles cost for reloads in an existing launcher?
CT Book 2 says missiles cost Cr5000 each (and weigh 50 kg). That's for an explosive warhead.

T20 adds nuclear missiles (Cr 50,000) and bomb-pumped laser missiles (Cr. 75,000).
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:
Sorry for not giving enough info. I'm running CT. Three missiles per magazine is fine, but how much do missiles cost for reloads in an existing launcher?
CT Book 2 says missiles cost Cr5000 each (and weigh 50 kg). That's for an explosive warhead.

T20 adds nuclear missiles (Cr 50,000) and bomb-pumped laser missiles (Cr. 75,000).
</font>[/QUOTE]Thanks for the info! only 50 grand for a nuke? That seems pretty cheap to me...especially for the rule in striker that any unauthorized force using nuclear weapons would invoke the wrath of the Imperium and would be beaten into something resembling a wet prune
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
CT Book 2 says missiles cost Cr5000 each (and weigh 50 kg). That's for an explosive warhead.

T20 adds nuclear missiles (Cr 50,000) and bomb-pumped laser missiles (Cr. 75,000).
Thanks for the info! only 50 grand for a nuke? That seems pretty cheap to me...especially for the rule in striker that any unauthorized force using nuclear weapons would invoke the wrath of the Imperium and would be beaten into something resembling a wet prune
</font>[/QUOTE]The cost assumes that you are authorized/licensed to actually purchase the item at retail cost.

For the Imperial Navy, buying a million missiles as reserve ordinance for the Deneb Depot Fleet from the manufacturer, the per-missile cost is Cr. 50,000.

For Joe Merchant, trying to pick up a single warhead as a little something special for when/if Mac Corsair says, "Take no prisoners," it's going to cost a whole hell of a lot more, especially since he doesn't want there to be any paper trail that Concerned Imperial Law Enforcement Personnel might find.

In those cases, I'd say the cost would be at least an order-of-magnitude greater (add a couple of zeroes to the tail-end of the price). Makes the prospect of salvaging derelict military ships mighty interesting, doesn't it?

Simon Jester