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PC modifies his Yacht (T20)


I am about to start a T20 campaign, and one of my players, a Noble, rolled up a Yacht as a material benefit.

He decided to modify the yacht, and his note to me about the modifications is listed below.

I do have a couple of questions about the Yacht. I searched on the web for some Yacht deckplans, but did't find any that corresponded to a Type Y standard Yacht. Anybody know of any deckplans for this vessel?

Secondly, I note that the T20 Type Y is streamlined, and much more expensive than the CT Yacht. Any particular reason for this? Are there enough discrepencies to make it a different sort of vehicle altogether?

Here's the player's notes. Questions and comments would be greatly welcome.

1) Sell 'Ships Boat' from the Yacht
Base Price New - 30,362,000cr
90% of this price - 27,325,800cr
50% of the 90% price - 13,662,900cr (half of the used sales price is a great 'dicking' by you!) <grin!>

2) Establish an escrow account that automatically pays the yacht's monthly note for the next 2 years (24 payments)
Yacht Price New - 74,306,000cr
90% of this price - 66,875,400cr
1/240th of above - 278,647.5 (278,648cr per month)
2 Years (24) of above payments - 6,687,540cr
1% Finance Fees for the establishment of this escrow account - 66,876cr (More 'dicking'!!!)

3) Upgrade yacht computer system/programs with funds from Ships Boat sale
Assumption #1: Yacht is a TL9 vessel, I assumed a TL11 computer would be ok?
Assumption #2: I took no credit for the Model/1 computer that came with the yacht - eh, I'm a noble and it's only money!
Synaptic Core x 12,000 1,800,000cr
Low Autonomous Logic 11,000cr (Includes Low Basic & High Basic Logic - 17PP)
Full Verbal Command 6,500cr (Includes Limited Verbal & Basic Verbal - 17PP)
Synaptic Storage (20k XP) 5,000cr (Computer will acquire 10% XP while adventuring!)
Library Data Module 3,000cr (+2 PC 'Gather Info' checks; +4 Computer's EDU; 1PP)
Language Modules 4,000cr (Vilani [native], Galanglic, Zdetl, Irilitok - 15PP)
Personality Interface (16 CHR) 80,000cr (1PP)
Programs - Auto/Evade 5,000cr (1PP)
ECM 4,000cr (3PP)
Anti-Hijack 1,000cr (1PP)
Generate 8,000cr (1PP)
Jump Plan-3 400,000cr (37PP - functions as 23PP, yacht only capable of Jump-1)
Skill Ranks - 20 20,000cr (20PP)
Auxillary Dynamic Control 2,000cr (Master Stateroom)
Antique Fuzzy Dice on Bridge 500cr
Voder x15 18,000cr (Voice output - 1 in each stateroom, plus common area)
Total Cost: 2,368,000cr

Computer Stats:
Model E/5 155 Processor Points (100PP used - see programs, modules, etc above)
INT 11 (limited by tech level)
EDU 14 (INT<10 [+2], Library Data Module [+4], Per 4 Skill Programs [+5], Single Skill>5 [+1], 3 or More Skills>5 [+2}
T/Communications 5 (7) T/Sensors 5 (7)
K/Interstellar Law 2 (4) K/Imperial History 2 (4)
K/Current Events 1 (3) Pilot 5 (5)

4) Armor the Yacht
Base Armor Volume = 2 (Pg 235 - 200ton)
Assuming TL9 vessel must use TL9 armor x4 Multiplier (Table, Pg 236)
Double First Layer of Armor (+1 Vessel AR): 16 vl (Cost: 3,000cr + 9 per vl = 3144cr)
Additional Layers (+1 ea) 8 vl (Cost: 3,000cr + 9 per vl = 3072cr)
+8 AR costs 24,576cr
Vessel AR 19 - total project cost: 27,720cr

Money remaining in Taka's personal account:

Points to consider, as a Gamemaster:
This gives you another NPC (ship's computer) to introduce info/plot hooks/etc.
It allows us to "forget" about ship payments for the first two years of game play
It allows "seed money" for the other players (weapons, armor, land vehicles, etc)
It allows our vehicle to survive space combat, but not engage (no weapons on ship!)
I can spend more money if you don't want me starting with 4.5Mcr!!

Additional Note: I am considering aging the vehicle by another 10-20 years to reduce the outstanding note.
Those are some pretty reasonable changes to ask for. i don't have my rule book handy, so I'll assume all your prices are correct for the ships boat and computer.

The whole armour thing looks off to me.

You seem to be mixing vehical armour with Starship armour. At TL 9 AR+8 would cost 7.2Mcr and weigh 72 tonns. TL 11 would be 5.4 and 54 respectively. Even at TL15 it would be 1.8 and 18 tonnes

The only other thing I am unsure of is whether or not armor can be added as an aftermarket accesseory. My gut tells my there would have to be a premium both in cost and is space used. That is if you allow it at all.
I didn't check the numbers on the upgrades, they may be off or not.

Originally posted by JavaApp:
...Anybody know of any deckplans for this vessel?
The best I know of online, truest to the CT type Y mini and stats, is by Walt Smith. You can find it on his site here:

Type Y Deckplans and Write-up

It may not exactly fit the T20 version though, which leads to your next question.

Originally posted by JavaApp:
Secondly, I note that the T20 Type Y is streamlined, and much more expensive than the CT Yacht. Any particular reason for this? Are there enough discrepencies to make it a different sort of vehicle altogether?
In my opinion the T20 Yacht is very much different from the CT version.

Not just the streamlining but the huge cargo space too. This should mostly be treated as custom luxury space in my opinion. This isn't a trader it's a palace. Make most of it a garden, or recreation space, or personal clinic, or whatever.

The CT version also carried enough fuel for two Jumps, which would eat up some of that cargo space and make the design much closer in spirit and function. Don't forget, no fuel purifier or scoops.

Originally posted by JavaApp:
Here's the player's notes. Questions and comments would be greatly welcome.

1) Sell 'Ships Boat' from the Yacht
Base Price New - 30,362,000cr
90% of this price - 27,325,800cr
50% of the 90% price - 13,662,900cr (half of the used sales price is a great 'dicking' by you!) <grin!>

Makes sense, IF the ship is streamlined (which the T20 version is) and IF the player is going for something other than a Noble Playboy just hanging out, like maybe he's thinking of using the space for cargo trading? The thing is I'd make the space left not terrible useful or safe without a major refits (annual maintenance cost for the volume of the hull and 1 week). No way I'd allow it to be used as quarters without that, and for cargo in any case I'd probably make it half wasted space. For fuel bladders or tanks to increase range, no problem, just buy them and drop them in.

He might miss that ship's boat though, it's fast and small. But that's his call.

Originally posted by JavaApp:

3) Upgrade yacht computer system/programs with funds from Ships Boat sale
Assumption #1: Yacht is a TL9 vessel, I assumed a TL11 computer would be ok?
Assumption #2: I took no credit for the Model/1 computer that came with the yacht - eh, I'm a noble and it's only money!
In my TU he'd be limited to TL9 (model/3 components) without a major system refit (annual overhaul cost again, based on the price of the old bridge, computer, commo, and sensors systems,and 1 week) to upgrade them to interface with the new tech level. And it would be limited to the same volume as the orginal model/1.

Originally posted by JavaApp:
4) Armor the Yacht
This is tricky. Again I'd probably require a major refit (this time the annual maintenance cost of the hull and 1 week again). And the volume of the armor would come out of the fuel volume, so that lost fuel volume would have to be made up somewhere, like maybe the cargo hold or empty boat bay.

I see no reason to limit it to TL9 though, except in MTU the higher TL shipyards are harder for civilians to access. A Noble in MTU can expect to have access to TL14 shipbuilding and repair while regular citizens are limited to TL12 and only the Imperial Forces and Mega-Corps have TL15.

Originally posted by JavaApp:
Points to consider, as a Gamemaster:
This gives you another NPC (ship's computer) to introduce info/plot hooks/etc.
It allows us to "forget" about ship payments for the first two years of game play
It allows "seed money" for the other players (weapons, armor, land vehicles, etc)
It allows our vehicle to survive space combat, but not engage (no weapons on ship!)
I can spend more money if you don't want me starting with 4.5Mcr!!

Additional Note: I am considering aging the vehicle by another 10-20 years to reduce the outstanding note.
All excellent points. Really the bottom line is the game has to be fun, and this sounds not only fun but reasonably thought out and not an attempt to munchkinize the yacht. I'd probably go along with almost all of it myself if the ref.
Originally posted by far-trader:
...this sounds not only fun but reasonably thought out and not an attempt to munchkinize the yacht. I'd probably go along with almost all of it myself if the ref.
What an intelligent assessment! Fair, balanced, unbiased, absolutely... uh, who am I? Oh... I'm the player in JavaApps game that came up with the yacht modifications in the first place!! <grin!>

My whole point in doing so was to make it playable and fun. When my Noble received his yacht, at first glance it was "saddling a player with a 279,000cr monthly note" and nothing more.

So I immediately began looking for ways to meet that note and still play to the background history our GM had given us... sure, we could just end up hauling cargo to Amber/Red zone worlds (the equivalent of turning tricks in the tavern in a D&D game!)

Unload the ships boat and make the yacht actually usable with some upgrades. Besides, who needs a ships boat? Just land the yacht where ever we'll be adventuring (sets up the classic scene of a running gunfight to the starport then blasting off in your ship.) Put in a big, intelligent, voice controlled computer so the GM can feed us plot hooks and scenario hints... and the same computer can pilot/astrogate if my Noble takes a round. Armor the hell outa the thing, but mount no weapons... I want to survive a few shots in a space combat but not engage (I mean, come on - its a yacht!!)

Because I didn't take any monetary credit for the computer that was replaced, that "fudge factored" any differences or missed fees that would go with such an upgrade (like putting a TL11 computer where a TL5 computer had been.)

I'm not sure about the armor weight/volume. I do know that I've got the space of a 30-ton ships boat, but was going to ignore that gain (more fudge factoring) and just stick to the original cargo space. I think that's fair.

Thanks for the critique, citizens!! Now, any ideas how this Noble can earn a few Mcr with his fancy yacht?! (Flying Psi Institute!!)
Originally posted by txnetwolf:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by far-trader:
...this sounds not only fun but reasonably thought out and not an attempt to munchkinize the yacht. I'd probably go along with almost all of it myself if the ref.
What an intelligent assessment! Fair, balanced, unbiased, absolutely... uh, who am I? Oh... I'm the player in JavaApps game that came up with the yacht modifications in the first place!! <grin!></font>[/QUOTE]I scored points with the player
The ref's gonna hate me

Originally posted by txnetwolf:
My whole point in doing so was to make it playable and fun. When my Noble received his yacht, at first glance it was "saddling a player with a 279,000cr monthly note" and nothing more.

So I immediately began looking for ways to meet that note and still play to the background history our GM had given us... sure, we could just end up hauling cargo to Amber/Red zone worlds (the equivalent of turning tricks in the tavern in a D&D game!)
Well played! Though I've not heard the turning tricks in a tavern analogy before that sums it up nicely.

Originally posted by txnetwolf:
Unload the ships boat and make the yacht actually usable with some upgrades. Besides, who needs a ships boat? Just land the yacht where ever we'll be adventuring (sets up the classic scene of a running gunfight to the starport then blasting off in your ship.)
Oh there could be times you'd like to have it but I agree in general and it does give you some liquidity to make the changes you want.

To both you and the ref, don't forget that if selling the boat though there are still payments to be made on it. In fact, in the real world you'd have to payout the mortgage on it before you could sell it on, or arrange for the new owner to take over the payments. It wouldn't be hard but you might not realize as much value on the deal as you thought. Again, I didn't take the time to check the numbers, sorry.

Originally posted by txnetwolf:
Now, any ideas how this Noble can earn a few Mcr with his fancy yacht?! (Flying Psi Institute!!)
That's a good one right there

Maybe a travelling high stakes casino for marks, er, other Nobles

Or there's always the diplomacy service.

Or an elite bodyguard/micro-merc outfit specializing in high-class transport of VIPs from world to world. That's one where the ship's boat would be handy.

Or a high tech mobile hospital/research lab for the ultra rich wanting the latest in anagathic treatments, or cybernetic enhancements, or whatever. Another one where the boat might be an asset, as an ambulance/patient transport.

It'll all depend on the players' talents and interests.
Originally posted by far-trader:
To both you and the ref, don't forget that if selling the boat though there are still payments to be made on it. In fact, in the real world you'd have to payout the mortgage on it before you could sell it on, or arrange for the new owner to take over the payments. It wouldn't be hard but you might not realize as much value on the deal as you thought. Again, I didn't take the time to check the numbers, sorry.
No prob... thanks for the feedback. On the Ships Boat, I computed 90% of it's "New Sale" price (its used) then took half of that as what I realized from it's sale. The price is still part of the monthly note, I just... uh... took some equity out of my loan!! <grin!>
Yep, had a look at the numbers after I posted and it looks good, even generously sold with the 50% off. I see no problem there at all, it'd probably be a very quick easy sale at that discount.
txnetwolf wrote:

Now, any ideas how this Noble can earn a few Mcr with his fancy yacht?! (Flying Psi Institute!!)

Dan's are great examples. There's also the "dark side"...
The "Transporter" comes to mind..(smuggling small tonnage, high yield cargoes)

of course that gets you into MoJ's books with guaranteed interstellar flight charges..
@you could use the yacht for charity work (make a wish foundation, e.g.)

@Organize your own entertainment Tri-Vid show "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous"...

@Patronize the arts--give transport to famous entertainers rock bands, and Imperial glitterati..

just some more ideas..(and adventure hooks)
Get yourself a higher Nobel Patron and become his troubleshooter. I'm sure the Duke needs a few of you flying around keeping things working smoothly (on the QT of course).
Plankowner--as in those Tri-Vee shows:

@"All the Duke's Sophonts"-mini series of one Duke's Cloak-room chaps doing such QT work.

@"Alias Shugaash & Jhones"-- a pair of former disgraced minor Nobles, now pardoned working for the Sector Duke, trouble is, the rest of the Sector doesn't know about the pardons..
:eek: :D ;)
Or, perhaps, my favorite

@It takes a Thieving Noble A known, but hitherto untouched, Noble thief now secretly steals secrets for the Sector Duke's Intelligence section.
Actually, what about safaris to non-Imperium space for rich non-nobles who like to rub elbows?

Might need to recruit another
noble or two to help. Preferably a pretty one. :D
you could use the yacht for charity work (make a wish foundation, e.g.)"

And use that as a disguise for:

"Get yourself a higher Nobel Patron and become his troubleshooter. I'm sure the Duke needs a few of you flying around keeping things working smoothly (on the QT of course)."

Or for performing Industral esponage,

Or ...

I am sure there dozens of things it could be a cover for.
Originally posted by BillDowns:
Or, perhaps, my favorite

@It takes a Thieving Noble A known, but hitherto untouched, Noble thief now secretly steals secrets for the Sector Duke's Intelligence section.
Is there any other kind?
:eek: :D ;)
Several other tri Vee shows, Mr Downs may recall:

"Iridium Stihl"--Mixed Vilani Humaniti minor Noble masquerades/ slums as a Corporate Private detective...

"Gushemege-Five Oh"--Another series of the Duke's Cloakroom chaps, with a Sector flavor.. :cool:

"Gauss P.I."-- Disnherited ne'er do well second son of a Minor Noble babysits the yacht for a wealthy writer in his tour for story ideas across the Marches..mayhem follows.. :D

"Spinward Exposure"--After accepting Imperial grants for education, a noble-born Dr from Core Sector is imperilled, impugned, and perplexed by the Marches mores and lifestyles on the backward planet of Hefry. :eek:

Just to name a few...
How about Barbary Stars - a less then reputable Subsector agent pursuades a less then reputable Nobleman running a gambling/bordello establishment to assist in information collection.

:D I guess that one's more income for ham actors than Noblemen, hmmm