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Refresh my memory


I've been away from these boards awhile (and my memory isn't what it used to be), so please refresh my memory on what kind of system is T5 going to use when/if it gets published. I have a vague recollection that it was to be close to T4 task resolution (but without half-dice) and use character generation much like CT/MT (i.e. rolling on cher.gen. tables for skills etc.). Am I correct or not?

I'd hope the task res. be closer to MT than T4, but that's just me. In MT the emphasis was on skills (which is good!) and its task resolution system was simple and "powerful". I'd like more player input in character generation (e.g. skills are purchased not rolled), but not necessarily a full character design system (i.e. completely points-based). The combat system was MT's weakness (as, no doubt, many have said before me) and T5 would need one built from the scratch. Something relatively simple, but still reasonably realistic (i.e. a character cannot take an assault rifle burst in the chest and continue like nothing happened but the resolution of a combat round does not take ages nor require countless tables or such). Heh, that's the Holy Grail of combat systems for me.

Also, has there been any word on what era is T5 going to be in?

P.S. Sorry, if this has been discussed at lenght recently, but I'm too lazy to do a search as it takes forever (at least on my archaic 56k modem).
T5 playtest rules (PDFs) are at: http://www.traveller5.com

Marc wants playtesters to try out the drafts and send him their thoughts about it. Print 'em out, get some paper, pencil, and dice, roll up a couple characters, try a few tasks, and let him know.

Also, if you're the perfectionist type, send him references to typos, such as references to the half die.

Also, send him suggestions (why not?), such as if you'd like the task system integrated into chargen.

T5 is based on T4, with lots of surgery performed on it. A minor example: the half die is gone, but if you want to try something impossible you're going to have to cannibalize Yahtzee *and* Risk. (You can see the T4.1 influence in the task section because the vestigal Half Die Task System is still there).

A nice feature of the playtest rules is that there is a (currently wrong) probability table in the task resolution section, to permit *very* easy mapping to other task systems.

Another nice feature of the playtest rules is that there is a "quick chargen" system integrated into the chargen system, which allows players to construct their character quickly and select skills appropriately. An undocumented feature of the chargen system is that, with one skill level granted per year, a Very Quick chargen system is possible by choosing one skill level per year served. Bam, boom, done.

The task/skill playtest rules suggest that combat is now fully integrated with the task system. Whatever that means. Does that mean that all combat actions are now tasks?

As far as can tell, the core rules seem to be milieu-free. There are rumors about a sourcebook set in year 200 of the Imperium, and Marc Miller's 'wish list' includes sourcebooks for all kinds of milieux, including the Far Far Far Future.
Errrr, either MWM didn't get rid of the half-die entirely, or there are two difficulty levels both at 3D and the probability table is wrong (still 2½D).
difficulties are linear... 1 to 6 dice
Difficulty Level Dice Code
Easy (usually automatic)
Easy (with S+C < 6) 1D
Average 2D
Difficult 3D
Formidable 3D
Staggering 4D
Hopeless 5D
Impossible 6D
Difficulty levels may be increased by hasty or decreased
by cautious tasks. When characteristic plus skill is less than
6, roll for resolution of the task.
from page 45 of the skills and tasks draft.

Some skills list 2.5d for difficult. I think the end result will be shoving impossible to 7D... as is shown on page 38 of same:
Difficulty Level Dice Code
Easy (usually automatic)
Easy (with Default skill) 1D
Average 2D
Difficult 3D
Formidable 4D
Staggering 5D
Hopeless 6D
Impossible 7D
Difficulty levels may be increased by hasty or decreased
by cautious tasks.
When Easy Tasks Can Fail: When the sum of the skill
level and the associated characteristic is less than 6, even
an Easy task can fail. Rolling for resolution of the task
reflects that even Easy tasks can fail for a character with
very low skill and characteristic.
Oh, then there are 59 references to Formidable (3D) and 13 to Staggering (4D) that need correcting&#133;
Avery seems to have forgotten how to so a search and replace.... ;)

yeah, I'd noticed that. The second table matches another location, as well,
Originally posted by Aramis:
Avery seems to have forgotten how to so a search and replace.... ;)

yeah, I'd noticed that. The second table matches another location, as well,
The whole task system thing is kind of a mess.

If you go by the Universal Task Format at the back it makes a lot more sense, makes the "This is Hard" rules tougher and makes the whole thing a lot more playable.

Now all the he needs to do is provide simple examples of how to make convert it to a roll high and it is not perfect but very livable.

Roll-under, I think, is so a task roll can be compared against a target like a PCs characteristics. If the task roll is under the players' Education, blah blah. At first glance, it seems to me to require less math (I can find the area under a curve, but I'm terrible with simple addition and subtraction).

In that respect, it's a test of skill against risk, the higher number winning. The player's foe is quite obviously the dice (and hopefully not the referee).
Yes, but having bonuses with negative numbers and penalties with a plus in front&#133; it is awkward.

on that bonus and penalty thing, I think the key is to state them as mods to the target number rather than the dice, and you then wind up with + for benfit and - for penalty. Just like in WFRP, FASATrek, and several others.
I know... I've groused about it on Traveller5.com

I understand his reasons. I disagree with them.