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Questions about the Chinese Arm


I seem to reading somewhere thatn the Manchurians prefer to keep their arm to themselves and don't much care for all of the intrusions of Texans, Mexicans, Argentines, etc. Does anyone remember where you can find that?

One thing I do IM23U is that the Manchurians, since the 2280s, have heavily subsidizing settlement by smaller countries (e.g., Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Palestine, Chile) of Chengdu in exchange for those countries agreeing to never settle another planet along the Chinese Arm (as a way to circumvent the Melbourne Accords, which the current government does not like). This has made Chengdu IM23U a much more cosmopolitan planet (almost as Cosmopolitan as Tirane) and has allowed the Beijing government to have a lot of influence on Earth, as it is always fostering colonial ambitions by smaller countries.

In addition, these small countries - as a political play at home - establish their Stellar Navys - often with very, very third-rate equipment, but nevertheless you can encounter elements of the Chilean Navy (two -very- light frigates) out there among the stars.
Originally posted by Rodina:
I seem to reading somewhere thatn the Manchurians prefer to keep their arm to themselves and don't much care for all of the intrusions of Texans, Mexicans, Argentines, etc. Does anyone remember where you can find that?

One thing I do IM23U is that the Manchurians, since the 2280s, have heavily subsidizing settlement by smaller countries (e.g., Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Palestine, Chile) of Chengdu in exchange for those countries agreeing to never settle another planet along the Chinese Arm (as a way to circumvent the Melbourne Accords, which the current government does not like). This has made Chengdu IM23U a much more cosmopolitan planet (almost as Cosmopolitan as Tirane) and has allowed the Beijing government to have a lot of influence on Earth, as it is always fostering colonial ambitions by smaller countries.

In addition, these small countries - as a political play at home - establish their Stellar Navys - often with very, very third-rate equipment, but nevertheless you can encounter elements of the Chilean Navy (two -very- light frigates) out there among the stars.
I think the insurality it in the Han Shan (Cold Mountain) colony. It's definately somewhere stated that Manchuria has less resources dedicated to the colonies somewhere.

Also, there's an argument about the Manchu population at the moment. The ECS appears to have an extra zero, and the Manchu population (including Korea and Tibet) should be 271 million, not 2.7 billion (IRL population of the area that is "Manchuria", including Korea etc. is ~300 million)
