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Questions about those "other" T20 releases.



I admit to being the new guy here, so I'll start out by giving my humble apologies for anything I might screw up in this posting and/or rocking the boat in general.

I do have a couple of questions in regards to "other" Traveller T20 releases.

First off I have tracked the message boards enough to see that a PDF release will also be offered. Yeah! I assume you will have an announcement when this comes about? I think many of us realize the handiness of being able to have such a document on our GMing laptop.

Secondly, what about this resource?
T20 - Ley Sector: Delta Quadrant
Author: James Maliszewski
Release Date: June 2002
Manuscript Due Date: April 2002
A Traveller sourcebook covering 64 worlds within the Delta Quadrant of Ley Sector!

I realize that the last thing you want to do is publish this BEFORE the core book, but what is its new release date? Or at least tentative release date?

I think it would be really slick if it was offered only weeks after the core book, or even at the same time! It would definitely help those just starting up a campaign and get others to jump right in with older campaigns.

Originally posted by Goose:

I think it would be really slick if it was offered only weeks after the core book, or even at the same time! It would definitely help those just starting up a campaign and get others to jump right in with older campaigns.

Well, all I can say is "If they both came out the same day, I'd buy them both THE SAME DAY."

By the way Hunter, about upping the page count and price - GOOD MOVE! Here in Americia we say "More is better!"
We are working on a revised release schedule based on our current realities (i.e. T20 is late as hell). As soon as we have it hashed out I'll get it post.
