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Relay Station


SOC-14 1K
Here is something for color in a high population system
A slightly fudged LBB2 design
Name: Relay Station #1
Type: Communications Relay Station
Mass Production Cost: MCr302.7
Construction time: 10 months
Configuration: 2 level cylinder
Hull: 150 Tons (unstreamlined)
Maneuver Drive: Navigation thrusters only
Power Plant: A
Fuel: 5 tons
Ship's Computer: Four Model 7 Computers (capacity 20/50 each) with 25+ tons of Communications equipment and sensors.
Ship's Accommodations: 5 staterooms, 1 lounge (8 tons)
The relay station requires a minimum crew of 4:
3 communications engineers
1 pilot/power systems engineer
Vehicles: 1 launch
Cargo Capacity: 20 tons
Available Hardpoints: 1
Mounted Turrets: 1 triple turret(s),
Mounted Weapons: 2 beam lasers, 1 sandcaster(s)

This is a long duration manned relay station designed to facilitate long range communications and provide maintenance and support for other unmanned communications stations.
Nice design, are you planning to create deck plans as well?

Oh, and I think that Solar Panels would be quite fitting here as a long-term power plant in addition to the backup Power Plant-A.
Nice design, are you planning to create deck plans as well?
Yes, it is for an adventure in two weeks!

Oh, and I think that Solar Panels would be quite fitting here as a long-term power plant in addition to the backup Power Plant-A.
Addem if you want. It is designed to operate anywhere in the system. You could also run the basic life support functions with the P.P. on the launch.

I am also going to add a LBB8 “robot” brain to coordinate the big mainframes and other devious purposes.
Communications is only one function . . .
The other is that of a listing post. IMTU when a ship exits jumpspace there is a short, unique burst of EM radiation all up and down the spectrum. This solar system has hundreds small sensor buoys in their system that are constantly “listening” for suspicious jump bursts in the outer system. The dozen or so relay stations collect the data analyze it then transmit it to the local SDBs in real time. One of the objectives will be to somehow disable the early warning capabilities of the station without drawing attention to the fact it is out of service.
So I guess I shoud get off my butt and post my OWP (Orbital Weapons Platform) which is a smaller and nastier version of this (using FF&S-1 for sensors and FF&S-2 for the rest)

The problem with FF&S solar panels is that they are actually more expensive, bulkier and higher maintenance than a nuclear plant!

Scott Martin
here is the book 8 stuff . . .
The Cordis TLD329DL

The Cordis line was originally designed for Stage I and II colonial operations to serve as the heart of a nascent colonial internet while supervising the critical power/water/atmospheres functions of a new colony complex. With synaptic processing and storage the Cordis TLD series is self upgrading and can actually grow as your needs grow. Contact your Naasirka representative for a demonstration of what Cordis can do for you.

Cordis-TLD329DL Master Computer
Designed by Kurega Gikur, produced by Naasirka.
Core Operations and Resources Distribution Information System
320A0-00-LS3213-329D(L) Cr1,211,325 80 kg
Battery Backup 1 hour TL=13
10/25 (mesh)
81.6 l
1 basic sensor package, 1 voder

1 power interface, 1 brain interface,
1 program interface
1 master unit

1 flat video display
1 holo display (3D)

electronic circuit protection

(As programmed for Relay Station 1)
Pilot-1, Navigaor-4
Ship's Boat-1, Gunnery-2, Electronic-2, Mechanical-2, Engineering-2, Gravitics-2, Communications-4
Forward Observer-4
Cargo Handling-1, Emotion Simulation